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Small demon

Small demon12+

Purchased earlier: 41
from 200 rubles 
Moskva, Stromynka ul., 6
02 h 00 min


The most famous novel of the main mysticism of the literature of the Silver Age, Fyodor Sologub, “The Minor Demon”, the main wizard of the 21st century theater, Roman Viktyuk, sets it as a magical transcript of magic spells and words. This creator - the only one who is subject to change the real world on their own. The author of the novel owned it, Viktyuk owns it. He addressed “The Little Devil” twice already - at the Tallinn Theater and at the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, where the performance had a great success with the public.

The third appeal of the great master of directing to the great text carries completely new meanings, a new aesthetics - what is relevant right now, in the technological age, a century of progress, often destroying the spiritual in people. Our world is now desperately lacking knowledge of itself and striving for harmony, and therefore a new, magical world will appear on the stage of the Roman Viktyuk Theater - the world of Nedotkomka, the same demon who, existing only in the imagination of the main character and being small, is able control the universe. And the audience will see it with their own eyes.

Dmitry Bozin in the lead role Peredonova will show the depth of the soul of a non-human, merged with Bes, creatures as he alone can. The insignificant, ordinary person, the school teacher Ardallon Borisovich, is reborn in front of the public into a complete collection of all the sins and weaknesses of men, into the embodiment of the darkest side of a human tribe. What will follow? Predict the development of the plot is unlikely to even those who read the novel Sologub. Because in the Roman Viktyuk Theater any surprise is possible - especially when the leading cast of the theater takes the stage.

The stage incarnation of the “Little Devil” in the 21st century will be the diagnosis of time, but we know that by making a diagnosis in time, you can be saved — both the world and the individual.

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