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Elena was 27 january on Klaustrofobiya (Kolyada Theater)

Was on the play on 01/27/2015. The most powerful performance is for me personally. All the actors play excellently. For myself, I discovered Sergei Kolesov. Bravo! Sergey Fyodorov is persuasive! All the actors are great! Evgeny Chistyakov, Irina Plesnyaeva, Alexander Sysoev all perfectly play, skillfully immersing spectators in the life of the prison cell. The musical arrangement for the song "Affectionate Moya" (gesture song) of the group Chaif-the two softened the heavy theme of the play. The action of the play is like walking on the blade of a knife, a slightly careless movement and you can fall into the abyss of hypocrisy and vulgarity, but N.V. Kolyada knows all the subtleties, how not to cross the line, how to stay within the limits of what is permitted, not to fall into vulgarity and dirt. The performance is worked out filigree !!! Thanks for the fair play !!!

Klaustrofobiya (Kolyada Theater)

Klaustrofobiya (Kolyada Theater)18+

Purchased earlier: 61
from 1000 rubles 
Moskva, Strastnoy b-r., 8a
02 h 20 min



Tour "Kolyada-Theater" On Strastnom "

Drama in two acts

Director Nikolay Kolyada

"Claustrophobia" is a story about how, in the situation of a person's external lack of freedom, inner unfreedom is revealed. Here, in the closed space of the prison cell, dreams, fears, desires of three heroes burst out: the "intellectual" Garin, the recidivist Prishchepa and the teenager Dumb. Everything that oppresses and excites them, is looking for a way out. Conflict sharpens to the limit ...

"A stab in the heart", which every spectator receives, makes the heart beat harder and love life endlessly.

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Elena was 27 january

Was on the play on 01/27/2015. The most powerful performance is for me personally. All the actors play excellently. For myself, I discovered Sergei Kolesov. Bravo! Sergey Fyodorov is persuasive! All the actors are great! Evgeny Chistyakov, Irina Plesnyaeva, Alexander Sysoev all perfectly play, skillfully immersing spectators in the life of the prison cell. The musical arrangement for the song "Affectionate Moya" (gesture song) of the group Chaif-the two softened the heavy theme of the play. The action of the play is like walking on the blade of a knife, a slightly careless movement and you can fall into the abyss of hypocrisy and vulgarity, but N.V. Kolyada knows all the subtleties, how not to cross the line, how to stay within the limits of what is permitted, not to fall into vulgarity and dirt. The performance is worked out filigree !!! Thanks for the fair play !!!

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