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Feedbacks from viewers
Ol`ga was 25 march on "Joan of Arc"

I discovered the work of the Rock Order musical theater Temple several years ago. I await the birth of every new performance with trepidation. Thanks to all the creators, artists and performers for your work! Great music and a great choir. Talented actors who create unique images on the stage I especially admire the actress Lala Pavlovskaya, who embodied the fateful and domineering image of Queen Isabella.

Oksana was 05 march on "Joan of Arc"

I didn’t like it at all! I am ashamed to take money for that! The level of amateur performances, artists have no votes, they sing by notes. No dramaturgy. The music was not impressive, the phonogram was recorded on a synthesizer. One disappointment.

Mariya was 21 june on "Joan of Arc"

The performance is original, but very strong. The actors have great voices. With the almost complete absence of decorations, the stage design is very stylish. Perhaps I didn’t have enough bright final, but otherwise everything is fine.

Рок-опера Жанна д'Арк

Рок-опера Жанна д'Арк12+

Purchased earlier: 1006
Москва, Ленинградский пр-кт., 47
02 h 00 min




The Orleans maid ... Some followed her into the battle, others prayed with her, but none of them saved her.

Courageous and brave girl was not afraid of enemies. She dressed the warrior's armor, jumped on her horse and rushed off to the battlefield.

Now it is judged by a ruthless inquisition.

A nineteen-year-old virgin speaks the truth. Jeanne believes that she has received the blessing of the Lord God for military feats in the name of his native country.

But opponents do not doze. The court session is being held, the eyewitnesses are being interrogated. Her sworn enemies, the English, accuse Jeanne of witchcraft.

Will no one say a word for it? Even the king, whom she helped to come to the coronation?

Only a crowd of commoners in the city square loudly demands the release of their favorite. In France, everyone knows it.

The authorities are afraid of unrest, but Jeanne's fate is decided. The court is a mere formality. She does not trust anyone.

She will be thrown into a dark dungeon. To die so young? In despair, she calls Archangel Michael.

Five centuries have passed, and in the fate of the Orleans, there are still so many mysteries!

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Ol`ga was 25 march

I discovered the work of the Rock Order musical theater Temple several years ago. I await the birth of every new performance with trepidation. Thanks to all the creators, artists and performers for your work! Great music and a great choir. Talented actors who create unique images on the stage I especially admire the actress Lala Pavlovskaya, who embodied the fateful and domineering image of Queen Isabella.

Oksana was 05 march

I didn’t like it at all! I am ashamed to take money for that! The level of amateur performances, artists have no votes, they sing by notes. No dramaturgy. The music was not impressive, the phonogram was recorded on a synthesizer. One disappointment.

Mariya was 21 june

The performance is original, but very strong. The actors have great voices. With the almost complete absence of decorations, the stage design is very stylish. Perhaps I didn’t have enough bright final, but otherwise everything is fine.

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