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Moscow Experimental Theater of V.Spesivtseva

Only for children
Only adults
Romeo and Juliet
Purchased earlier: 118
from 200 rubles
Chaika on behalf of JONATHAN LIVINGSTON
Purchased earlier: 861
from 700 rubles
Purchased earlier: 73
from 1200 rubles
War and Peace
Purchased earlier: 297
from 200 rubles
Fathers and Sons
Purchased earlier: 62
from 700 rubles
Princess Frog
Purchased earlier: 14
from 700 rubles
127254, Moskva, Rustaveli ul., 19
01 h 15 min

The tale "The Princess-Frog" teaches its young spectators that people around us need to be evaluated not by "clothes", but by their actions and qualities of character.

The main heroine of the fairy tale is Tsarevna-Frog, who initially repels Ivan-Tsarevich with her appearance. By decree of his father, he, along with his brothers, had to shoot an arrow, and where she would fall to seek a bride. Ivan Tsarevich, the youngest of the brothers, had a share in meeting the Frog Princess. When the father of the family ordered his daughter-in-law to undergo severe trials, Ivan-Tsarevich understood how lucky he was with the bride. She adequately coped with all the difficulties that fell to her lot, and the young groom saw in her character excellent qualities. And the Frog Princess becomes Vasilisa the Wise, which strikes both the king and his sons with his qualities, knowledge and skills.

And the groom-Ivan Tsarevich fell in with her. He was kind and brave, respected others. Thus, the heroes of the fairy tale "The Princess-Frog" could defeat the evil and injustice.

In the play, many Russian folk songs and dances are used. Beautiful costumes of performers, bright light solutions and original scenery, where colorful kerchiefs turn into scenery. And of course, the performance is interactive. Young spectators help heroes cope with evil and good wins.


Buy List 30 march sun 14:00

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Based on thousands of feedbacks, Teatronet defined events that are "close in spirit to the times and tastes"

Purchased earlier: 71
from 700 rubles
Romeo and Juliet
Purchased earlier: 118
from 700 rubles
Chaika on behalf of JONATHAN LIVINGSTON
Purchased earlier: 861
from 700 rubles
Purchased earlier: 3
from 700 rubles
Purchased earlier: 73
from 700 rubles
Purchased earlier: 38
from 700 rubles
War and Peace
Purchased earlier: 297
from 700 rubles