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Moscow Drama Theater "Benefit" by A.Nerovnaya

Only for children
Only adults
Колдунья высшего разряда
Purchased earlier: 35
from 400 rubles
Москва, Гарибальди ул., 23 корп.4
01 h 30 min


A musical magical-fantastic extravaganza

Based on English fairy tales

To bring up the mischievous and disobedient cat of Deacon, the sorceress Rigby decided to humanize Scampumpomo's garden scarecrow. Doing good good deeds, Shlyampopo in front of everyone turns into a man. It's funny, but it turns out, even from the scarecrow make a real man easier than to re-educate a hooligan cat!

The heroes of this funny musical fairy tale are going through quite difficult tests. But ... justice triumphs over the victory, and in the final the heroes joyfully dance together with the audience.


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