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Sergey Bezrukov Theater

Feedbacks from viewers
Natali was 22 march on Pushkin.

The performance is velekolepny, I visited during the life of Pushkin. Bezrukov Sergey is talented, I dreamed of visiting his performance, and I am fascinated by everything!

Vasilisa was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Loved it

Aleksandr was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Breathtakingly, was the second time, I want to look again and again!

Visitor was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Vigorously. Script clarification is allowed.

Mariya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

I remain deeply impressed by the acting talent of Bezrukov and his Yesenin mystery, The Confession of a Hooligan. He did not just read one of the best poems, "The Black Man," or even play, but lived through a tragedy on the stage. He lived so brilliantly, with such a scale of splitting and splitting of the personality, that the entire Kremlin hall was then silent in numbness from what he heard and saw. The format of the production itself was brilliantly conceived: a symphony orchestra, Russian romances, nightingales and little heads, dashing tavern dances, Uzbek steppe motifs, a Caucasian duduk, swing and tango, duane, folk singing, all this mixed music reflected the fast and bright life of Esenin and Esenin. the madness that was created in his soul, confession as it is. Very, I highly recommend to all poetry lovers, if not to go, then at least to listen to Besenuk’s performance on Yesenin’s youtube

Mariya was 14 september on Pushkin.

I really liked the performance, simply unmatched! After him, I want to exclaim "I love Pushkin" (in every sense of the word;) and run after the complete collected works !!

Natal`ya was 15 march on Bully. Confession

Thank you very much. Loved it! Great performance. To tears))

Ekaterina was 05 april on Bully. Confession

The play on the strain, brilliant game, amazing energy, harmonious music and choreography! Feeling of a sinking heart and frost on the skin!

Aleksey was 05 april on Bully. Confession

This is genius!!! 2 hours in one breath (sometimes even with bated breath). Sergey plays (no, he lives!) In the image of Yesenin. It’s like a time machine - we were transported to the beginning of the 20th century for 2 hours and were at a live performance of Yesenin !!!

Larisa was 22 march on Pushkin.

Awesome performance! Bravo Bezrukov! Many thanks to all the artists for the holiday!

Elena was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Awesome performance! Sergey played perfectly, while reading the “Black Man” frost ran over the skin. Very talented actor, charming. The theater is very beautiful, I want to return there more than once. Thank!

Anna was 15 may on Bully. Confession

Thank you so much for the pleasure! Sergey Bezrukov is talented! The troupe is great!

Natal`ya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

In turn, I would like to thank the S. Bezrukov Theater for such a truly worthy event. I would like to see more performances of a similar emotional intensity and professional elaboration on the stages of Russian theaters and concert halls. Although, probably, this is impossible, since the theatrical performance of such a level requires complete commitment and immersion. Thank you so much for a wonderful evening of presenting authentic art!

Natal`ya was 05 april on Bully. Confession

I liked it very much ... Before the chills))

Leonid was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Very very cool! !!!!

Viktoriya was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Bezrukov was great !! Bright performance, strong emotions! Liked the dancers and singing girls!

Svetlana was 14 september on Pushkin.

Good afternoon. I express my deep gratitude for the excellent play and the production of the play "Pushkin", especially to the talent of S. Bezrukov. The performance looked the same breath. Bravo!

Viktoriya was 15 march on Bully. Confession

We really liked the sea of emotions and the charge of a positive mood! Thanks you!

Ol`ga was 03 october on Bully. Confession

All is well

Ekaterina was 17 january on Bully. Confession

Gorgeous performance, forced to cry and at the same time laugh! I have never experienced such emotions. There are no remarks on the play, only admiration !!! Thank you bigbilet for their service!

Mariya was 18 may on Pushkin.

Sergey Bezrukov is a brilliant actor. Four hours in one breath. A meaningful, exciting, emotional performance with a good amount of humor.

Anna was 14 september on Pushkin.

This is a highly professional work of the director and actors! Genius plays genius! My 15-year-old daughter changed her attitude to the works of Pushkin! They became interesting to her! We are delighted with the performance!

Anton was 15 february on Pushkin.

Thank! I liked everything very much.

Alexandra was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Amazing performance! Were very satisfied, we recommend everyone!

Alla55 was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Superb I admire the talent of Sergei Bezrukoaaa. He does not play, he lives .... enough for the soul ... nude nerve. Bravo !!!

Mira was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Thank you very much, delighted with goosebumps !!!!

Anna was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Awesome staging, Bezrukov as always on top, loved the ballet and vocals, I am delighted, I want to look again !!!

Mariya was 19 april on Pushkin.

First and foremost, I liked it! Highly. And it is absolutely impossible to say that the whole performance rests on Sergei, all the actors play beautifully. For myself, I couldn’t decide: the film shows are an interesting directorial find or some kind of “quick work”)) The duration of the performance did not bother me, I didn’t even notice how the time had passed. But here are the people sitting in front of me, left an hour before the end. And not because they were not interested, but because an elderly woman simply could no longer sit. Summarizing, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in the creation of this play. Separate bravo Bezrukov Sergey, Pushkin he turned out lively, charismatic

Verv was 22 march on Pushkin.

Terrific, fascinating, imperceptibly flew 4 hours! She was in love with Pushkin's work, now she is in love with Bezrukova, played superbly!

Irina was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Shock bordering on insanity! Explosion! Nerve! Bravo!

Visitor was 15 march on Bully. Confession

Thank you for the wonderful specter! Bezrukov is incomparable!

Dina was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Bezrukov Theater is beyond praise!

Anastasiya was 21 february on Bully. Confession

Decent performance! thank

Galina was 13 september on Bully. Confession

Chic performance !!! BRAVO! My husband and I are delighted! in one breath 2 hours without intermission! I advise everyone!

Mariya was 25 october on Pushkin.

Was on this "performance" in the Moscow provincial theater 10.25.2014. Disappointment. A very unpleasant aftertaste remained in my soul, as if I had been bathing in mud for four hours. After this “action” you want to stand under the shower for a long time, washing away the “impressions”. A dirty, endless soap opera. Incompetent, absurd ugly. Sorry for the time spent. Only for fans of Sergei Bezrukov ...

Lyaysan was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Touches for the soul to tears. Good job

Uliya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

October 3, the birthday of the poet Sergei Yesenin, had the great fortune to attend the 100th play "Hooligan" The performance is amazing !!!!!! A gift to all lovers of creativity of two talented people. His Majesty the Genius! God bless you, health, Actor-Sergey Bezrukov!

Ol`ga was 14 september on Pushkin.

We are delighted! Thank you very much to the actors and the whole creative team !!! The performance was awesome!

Oksana was 22 march on Pushkin.

Thank you very much! Loved it)))

Il`ya was 19 april on Pushkin.

Wonderful play of actors, excellent organization of the event !!! True to some difficult to sit in one place for 4 hours!))

Tatiana was 16 november on Bully. Confession

We are delighted! We are waiting for new productions, and maybe a re-enactment of the enterprise?

Elena was 15 may on Bully. Confession

Loved it. Wonderful acting work S. Bezrukova

Ekaterina was 17 january on Bully. Confession

Awesome performance, not a single comment !!! He made me cry and laugh and think and even feel ashamed !!! I went more than once, and every time I take everything differently !!! THANK!!!!!

Natal`ya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Never before had she been a fan of Yesenin's poetry. For me, schoolgirls - pioneers and Komsomol members, he was just a "bully." Although the beauty of the village Konstantinovo shook me even then, in childhood. Absolutely "accidentally" came to the 100th performance of the Bezrukov Theater at the performance "Yesenin. Hooligan" on October 3, precisely on the birthday of the poet. "Accident" is always programmed. The performance is awesome !!! Music and performance: poems, songs, dances are impressive and fascinating. After such a performance, you begin to understand the poetry and life of Yesenin.

Liya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Thank you very much for the excellent performance, for the created Esenin mood, for the ingenious poetic reading of his poems !!!

Svetlana was 18 may on Pushkin.

I liked it very much: the theater, the production of the play, and the play of the actors !!!

Ol`ga was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Great delight and admiration. A lot of positive. More than once I go to this performance

Alana was 16 november on Bully. Confession

The performance was very good for us, very strong, emotionally, sincere and talented. Looked at one go. Thank you very much!!!

Ivan was 03 october on Bully. Confession

I want to go again, it was very cool, give a discount?)))

Ol`ga was 04 april on Pushkin.

A wonderful play by Vitaly Bezrukov. Magnificent production, directed by Seryozha Bezrukov. A brilliant game not only of Sergei Bezrukov, but of all the participants of the performance. Classics should strive to put it that way. The performance looked the second time. I am delighted. My husband and I left in a great mood. Four hours passed quickly (on some performances and 2 hours it is difficult to hold out. I highly recommend everyone to watch.

Olga was 14 september on Pushkin.

Fascinating, the original production is a great play of the actors great!

Uliya was 22 march on Pushkin.

On March 22, 2014, the play was performed by Pushkin, with Sergei Bezrukov in the lead role. Experienced a lot of positive emotions, a different look at the life and death of the great poet. The whole acting troupe, very delightfully conveyed the mood of those years, the actors harmoniously and realistically showed the life and everyday life of the gentlemen and servants. Sergei "turned out" the soul of reading poetry poet. In the performance, Pushkin’s life was beautifully and plausibly lived, it’s just lived, not played. I recommend everyone to visit, for a long time there will be warm memories and a feeling of immense warmth in everyone’s soul.

Svetlana was 03 october on Bully. Confession

It was at the 100th performance, October 3. Delight indescribable! The one-man show very complements the stage design, the ballet dancers, the ensemble, the screen in the back of the stage, on which large close-ups are projected, thanks to this viewer all the emotions, feelings and emotional agony of the protagonist, who has come to almost madness, are clearly visible. Sergey Bezrukov is a brilliant actor! Really lives its role. Hall applauded standing! I recommend to everyone.

Mariya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Thank you very much! It was great! See you on October 18!)

Natal`ya was 22 november on Pushkin.

On the performance was my son of 15 years and his classmate. Complete delight! Thank you very much for the performance, for instilling in the younger generation a love for the classics and for poetry !!! Watch everyone!

Aleksandr was 16 november on Bully. Confession

We have not been to the theater for a long time ... Mostly cinema, clubs, restaurants, and then we decided to go. A huge amount of positive emotions. Loved it! He knew that Sergey B. was good, but he didn’t even think so. Amazing! With great pleasure I would visit his other performances. Thanks for your work! Alexander and Julia.

Viktor was 13 september on Bully. Confession

Super! Wonderful! Excited! Well done! Thank!

Irina was 19 april on Pushkin.

Original, emotionally, received a positive energy charge. Come again ...!

Nadegda was 19 april on Pushkin.

We liked the play

Andrey was 16 november on Bully. Confession

All perfectly! Sergey Bezrukov is a genius!

Larisa was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Super, very much, but I would like more verses and not songs ....

Svetlana was 06 jule on Pushkin.

Awesome Bezrukov game! In the role of Pushkin, he is great! Of course, there are television inserts, but how else would the performance go for 4 hours? Very positive emotions left!

Aleksandr was 18 may on Pushkin.

Thank you very much, the performance is excellent. The performance is wonderful, the play of the actors is magnificent. S. Bezrukov is truly a national artist!

Evgeniya was 15 february on Pushkin.

Very good performance. S. Bezrukov genius of his time

Tatiana was 18 may on Pushkin.

The performance is extraordinary! Captures its energy! Sergey Bezrukov is great! Many interesting director finds. Thanks for a great evening!

Galina was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Thanks to everyone who allowed us to touch the work of the great poet! Bezrukov well done !!! We are waiting for new meetings!

Vladislav was 15 may on Bully. Confession

Super! Full delight !!!

Visitor was 15 may on Bully. Confession

A powerful presentation on emotion, on the strength of the presentation of the nature of the poems, on the compilation and compilation of genres. Adore the talent of Sergey Bezrukov !!!!! Thank you so much for the piece of happiness received !!!!!

Tat`yana was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Awesome concert. We enjoyed it so much! Sergey Bezrukov exceedingly reads Yesenin's verses! Crazy drive and amazing energy.

Elizaveta was 14 february on Bully. Confession

Went for the second time !!! Awesome performance !! Music, the atmosphere, the game Bezrukov - everything is just magical. Very emotional, interesting !! In general, I advise everyone, everything is just super!

Tat`yana was 15 february on Pushkin.

On February 15, 14g, my husband and daughter, 10 years old, came from Zhukovsky to the performance of Pushkin. The place we had was the 2nd row of mezzanine, we looked through the binoculars, but from there it was perfectly visible how the big Master played. Bezrukov does not play, he lives! I am happy that I was able to see him in the theater! We will definitely come to him again! I recommend the performance to my friends as the best event. Thank you very much, Sergei, God bless you, many of you summer, love!

Vita was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Perfectly!!! Only need to more often broadcast artists on small screens.

Alla55 was 15 march on Bully. Confession

Excellent !! Very fine, elegant. Bravo !!! Emotions going wild))

Natal`ya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Masterpiece performance! Huge positive and energy! Bezrukov is a genius! Bravo!

Elena was 19 april on Pushkin.

I am an unconditional fan of the theatrical creativity of Sergei Bezrukov. The performance "Pushkin" shakes by its depth, multi-layered, properly placed accents. Despite the long duration, it does not seem prolonged, although, in fairness, it should be noted that the public in some places gets a little tired and revives only when Pushkin appears (however, probably, as in life itself). What exactly brings in the dissonance is the discrepancy between the loudness of the movie fragments and the speech of the actors.

Egalka was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Sumptuously! Thank you very much Sergey Bezrukov, he is a wonderful actor! Soon let's go to Pushkin.

Svetlana was 16 november on Bully. Confession


Anora was 15 march on Bully. Confession

Wonderful performance! Plunged into the atmosphere of that time for two hours, forgetting everything!

Elena was 22 march on Pushkin.

A pleasant atmosphere, a wonderful performance, a great play of actors, Bezrukov is beyond praise.

Galina was 18 may on Pushkin.

The performance is excellent, thank you. I am sorry that poor acoustics were in the hall — almost nothing was heard from the 10th row

Nataliya was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Wonderful performance! Let's go again. I recommend to everyone

Sergey was 14 september on Pushkin.

The performance really liked. The first compartment is somewhat prolonged ...

Natal`ya was 18 may on Pushkin.

Awesome performance !!! Thank you very much! We got a lot of fun with a friend!

Valentina was 13 september on Bully. Confession

Alive and real! Bezrukov literally gets used to the role and tells us the tragic story about the fate of S. Esenin. I was at the play with my sixteen-year-old son, he was delighted! I liked everything: songs and dances, but especially the reading of poems and the poem "The Black Man". Thank you so much!

Elena was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Beautiful, high artistic level, performance. Youth delighted. S. Bezrukov many thanks for his role and for the Theater!

Nadegda was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Sergey Bezrukov is a brilliant actor! I will never stop admiring him!

Arseniy was 03 october on Bully. Confession


Tat`yana was 16 november on Bully. Confession

More such performances !!!

Olesya was 18 may on Pushkin.

All at the highest level!!! Many thanks to the beloved actor for the skill !!!

Irina was 15 march on Bully. Confession

The performance is great! Bezrukov is a talent! Holds the hall from start to finish. Ballet and ensemble, and backing vocalists - above all praise! No wonder the applause was about 20 minutes. The artists did not want to let go of the stage, they filled Bezrukova with flowers. True - class!

Anna was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Sergey Bezrukov was at the height, the ballet also liked

Svetlana was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Thank you for the great event! We are delighted !!! Sergey was amazing!

Nataliya was 03 october on Bully. Confession

Excited! Thank you for the performance!

Oksana was 21 february on Bully. Confession

Two geniuses in one performance: Sergey Bezrukov and Sergey Yesenin !!! Be sure to go again.

Svetlana was 03 october on Bully. Confession

The performance really liked. We were the second time, the first time was in 2009 on a small stage, then there was just delight, goosebumps. There is a different atmosphere in the Kremlin, but still great! Although the sound was not perfect, the music drowned out Sergei. But the impression was not spoiled. We follow Sergey's creativity from Tabakerka, watched all his performances. One word - Bravo! Thank you very much for your art!

Oksana was 14 september on Pushkin.

Please accept my sincere thanks for the grand performance and a wonderful evening! The magnificent work of all the actors, Sergey Bezrukov admires ALWAYS! WHAT ENERGY! WHAT A TALENT! THANKS YOU!

Anastasiya was 05 april on Bully. Confession

Loved it! Sergey is an outstanding artist, and his orchestra, dancers and vocalists are very professional !!! Be sure to visit the other performances of the theater.

Nataliya was 16 november on Bully. Confession

Hello, I really liked the performance !!!! I absolutely love it. Sergey is a great fellow !!!!! I love Yesenin, his poems are very close to me. Sergei is just mad, charging energy, goosebumps did not pass all the time while the performance lasted. Experiences were very different from laughter to tears. Poems are my favorite direction in literature and I was pleased !!!!! Thank you very much Serezha !!!!!!! You played this role beautifully!

Evgeniya was 18 may on Pushkin.

Pushkin is a stunning performance, and Sergey Bezrukov is a great actor, thanks to whom the Poet becomes such a close, familiar person. You fully begin to understand his greatness and much more acutely perceive his loss.

Nataliya was 19 april on Pushkin.

I really liked the performance! Bezrukov incomparable! Verzhbitsky as always on top! Despite the duration of the performance, I did not want to leave! Thank you for the pleasure! The child liked everything too.

Only for children
Only adults
115093, Moskva, Pavlovskaya ul., 6
02 h 00 min


Sergey Yesenin. Poet brawler. Poet hooligan. He remained forever a man of mystery, with a tragic fate. Many directors and documentaries tried to uncover his image, lift the veil of secrets of his early death. But no one tried to tell us - who is Sergei Yesenin?

This performance is difficult to limit the scope of the musical-poetic presentation. This performance-mystery is a single, dramaturgically constructed composition about the life of the great poet Sergei Yesenin, composed of his poems and songs based on his poems. Yesenin can not only read - Yesenin can dance, Yesenin can and should sing.

S. BEZRUKOV: “Why is the“ Bully ”? Because that was Yesenin himself - a hooligan. The hooligan's love, the hooligan's confession ... In Russia, people in general are very fond of people who walk along the edge.

These are heroes rather ambiguous, tender, sensual, and sometimes cruel, but the main thing in them is their honesty to themselves. ... I sing and read the lines in the form in which they were created by Sergey Aleksandrovich himself, honestly, without hypocrisy. Yesenin without cuts.

The poet's life - his throwing, heartache, love, poetry - and its tragic outcome in the same breath live the actors on stage and the audience in the hall.

Different poems, different styles, different facets of art are combined in the play to show how different Sergey Yesenin was.

There are rock and percussion songs, and incendiary tango, and lyrical ballads. All this amazing mystery ends up in a piercing ballet monologue.

The sad fate of genius.

See and hear a person when he is long gone? Meet with an extinct star? It is possible! We will see how he was. So beautiful! With disheveled hair, from the wind and impatient touches of female fingers. With the gait of a sleeper, with the same playful squint of sky-blue eyes. Razuhabist dances, the rustle of trees and dull urban suburbs ... He remembers everything! Is it an autumn rain or is his soul crying?

Rowdy and drunkard, brawler and reveler. Incorrigible red tape and a frequenter of street fights. But desperately gentle, conceited and very vulnerable. The bitterness of his fate and the scars of his soul are in his poems. God does not choose whom to give talent. He was and remained a bright star in the sky of Russian poetry.

They found him in a stuffy hotel room. The rope wrapped its neck imperiously. The face twisted from suffocation expressed not pain and suffering, but only an all-consuming melancholy. And a yellowed, crumpled piece of paper with farewell words written in his blood. Of course, in verse.

Sergey Yesenin never played by the rules. Just turned and walked away. What a pity that so early !.


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