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Nigniy Novgorod

Theater "Cherry Orchard" A.Vilkina

Only for children
Only adults
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Purchased earlier: 866
from 400 rubles
Москва, Сухаревская М. пл., 10
03 h 15 min
Scenic fantasy in 2 parts. Staging S. Kovalev. The director of the production is Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Vilkin. The director-director is Z.R. Sergei Kovalev.
Scenography and costumes - Maxim Obrezkov, composer Nikita Shirokov, choreographer-a.a. RF Maria Ostapenko ..
Artists - з.а. Russian Federation M. Bezobrazov, Z.A. RF L. Kozhevnikova, Z.R. M. M. Ostapenko, Z.A. RF R. Safiulin, A. Schukin, P. Ar¬hi¬pov, I. Brovin, I. Novikova, M. Mal'kov, and others.

Based on the detective story, modern viewers will plunge into the abyss of the most acute and still unsolved problems. And we would like that, after going out after the performance, the audience on the questions "how to be" and "who is to blame" could clearly answer "what to do." For social extremist ideas again begin to penetrate the consciousness of youth and can once again bring us all to disaster. See the play, and it will be easier for you to talk with your children. About what "blood is conscience", what is "I or I have the right," and why punishment always follows punishment.

A louse or not a louse - that's the question.

A man is on the verge of despair. Is capable of anything. And if a person is also smart, this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Poor student. Even a loaf of doctor's sausage is not worth buying. And then there's a bloody callous in front of the account for studying.

And what is so tempting, glitters on the table with fascination? An old family watch. Nominal, engraved. Do chasers become a chance to escape?

The damned usurer turned out to be an avid rubbish. The money offered will not cover any expenses. This is not to be killed at all. One more old woman, one less.

A sharpened ax - here it is a straw for a drowning man. One blow, the second. Rub a puddle of blood, pick up all the jewels. It is done.

To justify the deed, a very convenient theory has already matured. Who said that you can not kill? Everyone is a louse. And the old woman is a louse. Destroy, get out.

One I have the right. Very smoothly comes out. Knowingly received a diploma.

But no crime will go unpunished.

The verdict is announced. You are sentenced to life imprisonment in hell.


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