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Near Stanislavsky's house

Feedbacks from viewers
Ol`ga was 11 december on Three Musketeers

If you like old songs that do not frighten their poor performance, and you are omnivorous - from chanson to lyrics of 60-70; if you like KVN to such an extent that one throwing cues to the room with stone faces evokes tenderness and delight - even if these cues are not funny; if you like the director's charades from the series "and that's what it's for" - even if they cause confusion and do not find an answer; if you are warm memories entourage in the form of old clothes worn in spools and huge rusty iron gates on the stage - then yes, you here. And in general - a natural initiative. The authors of advertising texts about this performance are respecting - they are clearly professionals)).

Natal`ya was 03 december on Smirnova's Birthday

Lovely performance: sincere, with gentle humor and very warm.

Salahotnova El`viradi was 28 march on Kid and K.


Elena was 19 october on Kid and K.

This tale is really for the whole family. It is impossible to say who gets more pleasure from the play: children who thankfully respond to direct jokes of actors, or adults who are offered a sufficient number of findings with a "second bottom". At the same time everything is delicate, there is no vulgarity, flirting with the hall, there is a note of healthy absurdity, and the atmosphere inherent in our beloved theater. Do not look in the reviews for details of the plot, do not deprive yourself of the joy of recognition.

Sergey was 01 march on Kid and K.

The best performance in this theater. I advise everyone. Beautiful music, jokes, a game of actors. All at the highest level.

Elena was 19 october on Kid and K.

This tale is really for the whole family. It is not clear who was more fortunate: children who thankfully respond to direct jokes, or adults, for whom a sufficient amount of findings with a "double bottom" is prepared. There is no vulgarity, flirting with the hall, there is a note of healthy absurdity and that amazing atmosphere that our beloved theater is famous for. Do not look in the reviews for details of the plot, do not deprive yourself of the joy of recognition.

Olesya was 29 march on Moomin-troll and comet

Waited for this performance for a year! They called all friends (it turned out one and a half series :-)). I liked it very much! Very delicate and gentle - magical! - performance. Show it more often, please, because we recommended it to everyone you know, and now many still want to see this fairy tale.

Kat was 02 november on Kid and K.

Were at the performance with the whole family, they received great joy

Kat was 29 march on Moomin-troll and comet

A wonderful play for both children and parents!

Farshid was 28 march on Kid and K.

Liked. Thank you

Kat was 17 may on Moomin-troll and comet

We watched the play with my daughter 2 times, brought friends with me. Both children and parents are delighted!

Larisa was 17 may on Moomin-troll and comet

Excellent performance, the son was delighted) only in the hall is cool

Dmitriy was 11 january on Kid and K.

Thank you. I liked the performance for both children and adults (although they laughed at different times))). With the coming CIS. We hope to get to you again.

Sergey was 29 march on Moomin-troll and comet

A wonderful, very touching performance, interesting for both children and adults

Sergey was 02 november on Kid and K.

A wonderful performance, we enjoyed

Sergey was 14 february on Players

A stunning performance. All the actors played excellently. The main joker is incomparable. I advise everyone this performance.

Tamara was 24 november on Players

The production is boring, without a raisin.

Tat`yana was 24 may on I remember

The play "I remember", like all theatrical performances "Near ..." opens new intonations of the famous work. Remember the film "Once Again About Love" based on the play "104 pages about love" by Edvard Radzinsky? The theme of the presentation is given exactly by this work, and what happened to the authors of the play? The beginning of the play is tragic and you are already looking quite differently at these young people and their the birth of love, and one of them will remain young forever ... Touching and heartfelt, that's what I want to say about the play.

Tat`yana was 24 may on I remember

A completely different reading of the familiar play! The amazing show turned out, a subtle, ironic, emotional action. An amazing and unpredictable performance, like all the performances in this theater, for which we love it. It's amazing!

Elena was 19 december on Occupation is a sweet thing

I liked the play, my husband - not very much. Perhaps you need to tune in to it, read the prehistory of its creation. I did it. In some places the performance is sad, sometimes ridiculous, in general there is an aching feeling. My grandfather's memories of war are emerging in my mind. Performers and songs are all just fine, still sound in my head, a week has passed, but they do not stop. So I recommend the show for viewing.

Mihail was 12 october on Occupation is a sweet thing

I was shocked bravely because I personally know this life

Natal`ya was 30 may on Occupation is a sweet thing

Thank you, I liked it very much!

Uliya was 31 may on Staircase

Very good performance. Highly!

Ekaterina was 25 september on Occupation is a sweet thing

Beautiful performance. Thank you.

Yakov was 12 april on Occupation is a sweet thing

Beautiful text, production and game. Thank you

Ol`ga was 27 february on Occupation is a sweet thing

I liked it very much

Nikolay was 24 april on Old, forgotten ...

Perfectly! I liked it very much!

Mihail was 16 march on Old, forgotten ...

Great performance. Elegant voices, great actors. We received great pleasure.

Nataliya was 16 march on Old, forgotten ...

Looked yesterday probably the fifth time! :-)

Lolita was 20 march on Occupation is a sweet thing

I liked it very much. I think I will visit this theater more than once.

Elena was 27 february on Occupation is a sweet thing

Lilia Zagorskaya is an amazing actress and everyone played perfectly. But I can not help saying that there was such a feeling ... Well, like A.Gradsky, for example, there was a song about deputies in the 90s. The vocals are beautiful, but it would be strange to listen to it now. It seemed to me that this play would have been right in due time.

Mariya was 12 january on Occupation is a sweet thing

A touching performance, which is told in confidence, like an old acquaintance or close relative. Thank you!

Elena was 30 january on Old, forgotten ...

Very pleasant nostalgic evening. Sometimes cheerful, sometimes sad sometimes a little not understandable, which, however, does not spoil the charm of the performance. The game of young actors is wonderful, thank you!

Drfrank was 02 february on Staircase

Definitely liked it! The humor of Petrushevskaya was well conveyed by the artists, there were undoubtedly jambs on the part of the girl, but they were completely covered by the brilliant play of one of the actors: D Immediately it is necessary to say that the performance does not suit those who crave vivid performances. Unexpected appearances will be, but the chairs in the walls will not fly. The conversation between the characters is interesting, and what's worth noting is the lack of a scene. The first row is on par with the actors. Sitting in the first row, the viewer is almost completely immersed in the atmosphere of the performance.

Tat`yana was 23 january on Russian longing

amazing! I'm now your devoted fan.

Elizaveta was 23 january on Russian longing

Good afternoon. Somewhat unexpectedly, but not bad. Thank you.

Irina was 23 january on Russian longing

Pogrebnichko rules! :)

Svetlana was 23 january on Russian longing

Are there any programs? Otherwise, it's unclear. If it had not been suggested, I would not have understood what about emigration. )

Bella was 12 january on Occupation is a sweet thing

Thank you so much! Impressed so far! I tell about you all!

Tat`yana was 12 january on Occupation is a sweet thing

We are delighted !!!

Irina was 14 december on Occupation is a sweet thing

This is very strong! And qualitatively!

Anastasiya was 12 january on Occupation is a sweet thing

A piercing and rough performance. From sounds, songs, newsreel footage and even insignificant gestures of actors, a whole world of grandmothers, grandfathers, parents are created and tears come down from understanding how they believed in happiness and joy, how fragile and unrealizable. these were the hopes.

Aleksandr was 14 december on Occupation is a sweet thing

Magic performance! Touching, piercing and surprisingly sincere. Wonderful songs sound. The pleasure from the game of Lilia Zagorskaya, she exists in the monologue mode, here and trembling, and fragility, and strangeness - this is fascinating. Probably, the performance is strong and its many meanings. Great! Thank you!

Mariya was 29 november on Occupation is a sweet thing

Thank you for the performance. Got real pleasure. Bravo.

Elena was 08 november on Russian longing

We really like the theater About ... in particular yesterday's performance. The cozy atmosphere of the theater, originality and originality of directing, complete surrender of all actors. Thank you.

Vetka was 08 november on Russian longing

Thank you so much

Tat`yana was 08 november on Russian longing

Looked about 6 years ago, a little in a new way, but very cool still! Rozhkova is a magnificent clowness with a unique voice!

Svetlana was 21 november on Old, forgotten ...

Original performance. Good actors.

Ekaterina was 28 march on End of the game

The performance in which you hear the sea, you feel salty air ... Performance about love and eternity, eternity in love

Evgeniya was 06 october on Occupation is a sweet thing

There were parents, very much ponravilos.Bolshy thanks!

Uriy was 04 june on BEG.Komposition on the plays of M. Bulgakov

Lyrics without sentimentality, elegant subtle performance. The final scene with swings is a masterpiece, which is a lot in this theater. "Feeling feeling" from "Winnie the Pooh" is rare, but then, even after a few days, when you recall the performance - a feeling of something high.

Mariya was 21 may on Yesterday came suddenly

This is one of the best performances in Moscow. I was on it 5 times and will necessarily take my son a little later.

Uriy was 04 june on BEG.Komposition on the plays of M. Bulgakov

The impression is strong, as from 99% of the performances of this theater. The performance is subtle, quiet, polysemantic. Something high from him remains ... Lyrics without sentimentality, aesthetics without pathos.

Sergey was 18 october on The eldest son


Lubov` was 19 june on The penultimate concert of Alisa

This is the best theater in Moscow !!

Tat`yana was 05 june on Before the movie

Ryzhkov is a miracle! I will come many more times to her speeches, many times

Natal`ya was 05 june on Before the movie

Many thanks, as always incredibly painful and beautiful!

Elena was 22 may on Before the movie

The performance is wonderful, surprisingly proportionate! After him, a good mood, but in the head for a long time, it turns, you catch yourself purring and trying to hum. Thank you very much!

Natali was 18 june on The eldest son

Wonderful performance. Pogrebnikko and the theater actors are always on top!

Natali was 14 june on Forget or no longer live

A wonderful performance, a wonderful theater :-)

Mihail was 23 may on School for fools

Nothing to do with the atmosphere of the novel. It is very difficult to set up a highway, but if they did, they would try to find some solution. Baba in overalls in the role of Avtora- a terrible failure. Sheina was the only one who caused a smile. They made a parade of freaks instead of the frenetic flight of Nymphaea's fantasy. I'm sorry about wasted time and money.

Sergey was 25 may on The penultimate concert of Alisa

Brilliant actors, staging, the play can be watched endlessly.

Natal`ya was 19 april on The penultimate concert of Alisa

Very pleased! Thank you very much! Got a crazy pleasure!

Ivan was 18 may on Need a dramatic actress

Great performance, thank you

Tat`yana was 27 march on Before the movie

In vostore.pridu again :-)

Visitor was 13 april on Yesterday came suddenly

Thanks you! I watched this performance for the third time, the first two - more than 20 years ago, a child. I am very glad that in my new life the performance has saved so much from the past, and with changes has remained real! I'm happy to have seen it and that my daughter saw it!

Ol`ga was 05 april on Before the movie

I love this performance very much, from time to time I bring my fellow musicians to him. Every time a feeling of happiness, sadness and gratitude after him.

Tat`yana was 26 april on Need a dramatic actress

I really liked the theater, the troupe - as a whole! I already saw Levinsky, he is familiar with his work, and Egorov is simply magnificent, he watched his old films, but he plays in the theater unmatched. I bought tickets for you in May.

Tat`yana was 05 april on Before the movie

Sumptuously! Very pleased!

Tat`yana was 26 april on Need a dramatic actress

This is my first visit to the theater "Near". I really liked it! Subtle, elegant and fascinating. Levinsky and Egorov - a wonderful duet, was very happy to see Anatoly Egorov, I remember it from old films, but here it opened for me in a completely new way! I will definitely come to this beautiful theater with a wonderful atmosphere, where the whole troupe plays as a whole.

Aleksandra was 05 april on Before the movie

Very touching, very real performance. I recommend to everyone who loves songs of the 50's and is ready to look at themselves and others with irony.

Kseniya was 15 march on Forget or no longer live

Good evening. Very cozy: the scene, the scenery, the actors 'play, the actors' costumes, the interlacing of the stories. Ymko, meaningful, witty, ingenious) makes you cry, and later laugh. He takes all the adversity out of the viewer, makes you feel like "your own", speaking "actors" with the actors in the center of the stories. I especially note the game of Alexander Orava. Thank you.

Viktoriya was 15 march on Forget or no longer live

The performance is marvelously good! As, however, and everything seen before in "About" :)

Ekaterina was 07 march on School for fools

For the first time I got to "Near", heard and did not disappoint! I liked everything from scenery and music ... and the school itself ... immersing in thoughts and memories of a madman, and maybe in their own - very interesting, hooked !!

Vera was 19 january on Need a dramatic actress

Perfect, as always! A pair of Levinsky-Egorov deserves all "bravo", which they were awarded by the audience. I especially like scenes where all actors gather, because the theater company is such that all together they generate some other, dense, tangible, spiritual space. But they are good all individually.

Uriy was 09 march on Need a dramatic actress

A very strong performance (not for the first time) was a genius director.

Irina was 19 january on Need a dramatic actress

Thank you so much ! I liked both the play and the play of actors

Elena was 10 january on School for fools

A wonderful performance! 1000 times thanks!

Ekaterina was 19 january on Need a dramatic actress

Very interesting work of the director: tragifars in the interweaving of Shakespeare and Ostrovsky. Marvelous game of Egorov. The incomparable intertwining of the "Soviet" background and the girls - "Ophelia". Subtle musical and sound design. And all this is immortal-actuum. Gorgeous and elegant work!

Natal`ya was 05 january on Before the movie

Thank you! The performance is wonderful!

Zemfira was 13 december on School for fools

Thank you for the performance. Very large and complex impression. Sincere actors play touches to the depths of the soul. Thanks also to the organizers, who managed to receive so many people in such a modest place.

Evgeniya was 10 january on School for fools

Thanks to the theater and the actors for the wonderful performance! I watched it for the second time. I wonder how the accents change: the December performance was piercing to tears, yesterday it was more playful and fun. But both in the novel and in the play, after all, everything is designed to balance on the verge of comic and dramatic. Although I still have a closer pinching version.

Uriy was 07 december on The penultimate concert of Alisa

One of the best performances in the world.

Anatoliy was 09 june on La estrada

Quite accurately noted is the side of the theatrical life that the viewer does not see. The show should go on, but as it really is - the viewer does not need to know, he only needs a show. I can recommend the performance to those who are familiar with the pains of creativity and heavy failures. Fight for your stool !!!

Olesya was 25 october on Before the movie

I watched 'Marusechka' for the second time, I invited 5 people with me. All under the impression! I will come for the third time, and in the fourth ... For almost a year now I have been going to you nonstop. For me, theaters are divided into NEAR and all the rest. Thank you for being!

Sashair was 02 november on School for fools

Everything was very much like, there is no limit to ecstasy and end - admiration, all applause and obeisances

Aleksandra was 20 october on Yesterday came suddenly

Actors are good)

Dar`ya was 19 october on School for fools

Wonderful performance! Such a complex, multifaceted and seemingly unenviable story by Sasha Sokolov is remarkable. Every actor in his place, every phrase sounds truthful and heartfelt, lots of charming, entertaining details. We received great pleasure from my mother and will definitely come again, both to this and to other performances of your theater. Many thanks. This performance will definitely become one of your favorites.

Oksana was 31 october on The penultimate concert of Alisa

Liked. The actors played great.

Svetlana was 31 october on The penultimate concert of Alisa

Thank you! I wanted to play the whole performance! Patiently endure the manifestations of others - this is both from the New Testament and from the experience. . .

Tat`yana was 25 october on Before the movie

Excellent! Glitter, I will drive all my friends

Vera was 25 october on Before the movie

Thank you very much for such a warm and sincere performance. Recommended to all friends, acquaintances.

Ol`ga was 20 may on Three sisters

Subtle, piercing, some surrealism only adds acuity to action and sensations.

Valeriya was 17 october on Three Musketeers

As always, Around involves the viewer in his crafty game, where everything is for fun and at the same time very seriously. You can look, looking for countless associations and reminiscences, or you can simply enjoy the game and singing of artists who are keen on themselves, and frolic like children.

Nataliya was 14 june on Three Musketeers

Were on 17.10.14 with a friend. Remained very satisfied! Unusual production, perhaps, surrealism! "Bouncing", in a good sense of the word, from bytovuhi brains, while not straining, but relaxing! The whole performance smile did not leave his lips, sometimes he wanted to dance to the beat of his favorite songs of the 70's and 80's! I recommend!

Tat`yana was 06 june on Three Musketeers

A great performance, very original, as, indeed, everything in this theater. The theater definitely became my favorite, I want to see all the performances. Pogrebnichko and Levinsky are unique masters, their style is unique.

Mariya was 06 june on Three Musketeers

Dear theater About ...! Thank you for the wonderful performance! Bravo!

Tat`yana was 15 may on Three Musketeers

I watched it a third time - that's all it says. Thank you!

Natal`ya was 15 may on Three Musketeers

Many thanks! I was a teenage exile, we both liked it! Long love your theater

Tat`yana was 04 april on Three sisters

Amazing and very modern

Only for children
Only adults
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