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Theater of V.F. Komissarzhevskaya

Only for children
Only adults
"Doctor Zhivago"
Saint-Petersburg.  "Doctor Zhivago"16+
Purchased earlier: 460
from 500 rubles
Passion for the Sofa
Saint-Petersburg.  Passion for the Sofa16+
Purchased earlier: 69
from 1000 rubles
«Polyarnaya bolezn`»
Saint-Petersburg.  «Polyarnaya bolezn`»12+
Purchased earlier: 81
from 500 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  TWELVE MONTHS6+
Purchased earlier: 1257
from 300 rubles
Today or never
Saint-Petersburg.  Today or never18+
Purchased earlier: 1223
from 500 rubles
«Nastanet den`...»
Saint-Petersburg.  «Nastanet den`...»12+
Purchased earlier: 127
from 300 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  GRAPHOMAN16+
Purchased earlier: 357
from 300 rubles
«Mesyac v derevne»
Saint-Petersburg.  «Mesyac v derevne»12+
Purchased earlier: 141
from 300 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  COLD HEART12+
Purchased earlier: 487
from 300 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  MYSELF MY SORROW ...16+
Purchased earlier: 456
from 300 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  COLD HEART12+
Purchased earlier: 487
from 300 rubles
Anonymous star
Saint-Petersburg.  Anonymous star16+
Purchased earlier: 707
from 300 rubles
«Trepet moego serdca»
Saint-Petersburg.  «Trepet moego serdca»16+
Purchased earlier: 259
from 300 rubles
I returned to my city ...
Saint-Petersburg.  I returned to my city ...16+
Purchased earlier: 126
from 300 rubles
Estimate that you are God
Saint-Petersburg.  Estimate that you are God16+
Purchased earlier: 506
from 300 rubles
191011, Sankt-Peterburg, Ital`yanskaya ul., 19
02 h 40 min

Matej Vishnek is a Romanian writer, poet and playwright of world renown, "second Ionesco", according to critics, the author of twenty plays staged in 30 countries of the world. In Russia, his works for the theater have almost no stage history. Director A. Bagman turned to a little-known in Russia collection of one-act plays by Vishnek about life, about the war, about the moral choice of man. The production is based on twelve selected from the collection, scenes for acting improvisation and self-expression. Touching the important questions of being, the play invites the viewer to a dialogue about the place of each person in the world, about freedom, purpose and sense of existence ... What is a person? How much does "another human life" cost? What is God, is there a God within each of us?

Short sketches, in each of which - the history of human loneliness, godlessness; "Long coffee" can hold the hero for a short time before moving to another world, a large tide flips through time, unfolds the channel of life and brings the moment of farewell ...

You never know what circumstances you will get into and how you will get out of them.

After all, even a faithful guide dog may one day not reach home - what to do in such a situation to a blind person who relied on it?

Or maybe one day it turns out that no one wants to go into a small cafe - what will the waitress do, how not to talk to imaginary visitors?

Is it easy for an assassin to venture a shot at his victim? Will the refugee cross the border, break through the wall of bureaucratic red tape? What did Jesus think about before he died and rose again?

Everyone has their own tasks, and everyone has to comprehend them and fight them independently.


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