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Elena was 17 december on LOVE IN THE THRONE

High-quality staging. Alternative history variant. The action seemed somewhat academic and in some moments programmed for the director's spectacular tricks.

Uriy was 04 march on LOVE IN THE THRONE

The performance is very worthy - a beautiful story about how a person hesitates before making an important decision. Excellent set design and light, very nice costumes. The written dialogues and monologues, long with development, are a real continuation of the traditions of the Russian theater. I liked the young partner of Olga and Andrei, Pavel Teheda Kardenas, and the premieres were beyond praise. If you like paradoxes, quick turns of the plot and responsive to theatrical experiment - you are here. Bravo once again to the author and the troupe!

Emiliya was 05 march on LOVE IN THE THRONE

Thank you very much for the performance. We watched in one breath. A great game of actors. Thanks again!



Purchased earlier: 56
from 800 rubles 
119002, Moskva, Kaloshin per., 10/2
01 h 40 min


Andrei Maksimov, director:

"The play" Love at the Throne "is a phantasmagoria: Catherine the Great dreams a dream on the eve of a coup d'état that will lead her to power for many years. In a dream, she remembers her relationship with her husband Peter III. In fact, this is a story about love in the background of politics.

I have long dreamed of working with a striking actress Olga Tumaykina, I really wanted Catherine to play it. The dream came true. She is a very powerful actress, very interesting, deep person.

With the performer of the role of Peter III there were problems, until I remembered that the striking actor Andrei Ilyin is working in the Vakhtangov Theater. I saw him in the role of Khlestakov at the Russian Theater in Riga. It was an amazing actor's work! I saw him on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater and the Mossovet Theater. Happy now not only to work, but also to communicate with him.

First met in the work with the artist Maxim Obrezkov, who came up with a very interesting world for our heroes, very unusual. But Obrezkov is also the creator of the Simonov stage. It seems to me that this is a unique case when the main artist of the theater created several scenic spaces, including the New Stage. Very calm, intelligent, creative person.

The music was written by the wonderful composer Sergei Shustitsky, with whom we made several performances, and he even released a CD with music to my productions.

It seems to me that the synonym for the theater is pleasure. It is necessary to rehearse with pleasure, with joy. I know that there are directors - lovers of "bloody" rehearsals, God judges them. After putting quite a few performances, I always tried to make the actors, the production part, and myself enjoy myself. Otherwise, I do not see the point of doing this.

Pleasure should be received and the viewer. It is most important. I think that's why he comes. I do not like talking about the mission of the theater, about a certain director's message.

Today there is great interest in the fate of Catherine the Great. We, what is called, in the trend. And thank God!

Love at the throne ... Love against the backdrop of serious talk about the fate of Russia, about the fate of Russian people ... A dream-phantasmagoria with a genuine human passion ...

If the viewer is interested, if he realizes that he did not waste almost two hours - we will assume that our task is accomplished. "

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Elena was 17 december

High-quality staging. Alternative history variant. The action seemed somewhat academic and in some moments programmed for the director's spectacular tricks.

Uriy was 04 march

The performance is very worthy - a beautiful story about how a person hesitates before making an important decision. Excellent set design and light, very nice costumes. The written dialogues and monologues, long with development, are a real continuation of the traditions of the Russian theater. I liked the young partner of Olga and Andrei, Pavel Teheda Kardenas, and the premieres were beyond praise. If you like paradoxes, quick turns of the plot and responsive to theatrical experiment - you are here. Bravo once again to the author and the troupe!

Emiliya was 05 march

Thank you very much for the performance. We watched in one breath. A great game of actors. Thanks again!

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