Про трех отважных поросят3+
The straw house is very beautiful: it is light, it looks like a straw hat. In this summer it's not hot, cozy, and you can immediately see that the owner prefers natural materials!
However, the wooden house is also natural, with oak leaves and apples adorned, a suite of twigs. And in this house, it must be also cozy and good!
Yes, that's just, whatever one may say, they will not protect such houses from wolves! If a wolf comes, it's easy to blow out these houses: that the straw that is wooden, everything will collapse, and the pigs that live in them will remain unprotected!
But the stone house is strong and spacious, it's safe to live in such a house, and three piglets can fit in it. Here they will live, live, sing songs, and the wolf is not afraid of them here!
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