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Moscow theater "At Nikitsky gate"

Feedbacks from viewers
Elena was 17 december on Gambrinus

I watched this performance twice. Musical, bright, with an amazing live violin. The performance is based on Kuprin's story, but it feels like a concert performance. Perhaps I'll go to the third.

Natal`ya was 27 january on Anna Karenina. Lecture

The play looks in one breath, Good actors, emotions, feelings for the heroes, Be sure to see everyone.

Tamara was 28 january on A novel about girls

The performance, in which there are no goodies .... You do not even know how to perceive it. Very, very sad performance. They came out with a sense of hopelessness of life, because nothing has changed since then. The prostitute has become more glamorous, and the hooligans are cooler. Actors have shown this talent. But people always have a choice how to live. I really liked the performance, we go to this theater regularly. Thank!

Sergey was 16 november on Songs of our communal

Were on the formulation of 14.11.2018. Great! The whole performance was a breeze, Almost 3 hours without a break. We got great pleasure from the performance and the great acting. Mark G. Rozovsky - BRAVO!

Uliya was 19 september on I, grandmother, Iliko and Hilarion ...

This is a lovely essay! Classic theater, the highest acting skills of the main character! It is necessary to be in our days in such a space of purity and love!

Andrey was 17 september on THOUGH WITHOUT THE MIND

Woe from the mind, like all the interpretations of the classics prepared by M. Rozovsky, leave the impression of topicality and originality of reading. The viewer can easily be convinced from the first minutes of the play. I note that even if you looked at other versions of this comedy in the Maly Theater, on Malaya Bronnaya, on Taganka or in Sovremennik, go to the Nikitsky gate. Griboedov's text is carefully preserved, director's searches do not undermine the writer's ideas. At the same time, everything is new and fresh)

Tat`yana was 01 september on Ecclesiastes

A colossal impression! Interesting, vital, relevant, philosophical material ... The performance was held in one breath, the time "flew". From the stage it was impossible to look away. Everything is very capacious, dynamic. The artist did not work, but he lived his role. The combination of the time of the performance (1 hour), a small auditorium and the gift of a talented artist is an ideal ... And a deep semantic load. One phrase "vanity of vanities", filed in the context of what is happening on stage, is worth a lot! At the performance there were four of them - two married couples. Everyone liked it!

Elena was 24 august on A novel about girls

Oh, what a spiritual show! At the final scene, they wiped away tears from the memories of youth ..... Vysotsky's songs with a guitar. Great play of the cast. Director and production work at the height. Thank you for your work.

Natal`ya was 24 august on A novel about girls

The performance is stunning, in some places the truth is hard - Vysotsky is still - the naked truth of life without a beauty, therefore yes, in places to tears. Many of Vysotsky's songs have been performed that are not heard, some have never heard, but they are so piercing, trembling ... The actors involved practically all singing, the voices are all great, especially touched by the performance of the main character - actress Victoria Korlyakova and performer Alexander Kuleshov - Artist Denis Yuchenkov. We were sitting on the folding places - there simply was not any other people when we were buying - a sold-out, and not a bit tired, the time flew by very quickly! a lot of improvisation and interlacing with our time. I really liked the game of Sergei Sholokh and Olga Lebedeva! In general, all the actors involved were given the maximum possible - such a return of oneself and living in a role, as if they were the people who survived in the postwar period. Huge Gratitude for Work and Talent!

Nadegda was 24 august on A novel about girls

Great! I read the work and I was waiting to see what you had. Well done, good performance! The actors played wonderful! I will definitely come to other performances. Thank you for the pleasure! Nadezhda Vladimirovna, 70 years old

Marina was 24 august on A novel about girls

Were with my husband. The performance is excellent, the actors' play is simply amazing! I recommend unequivocally.

Tamara was 09 march on Oh, dear friend!

The play is very interesting, modern, it ridicules human vices. Fashionable actors play inimitably, the director's skills are felt. We really missed it! We love to go to this theater!

Tamara was 12 january on Gambrinus

Yesterday I visited with my husband this wonderful theater. This we did not expect! Brilliantly! Go and see! Gambrinus! Young actors are great! And the older generation is simply delighted! Thanks Rozovsky for the wonderful moments, because the play was held in one breath.

Ganna was 09 january on Brothers

The performance is very naive, cheerful, not suitable for the demanding viewer, but for those who are in a hurry to recharge themselves in a good mood and relax a bit, it is quite suitable. Therefore to go or not to solve to you. Artists try in every possible way to amuse the spectator and support the intensity of emotions.

Ganna was 05 december on Dad, Mom, I and Stalin

Was on the 3rd of December. Valery Sheyman was the most impressed. the staging is strong, even tears welling up.

Tat`yana was 10 may on Mirandolin

We watched the play "Mirandolina" in the theater "At the Nikitsky Gate." A double impression. I think that we should take it as modern variations on the theme of Goldoni's work. The performance is suitable to pass the evenings without special claims and delights. But the very new premises of the theater left a very pleasant impression - this kind of salon. Not for nothing that many years there was a repair!

Tat`yana was 15 april on Mirandolin

Very much ponravilos.Spasibo actors for a wonderful evening

Tat`yana was 15 march on Songs of our communal

Only yesterday, March 15, 2016 were with a friend in this play. The hall would be full. Songs were sung from the heart. The actors are magnificent, They played themselves without a trace. We are delighted. We advise everyone to go. The pleasure is great. Thank you for the performance.

Aleksandr was 02 april on Songs of our communal

I liked it very much, I recommend it to everyone! Thank you!!!

Ol`ga was 22 october on HARBIN-34

I liked the performance very much.

Maksim was 19 may on The case of Elagin's cornet

The performance really liked! A particularly great game of actors - in particular Victoria Korlyakova. Be sure to come to this theater again. Thank you so much!

Margarita was 19 jule on Songs of our yard

I liked the performance very much. We enjoyed and rested at the same time. The actors' game at altitude. We will come to this performance necessarily more, more and more

Marina was 25 jule on Gambrinus

Thanks, I liked it

Andrey was 21 jule on Tram "Desire"

Great performance, thank you!

Anna was 11 january on Tram "Desire"

A wonderful performance ... I enjoyed myself. Throughout the performance, she scrolled moments of her life in her head and realized that the story of the two sisters would be very close. I highly recommend this production to everyone without exception!

Alina was 28 september on Tram "Desire"

The play did not like, it seemed that the actors do not understand what is playing

Andrey was 21 jule on Tram "Desire"

Thank you, wonderful performance.

Anna was 27 november on Tram "Desire"

I write with pain in my heart over the dying, apparently irreversibly, domestic art. The performance is frank hack-work, for which one should be ashamed to take money. Actor play? I wonder what all these people studied for five years? Or they were typed on the ad? Had they heard about the stage speech? Hardly. None of them can speak, only crying angrily - in the case and not in the case. Plastic surgery? Director's plan? All the way, suffering, battered Blanche? Where is the dignity of a lady of noble birth? Where is the brilliance in the eyes? She really looks like a teacher from the periphery, from the Russian outback. The same look is hunted. Sister? Yes, it suits her daughter! Stanley does not pay any attention to the partners on the stage, he came out to admire himself. It shows through in every movement. About the rest and say nothing. Blanche's direct eye contact with the viewer throughout the action is an extremely unfortunate decision, all the more, she says on one note and frankly bad. And so, it seems, inadvertently, in the finale we are told the words of the feelings of heroes, which the actors are unable to play. Or we idiots can not understand? The play is really wonderful, but it just requires surgical precision. It has a very fine line between vulgarity and grotesque. You have to be the director's sniper to target Tennessee Williams. And this is the trouble almost all the capital's theaters. What, are the directors transferred to Russia? Do not be a Ginkass or Tuminas, they are geniuses - this is clear. But to feed the people with shit, sorry. Why do you think the viewer is a fool, respected artists? Why admit such a hack? And what right have you to call yourself directors?

Muhlisa was 12 september on Tram "Desire"

Good afternoon! Was at the play Tram "Desire". The actors' game is magnificent, I enjoyed watching, I recommend it to everyone.

Tat`yana was 08 march on YEMELA

Were with my granddaughter in this play. Granddaughter 6 years old. I am delighted both with my granddaughter. Cheerful, very musical performance. Especially pike liked. The theater is very good. We have already reviewed all the children's plays in it. We are waiting for new ones. And on Emel we advise everyone to go, you will not regret.

Szvezda was 03 december on Gambrinus

Today we were at this beautiful play. My mother was delighted, and the son of 17 said that in order to fully enjoy this performance, you need to know a little history. Although the game actors above all praise. Thank you!!!!!!!

Il`ya was 21 jule on Tram "Desire"

Thank you Mark Grigorievich for another wonderful evening in his theater. Bribes a rich palette of works in the repertoire, the inflorescence of young actors and sincere theatrical spirituality or something. Thank you!

Julkan was 03 jule on Tram "Desire"

The play is an emotional shake-up, especially in the second part. At times even it was forgotten that before us actors, playing roles - so all is alive. Vladimir Davidenko was amazed. Thank you!

Natali was 10 february on MAN-WOLF

A wonderful semantic performance! Many thanks to the director Mark Rozovsky! The performance is ambiguous, but this is fine, when there is something to think about! This is really a note in the footsteps of Z. Freud! All normal-crazy! To save a madman you need to love him and fall in love with him !!! I recommend that you watch the play and ponder .... Art and love will save life!

Angelina was 12 june on Created a miracle

We really enjoyed! Chamber theater, the feeling that you are on stage! The performance itself and the work are excellent!

Natali was 10 february on MAN-WOLF

Alexander Masalov, Raina Proudina, Linda Lapinsh, who are so talented and beautiful in their game !!! Linda Lapinsh is perfection not only in the game, what is the addition of the body !!! I am a woman, but I admired her, it seems that I did not see such perfection in my life, although I'm not 40 or 50 ... I'm older, but believe me in this I understand! Alexander Masalov. Perfect in the game, it's fun to watch, but outwardly so enjoyable! Mark Rozovsky low bow for his talent, a beautiful play, the philosophy of life! I want to thank for a variety of repertoire! We are pleased to visit your theater, every performance is a discovery! I want to tell you BRAVO-BRAVO-BRAVO !!! Until next time!

Andrey was 30 may on Gambrinus

The play was staged 23 years ago. On the one hand, such a time alarming - as it were not a "played record". And on the other hand, the venerable age allows us to hope that the viewer likes this production. Indeed, the Spectator is not mistaken! The musical looks with pleasure. Of course, Sasha's violin is incomparable and it costs in the future a separate concert of Sergei Erdenko and the ensemble "Loiko". But the performance itself, it seems, is the favorite child of Mark Rozovsky. The director came out to the audience and with pleasure he sang and danced :) I really liked the young actress Iana Pryzhankova. Unexpected was a combination of emotions over the long-forgotten rebellion of the Boers and the appointment of the newly-baked governor of Odessa. The performance seemed very cheerful, to tears, before I read Kuprin differently.

Igor` was 06 june on A novel about girls

Were with my wife 06.03.16. We were not very satisfied, but very satisfied. A wonderful game of actors, each plays out its role on 5+. Three hours passed completely unnoticed. From the performance only positive emotions, despite the sad history. Definitely recommend to your friends.

Tat`yana was 28 june on Songs of our yard

What a pleasure!!! On the street the play and even a little rain did not stop us. The atmosphere is so warm. I gave my dad tickets for the birthday. He was very pleased with the songs of his generation. And I liked it. I recommend to everyone. A pleasant evening in a pleasant company.

Alesya was 03 june on Bury Me Behind the Baseboard

Good mood to you all. Went to the play "The Master and Margarita." Impressions stunning! They caught every word. My mother did not read Bulgakov's book, she decided to read after watching. Good scenery. Tickets went to the balcony (there was a full hall), it's good that at least these people managed to buy, but it's audible and everything is seen well. The actors are well-chosen. Cat is irresistible!)) For the first time took an electronic ticket -very convenient. When in the course of the hall they just dialed the pin code. We were very satisfied.

Aleksey was 18 february on A novel about girls

This performance included everything you expect from the theater. Unforgettably!

Dmitriy was 23 june on I, grandmother, Iliko and Hilarion ...

The performance as usual with Mark Rozovsky is staged very soundly. The actors play wonderful. I recommend.

Ol`ga was 06 june on A novel about girls

This is an amazing reproduction of the era, not yet forgotten in our minds and hearts. Great performance. Cheerful, dynamic, realistic and so straight all of "our". I will definitely go to him again.

Tat`yana was 10 september on Songs of our yard

Thank you for the pleasure! Thanks to your performance, you managed to touch the life of your grandfathers and parents, to feel the special color of that era. Yours faithfully and gratitude, Tatyana.

Uliya was 07 jule on Songs of our yard

The performance is wonderful, fun and heartfelt! I watched it five times, with my parents, my teenager's son, my friends with foreigners and everyone is always delighted! Highly recommend!

Galina was 11 september on Forget-me-nots

Thanks for the spectal. The game is beautiful, the theme is amazing. In my opinion - the best performance of the season.

Valeriya was 03 september on Drinking alone

Thank you. Great performance!

Sof`ya was 02 jule on Bury Me Behind the Baseboard

A wonderful performance, I had great pleasure

Ol`ga was 04 jule on A novel about girls

Stunning spectacle-sparkling, sometimes comedic, and sometimes painfully piercing in places! Memories of the Soviet past are captured, but as if it was not with us, and we somewhere already saw it! Was with a friend, she, too, in full delight. Now I'll lead my husband :)

Irina was 17 may on Bury Me Behind the Baseboard

A wonderful performance and a great scene, can be seen from all places. The production is uncommon, sometimes touching, sometimes tragic! I recommend to see it all!

Evgeniya was 17 may on Bury Me Behind the Baseboard

The actors are simply gorgeous! I recommend to everyone!!!!

Polina was 03 june on Bury Me Behind the Baseboard

The performance did not impress. Expectations were not justified.

Ludmila was 30 april on I, grandmother, Iliko and Hilarion ...

Good, good performance.

Ketevana was 23 june on I, grandmother, Iliko and Hilarion ...

In the deaf village of Georgia, after the war, grandmother Olga (Raina Prudina) is raised by grandson Zaliko Vashalomidze (Konstantin Ivanov), in which she is "helped" by neighbors Iliko Chigogidze (Denis Yuchenkov) and Nosy Illarion Shevardnadze (Yuri Golubtsov). Zuriko has a chemistry teacher (Mark Vysotsky), bugger friends, classmates, Mary (Vera Desnitskaya), in which he is happily in love, and Murad's dog. And life happens, funny and sad at the same time. This is the novel "I, Grandma, Iliko and Hilarion" Nodar Dumbadze. Novels and stories by Nodar Dumbadze are more to me than favorite books. The river Gubazouly and the small river Lasha, on the banks of which the events of Nodar Dumbadze's books take place, and the "most beautiful and fun village in Guria" Khidistavi are the very places where my grandfather and mother grew up, where my sister and I were taken to the village to my great-grandmother, The same river, which is the student in the strongest heat. Many years ago, once again re-reading "I see the sun" and "I, grandmother, Iliko and Hilarion," I could not help feeling that I actually know almost all the characters in books. I know not the memory of what has already been read or seen in the cinema, but the memory of childhood. Seeing my surprise and bewilderment, my mother laughingly explained that this is actually so, and my memory does not deceive me. And that Nodar-tadpole in one of the stories is my grandfather, who since childhood was friends with Nodar Dumbadze, and Dumbadze's characters are our neighbors from the village of Khidistavi, aged, but not losing their taste for life and open hearts. It was very important for me to show my son this performance, to show him the naive, slightly sentimental and ironic world of Dumbadze, where the most important thing is the ability to enjoy life with its simple joys. And let the famine and the cold, and many did not return from the war, but there is a romantic youth Zuriko, the first love, faithful friends and native land. Zurikela Shalopay will grow up, go to study in Tbilisi, become an economist, and after studying will return to her village, where "Grandma, Iliko, Illarion and Mary are waiting". He will live and work in the countryside, he will have a house, and in the yard - Murad's dog. And Mary will be next to him and twelve children - eleven sons and one daughter - a beautiful blue-eyed Cyrus. And nothing more for happiness and do not. The performance "I, Grandma, Iliko and Hilarion" at the Theater at the Nikitsky Gate turned out to be easy and wise. Iliko and Illarion all the time sorriatsya, arrange tricks to each other, but as soon as Illarion happens misfortune - Iliko will substitute his shoulder and help the "opponent" in difficult times. The grandmother Olga, performed by Raina Praudina, is incredibly native, vocal and affectionate, mischievous and sad. After the performance, the son, smiling, said: "Mom, you know, our grandmother is just like grandmother Olga -" My lips curse and my heart bless you. .. "" Yes, son, the heart always blesses ... "

Only for children
Only adults
121069, Moskva, Nikitskaya B. ul., 23/14
01 h 15 min
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes without intermission
Old scene
“The tape of poetry” is a new project of Mark Rozovsky for the Old Stage of the theater “At the Nikitsky Gate”.

This is a cycle of literary and theatrical evenings, each of which will be devoted to the work of a single poet, and in this case, a group of poets performed by a brilliant galaxy of actors of our theater.

Mark Rozovsky about the "magnificent four":

They were united by time, they expressed it vehemently, becoming rulers of the thoughts of their generation. These are the creators, thanks to whom in our literature a unique and very powerful in terms of spiritual power worldview has been formed, called the “sixties”. 60s - the time of the release of public consciousness, the collapse of the cult of personality, great hopes, many of which did not come true and turned out to be illusions.

Different styles, fates, personalities ... Each of the four made a huge contribution to modern literature. They are distinguished by honest and high service to new senses and forms. They knew how to experiment when there was no place for experiment in our lives; they were telling the truth when fake socialist realism ruled the ball. Their poetics are both light and complex at the same time. By their example, the sixties were preparing the very perestroika that came through a quarter century. They took responsibility for moving the country towards democracy and humanity.


Honored Artist of Russia

Olga Lebedeva


Evgeny Evtushenko

Execution of Stenka Razin

(The chapter from the poem "Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station")

Robert Christmas

Ballad of Wings

Andrey Voznesensky

First ice

Beat a woman

Rules of conduct at the table

Beats woman

"There are a lot of us. There may be four of us ... "

Bella Akhmadulina

Tale of rain


Buy List 07 november thu 19:00

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Purchased earlier: 7
from 750 rubles
Purchased earlier: 7
from 750 rubles
Parafraz - a Swedish family
Purchased earlier: 47
from 500 rubles
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from 500 rubles
ZUB ZA ZUB (Po p`ese "Bog rezni")
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from 500 rubles
Poetry tape. E. Baratynsky
Purchased earlier: 3
from 500 rubles
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from 750 rubles
Purchased earlier: 40
from 1500 rubles
Purchased earlier: 3
from 750 rubles
Purchased earlier: 17
from 1000 rubles
Purchased earlier: 3
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Purchased earlier: 43
from 750 rubles
POETRY TAPE. E. Evtushenko, B. Akhmadulina
Purchased earlier: 8
from 1000 rubles