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Rimma was 13 june on The Master and Margarita

I agree with some reviews - this is not a classical production, so to say, not according to the book. But Viktyuk has no classics as such. It's not Bulgakov, it's Viktyuk, and you have to be ready for that. The beginning is not particularly, but then live, a lot of humor. Who appreciates the creativity is Viktyuk will be satisfied, the rest do not recommend, it's better to go to the classical production !! In general, I liked it.

Svetlana was 13 june on The Master and Margarita

The only worthy scenic embodiment of a brilliant novel! BRAVO!!!

Zaira was 06 october on The Master and Margarita

Unusually. In general, I liked it. The actors play perfectly.

The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita16+

Purchased earlier: 862
from 500 rubles 
Moskva, Stromynka ul., 6
01 h 55 min


Working on the play "The Dream of Ivan the Homeless," Roman Viktyuk took into account both the early Bulgakov editions and the political context against which the novel was created. The play is dominated by the grotesque: the Soviet era is shown here with all the possible absurdity and absurdity. Great Ball Full Moon turns into a soviet Soviet leaders - the busts of Lenin and Stalin dance infernal dances.

One of the main themes of the work of Roman Grigorievich - the incompatibility of love and slavery - receives an unexpected continuation here: love for the Master and Margarita is suffering and pain. A totalitarian society does not leave people with the right to feelings, it enslaves their souls and turns them into miserable puppets.

Gloomy, bright and furious performance Viktyuk makes viewers think about their own lives and frankly answer themselves to questions that, at times, it's terrible even to say aloud.

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"Never talk to strangers."

Woland, the prince of darkness, along with his retinue arrives in Moscow in the thirties of last century. He is young, elegant, handsome and speaks Russian with a Georgian accent.

He will help the Master regain the novel burned by the writer and connect with his beloved woman, the redheaded Marguerite.

How difficult it is for thinking people in difficult times! Next to them - informers, traitors and executioners. Soviet time does not promise them anything good.

They tend to escape from the pitch darkness, suffer and suffer. Only love pleases their exhausted hearts.

At the ball at Satan, huge busts of Lenin and Stalin are danced. The era of terror is cruel, absurd and ridiculous.

Directed by Roman Viktyuk as always brilliantly staged a performance that is more like a colorful theatrical show. Phantasmagoria with circus numbers, speeches of the leaders and Soviet songs of pre-war time.

Great play of actors, striking costumes and scenery.

A new reading of the great novel by Mikhail Bulgakov.

"Manuscripts do not burn."

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Rimma was 13 june

I agree with some reviews - this is not a classical production, so to say, not according to the book. But Viktyuk has no classics as such. It's not Bulgakov, it's Viktyuk, and you have to be ready for that. The beginning is not particularly, but then live, a lot of humor. Who appreciates the creativity is Viktyuk will be satisfied, the rest do not recommend, it's better to go to the classical production !! In general, I liked it.

Svetlana was 13 june

The only worthy scenic embodiment of a brilliant novel! BRAVO!!!

Zaira was 06 october

Unusually. In general, I liked it. The actors play perfectly.

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