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Elena was 17 december on KING OEDIP

A magnificent performance. Powerful and entertaining. I liked it very much

Natal`ya was 06 october on KING OEDIP

Were at the performance of 10/06/2018. Loved it! The modern version of the Greek tragedy, the bonus goes to the chorus in the original language! Wonderful game of Eldar Tramov in the role of Creon! And voice, and a sense of rhythm, and image! Only Maksakova’s play spoiled the impression, although I love and respect her as an actress, but ... I’m happy to see it again!

Irina was 17 may on KING OEDIP

Were at the play on 05/17/2018. I rather liked it. We wanted to see Dobronravov and Maksakov. Marked for himself the game Eldar Tramov, like Pavel Yudin.



Purchased earlier: 861
from 300 rubles 
Moskva, Arbat ul., 26
02 h 40 min


The following people take part in the performance: Lyudmila Maksakova, Viktor Dobronravov, Evgeny Knyazev, Arthur Ivanov, Evgeny Kosyrev, Maxim Sevrinovsky, Eldar Tramov, Valery Ushakov, Ekaterina Simonova, Pavel Yudin and others.

The choir is the artists of the National Theater of Greece in Athens.

Production - Rimas Tuminas, scenography - Adomas Yatsovskis, music - Faustas Latenas, costume designer - Maxim Obrezkov, make-up artist - Olga Kalyavina, choreographer - Angelica Holina.

July 29, 2016 at the scene of the ancient Amphitheater of Epidaurus premiere of the play "Oedipus King" by Sophocles - a joint project of the Vakhtangov Theater and the National Theater of Greece in Athens as part of the cultural program of the cross-country in 2016 in Russia and Greece.

The initiator of the joint project was the artistic director of the National Theater of Greece in Athens - Stafis Livafinos. He graduated from GITIS, knows the Russian theater and is eager to cooperate. Under his leadership is the annual Festival in Epidaurus in the open with a 14-thousand audience. The best theaters in Europe are striving to participate in this action.

The premiere of the play "Tsar Oedipus" on the stage of the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Theater will take place on the 95th anniversary of the theater - November 13, 2016.

Touching antiquity is always a risk. Open the door to the world so far and captivating with its laws, aesthetics, plots ...

How to reconstruct this era, spiritualize it, make it not only understandable, but also fill with emotions, passions, bring it closer to modern viewers, excite them?

How to reach out through eternity and feel the touch of time? How to live this time today?

Throughout the centuries, the ancient theater influenced the playwrights and poets, Shakespeare, Lessing, Schiller, Goethe, Pushkin, Byron, Shelley, Anuy did not escape this fate.

A.S. Pushkin says: "Every educated European should have a sufficient understanding of the immortal creations of great antiquity."

In 1946, director E. Gardt put Electra Sophocles on the Vakhtangov stage. Today R. Tuminas addresses the tragedy "Oedipus-Tsar".

According to Aristotle, Sophocles depicts people as they should be. The author, gradually revealing the essence and character of the individual in accordance with the development of dramatic action, reveals the details of the internal diversity of character and Oedipus is a vivid example of that.

The great philosopher of antiquity in his definition of the essence of Sophocles' creativity - people, what they should be - gives the key to deciphering the conflict that matures in the soul of Oedipus. Having committed murder in passion, by ignorance, he finds the strength to judge himself. It is not punishment from outside, but a sentence handed down to oneself, strict, merciless, moral. Where the main motive is the dignity, which is unacceptable to lose, for the whole future life is the redemption of crime through suffering, humiliation, infirmity. For Oedipus, dignity is the main support in life, even if it is the life of an outcast and a cripple.

Dignity, is it often the measure of actions in our day?

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Do not alienate fate!

The least thing in the world, King Oedipus wanted to incur the wrath of the gods. And did not think to marry his own mother, did not want to kill his father.

But only an evil rock overtook him. He got into a quarrel with a stranger while traveling, quarreled - and killed him. And only much later found out that this dead wanderer was his father ...

He left his homeland, married the queen - and later it turned out that this queen was his mother: he did not know Oedipus, who are his real parents!

He himself sinned, even though he did not know what he was doing, that means that Oedipus would choose his own punishment. Such is his character - strong, unyielding!

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Elena was 17 december

A magnificent performance. Powerful and entertaining. I liked it very much

Natal`ya was 06 october

Were at the performance of 10/06/2018. Loved it! The modern version of the Greek tragedy, the bonus goes to the chorus in the original language! Wonderful game of Eldar Tramov in the role of Creon! And voice, and a sense of rhythm, and image! Only Maksakova’s play spoiled the impression, although I love and respect her as an actress, but ... I’m happy to see it again!

Irina was 17 may

Were at the play on 05/17/2018. I rather liked it. We wanted to see Dobronravov and Maksakov. Marked for himself the game Eldar Tramov, like Pavel Yudin.

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