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Yulia was 30 october on The Cherry Orchard

God, Konchalovsky well done !!!!! Only he SO showed Masterpiece Chekhov. Vysotskaya on HEIGHT)))))

Jana was 22 january on The Cherry Orchard

Chekhov's play is beautiful ... interesting staging and scenery Konchalovsky ... What is wonderful, of course, decorates the play - this quote Chekhov on the screen. The selection of actors raises questions. So the schoolchildren, who had not yet read the play, could not understand why Lopakhin and Petya were older than Ranevskaya, who, after all, consoled Yermolai as a little boy. Although the game Vitaly Kishchenko really makes an impression on the general background. Dialogue Ranevskaya with Petya - quite an annoying moment. If you want something more, you probably need to look in other theaters.

Mihail was 10 october on The Cherry Orchard

Mentally. I rested. Chekhov's letters on the screen are appropriate and a little sad. Vitaliy Kishchenko is good. Julia Vysotskaya the charm. Was at the play 08.10.17

Вишневый сад

Вишневый сад16+

Purchased earlier: 2109
from 7000 rubles 
Москва, Садовая Б. ул., 16
02 h 30 min


Anton Chekhov

Cherry Orchard 16+

Comedy in 4 acts

Stage and scenography - Andrey Konchalovsky

Characters and performers:

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, landowner - Julia Vysotskaya
Anya, her daughter, 17 years old - Julia Hlynina
Varya, her adopted daughter, 24 years old - Galina Bob, Maria Karpova
Gaev Leonid Andreevich, Ranevskaya's brother - Alexander Domogarov
Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich, merchant - Vitaly Kishchenko
Trofimov Petr Sergeevich, student - Evgeny Ratkov
Simeonov-Pischik Boris Borisovich, landowner - Vladimir Gorushin
Charlotte Ivanovna, governess - Larisa Kuznetsova
Epihodov Semen Panteleevich, clerk - Alexander Bobrovsky
Dunyasha, the maid - Alexandra Cousenkina
Firs, lackey - Anton Anosov
Yasha, a young lackey - Vladislav Bokovin
Passer - Anton Pospelov, Vladimir Prokoshin
The head of the station is Adelina Mnatsakanova
Postal official - Anton Pospelov, Vladimir Prokoshin
Reminiscence - Ramune Khodorkayte, Lili Bolashvili
Musicians - Gennady Bogdanov, Vitaly Gritsenko, Dmitry Khavelev, Mikhail Fomichev, Anatoly Dremov
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The last coin of his past lives out.

A noble house, a beautiful garden. How good it is here in the spring, when the cherry blossoms!

Now the garden is partially cut down, the villas will be built. Everything is sold, lost.

The new master is happy: his father and on the threshold of such a noble house were not allowed, but now he owns all the property. But also unhappy too: how would he like that this light beauty does not go away so that the former owner of the garden does not leave so that the blooming of the beautiful garden continues like a beautiful fairy tale ... like a dream of that paradise of a carefree noble life in which people do not think about deeds, Trading, money.

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Yulia was 30 october

God, Konchalovsky well done !!!!! Only he SO showed Masterpiece Chekhov. Vysotskaya on HEIGHT)))))

Jana was 22 january

Chekhov's play is beautiful ... interesting staging and scenery Konchalovsky ... What is wonderful, of course, decorates the play - this quote Chekhov on the screen. The selection of actors raises questions. So the schoolchildren, who had not yet read the play, could not understand why Lopakhin and Petya were older than Ranevskaya, who, after all, consoled Yermolai as a little boy. Although the game Vitaly Kishchenko really makes an impression on the general background. Dialogue Ranevskaya with Petya - quite an annoying moment. If you want something more, you probably need to look in other theaters.

Mihail was 10 october

Mentally. I rested. Chekhov's letters on the screen are appropriate and a little sad. Vitaliy Kishchenko is good. Julia Vysotskaya the charm. Was at the play 08.10.17

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