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Nadegda was 28 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)

Who are to blame? What can we do? Where are we rushing? Laughing and weeping along with the actors, we are looking through "our all" balalaika, matryoshka, Pushkin, spirituality, the Stanislavsky system, the great realistic Russian theater, to the music of G. Verdi (as without the Italian opera) . BRAVO Nikolai Kolyada and his delightful actors !!! Nikolay Gogol-BRAVO !!! And all this HOLIDAY of love and understanding in the cozy atmosphere of the Theater Center on Strastnoy lasted two weeks of the tour of the Kolyada Theater! THANK YOU! Until next time!

Nina was 28 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)

January 28, 2015. They have muffled. Servant Podkolesin, like an echo, repeats all the replies of his master, the words Podkolesin and Kochkarev can not be disassembled, just yelling, interrupting each other. No dancing or other gestures of heroes save the performance from boredom. I have before my eyes an unforgettable production of A.Efros with O.Yakovleva, M.Kazakov, N.Volkov, L.Broneyev, L.Durov. With difficulty I served the first act.

Elena was 28 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)

Was at the last guest performance of the Kolyada-Theater on 01/28/2015. "Marriage" an excellent performance, a lot of jokes, zadumok (grooms with peacock tails, instead of hats - covers from samovars and all artists with a thick blush on their cheeks). What ease, what is the refinement of movements. I liked the play. I advise everyone to watch all the performances of the Kolyada-Theater. They awaken the soul, make the heart beat more often !!! Once again, thanks to Nikolai Vladimirovich and his glorious company for their dedication and real creativity, for a live theater! E. Troitskaya. PS They flew away, but promised to return, like my beloved Carlson.

THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)

THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)18+

Purchased earlier: 225
from 1000 rubles 
Moskva, Strastnoy b-r., 8a
02 h 30 min


Tour "Kolyada-Theater" On Strastnom "The main thing in this performance is not the story of Podkolesin, who finally decided to marry (the story and the denouement -" jump in the window "from the bride - every schoolboy knows), but rather reflections on our Motherland Russia, about the Russian mysterious soul. "Where are you rushing, Rus-Troika?", "Who is to blame?" And "What to do?" - these eternal Russian questions, laughing and crying, ask themselves all the characters of the play. Each of them tries on beautiful opera and puppet passions, hoping to falsely hide from the real life, rough. But it can not escape from it. In the nines and crumbs this "beauty" is broken, and even in the face of Eternity and all our bustle becomes ridiculous. Is not this so for the spectators of this play? Who is guilty? What to do? Where are we rushing to?
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Nadegda was 28 january

Who are to blame? What can we do? Where are we rushing? Laughing and weeping along with the actors, we are looking through "our all" balalaika, matryoshka, Pushkin, spirituality, the Stanislavsky system, the great realistic Russian theater, to the music of G. Verdi (as without the Italian opera) . BRAVO Nikolai Kolyada and his delightful actors !!! Nikolay Gogol-BRAVO !!! And all this HOLIDAY of love and understanding in the cozy atmosphere of the Theater Center on Strastnoy lasted two weeks of the tour of the Kolyada Theater! THANK YOU! Until next time!

Nina was 28 january

January 28, 2015. They have muffled. Servant Podkolesin, like an echo, repeats all the replies of his master, the words Podkolesin and Kochkarev can not be disassembled, just yelling, interrupting each other. No dancing or other gestures of heroes save the performance from boredom. I have before my eyes an unforgettable production of A.Efros with O.Yakovleva, M.Kazakov, N.Volkov, L.Broneyev, L.Durov. With difficulty I served the first act.

Elena was 28 january

Was at the last guest performance of the Kolyada-Theater on 01/28/2015. "Marriage" an excellent performance, a lot of jokes, zadumok (grooms with peacock tails, instead of hats - covers from samovars and all artists with a thick blush on their cheeks). What ease, what is the refinement of movements. I liked the play. I advise everyone to watch all the performances of the Kolyada-Theater. They awaken the soul, make the heart beat more often !!! Once again, thanks to Nikolai Vladimirovich and his glorious company for their dedication and real creativity, for a live theater! E. Troitskaya. PS They flew away, but promised to return, like my beloved Carlson.

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