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Feedbacks from viewers
Lora was 15 february on "Village of rope-walkers"

A wonderful performance. Kind, beautiful and poetic. Many thanks to all the creators and participants!

Irina was 06 september on "Return"

Many thanks. I liked it very much. There were 5 adults, discussions after the performance were up to 12 hours. We will follow the performances. Special thanks to the actors for the transfer.

Aleksandr was 07 january on "The Tale of the Priest and of his Balda Worker"

Many thanks to children very much

Nata was 07 january on "The Tale of the Priest and of his Balda Worker"

A chic performance, an amazing game on the balalaika, enjoyed! Thank you!!!

Irina was 25 may on "The Tale of the Priest and of his Balda Worker"

Thanks, I liked it.

Irina was 09 november on "The Tale of the Priest and of his Balda Worker"

It was perfect !!!! Alla, gorgeous !!!!!

Irina was 25 may on "The Tale of the Priest and of his Balda Worker"

Children are delighted. Thank you

Elena was 29 april on "The Tale of the Priest and of his Balda Worker"

April 29, 2014 went to this wonderful performance for the second time, and the second time - a holiday! Such a talented, cheerful production, so much creative imagination. Directed by Boris Konstantinov - three times the winner of the Golden Mask, and not for nothing. Balagan is combined with good taste, well-chosen music and nourished with kind humor. There is nothing insulting to the clergy in the play, we were visited by children from Sunday school, they did not hurt anything, and really, really enjoyed it. With this performance you leave richer than you came. I laughed for the second time no less than the first! Thank you to the Open Space! I recommend to all.

Larisa was 21 september on "The Tale of the Priest and of his Balda Worker"

Wonderful performance !!! I recommend parents to go along with the kids. In this context, I never imagined this fairy tale. And what sounds-the seagull, the sea, the thunderstorm .... The game on the instruments. Everything is just gorgeous.

Dmitry was 07 september on "Lyubka"

The performance is beautiful. The request to the actresses - in the most emotional moments to correlate the decibels and the small size of the room.

Irina was 17 august on "Lyubka"

Were together with my sister, came to visit from Kaliningrad, we all really liked it, if after reading the story was sad, then after the performance the sadness was bright and sentimental ...) thanks! And this camera, and the game, and the production .. all deserve praise) thank you!

Viktoriya was 07 september on "Lyubka"

Certainly. Strong. Smooth. Thanks to the actresses!

Gennadiy was 17 august on "Lyubka"

Excellent performance with talented rezhsure!

Sergey was 30 december on "Lyubka"

Many thanks for the performance. We are guests of St. Petersburg and from a variety of pre-New Year events purposefully chose "Lyubka" and are still happy with their choice - we are under the impression of what we saw. Once again, many thanks to you. Marina and Sergey, Obninsk.

Zoya was 16 october on "Lyubka"

Thank you for the wonderful performance!

Only for children
Only adults
Sankt-Peterburg, Mohovaya ul., 42
01 h 30 min
The great innovator director of the twentieth century Vsevolod Emilevich Meyerhold is a tragic figure in the history of world theater. By the time of his arrest, he had reached the top of the theatrical "Olympus", was recognized as the leader of theatrical art, the creator of his own theatrical system, the head of the theater named after him. His life, tragically cut short in the dungeons of the NKVD, and his personality, which did not fit into the usual framework, gave impetus to the creation of this performance - a free theatrical fantasy about a brilliant artist and the time in which he lived.

The staging of Roman Gabrias is not only reflections on the eternal theme “artist and power”, but also an attempt to penetrate into the consciousness of a great director, to guess the motives of his actions, to find the fateful rhymes between life and work.

Staging and set design - Roman Gabri
Costume Designer - Natalia Kornilova
Composer - Vladislav Krylov
Video Design - Alexandra Magelatov
Movement - Nikolay Kuglyant
Lighting Designer - Vasily Kovalev
Assistant Director - Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Anatoly Zhuravin, Alla Danishevskaya, Sergey Gvozdev

Duration of performance - 1 hour 20 minutes


Buy List 08 november fri 19:00

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"Village of rope-walkers" (living legend)
Purchased earlier: 653
from 1600 rubles
"Osennyaya skazka"
Saint-Petersburg.  "Osennyaya skazka"12+
from 700 rubles
"Village of rope-walkers" (living legend)
Purchased earlier: 653
from 1800 rubles
"Sceny suprugeskoy gizni"
Saint-Petersburg.  "Sceny suprugeskoy gizni"18+
Purchased earlier: 23
from 1300 rubles
Ulitka i kit
Saint-Petersburg.  Ulitka i kit4+
Purchased earlier: 5
from 1100 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  Picnic16+
from 1100 rubles
"Dom Bernardy Al`by"
Saint-Petersburg.  "Dom Bernardy Al`by"16+
Purchased earlier: 5
from 1000 rubles
"Biloksi Bluz"
Saint-Petersburg.  "Biloksi Bluz"14+
Purchased earlier: 3
from 1000 rubles
"Romeo i Dgul`etta"
Saint-Petersburg.  "Romeo i Dgul`etta"10+
Purchased earlier: 15
from 1200 rubles
"The Tale of the Priest and His Worker" Open Space Theater
Purchased earlier: 7
from 1000 rubles
PREMIERE. Meyerhold
Saint-Petersburg.  PREMIERE. Meyerhold16+
Purchased earlier: 44
from 1200 rubles
"Village of rope-walkers" (living legend)
Purchased earlier: 653
from 1000 rubles
"Village of rope-walkers" (living legend)
Purchased earlier: 653
from 1100 rubles
Lyubka (based on the story of the same name by Dina Rubina)
Purchased earlier: 312
from 1400 rubles