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Elena was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)

I liked it very much

Lilia was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)

The performance was very much liked by its unusual genre, it also considers the history of love, passion and the history of human insanity. Actor's game is quite decent. In general, quite a good performance!

Andrey was 25 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)

A vivid and unusual interpretation of the famous play. Ermolova in the role of Blanche and Yagodin in the role of Kowalski cause so strong emotions that they turn the viewer literally physically. As always the corporate style of Kolyada with unexpected accents. One of the best productions of the theater, guaranteed to punch on emotions.

TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)

TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)16+

Purchased earlier: 293
from 1500 rubles 
Moskva, Strastnoy b-r., 8a
02 h 40 min


Tour "Kolyada-Theater" On Strastnom "The famous play of the great American playwright was written in 1947 and was a resounding success. Till now it is put by the most famous theaters of the world, the famous filmmakers film. Far from being young, but still attractive, Blanche DuBois comes to New Orleans to the pregnant sister Stella, who lives with Stanley's husband in the local slums. Blanche informs his sister that she was ruined, she left her job and she has nowhere to live and nothing to do. Stanley, the embodiment of naturalness and rudeness, immediately disliked her for his addiction to alcohol and inappropriate coquetry. Soon Blanche has a fan and a phantom hope for marriage, but Stanley is frustrated by their betrothal ...
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Elena was 20 january

I liked it very much

Lilia was 20 january

The performance was very much liked by its unusual genre, it also considers the history of love, passion and the history of human insanity. Actor's game is quite decent. In general, quite a good performance!

Andrey was 25 january

A vivid and unusual interpretation of the famous play. Ermolova in the role of Blanche and Yagodin in the role of Kowalski cause so strong emotions that they turn the viewer literally physically. As always the corporate style of Kolyada with unexpected accents. One of the best productions of the theater, guaranteed to punch on emotions.

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Buy List 19 january sun 19:00

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