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Theater of modern drama "Quiet Whirlpool"

Feedbacks from viewers
Mariya was 13 march on Perfect citizen

Original production. Heavy for perception. For a change, you can see.

Oksana was 19 february on My dog

The play was liked, although it touches upon topics that are impartial and even very painful! So painful that in the hall someone could not hold back tears, and the long-awaited finale brought incredible relief !!! Everything turned out - and the concise scenery, and the small details, and the actors' game, each of which embodied his uneasy image, while at the same time forgetting about the ensemble ... (But, for the sake of justice, I can not help saying that the brightness of one character - the boy's boyfriend, seemed too deliberate - for the tiny room his cry was loud, and the actor blushed so abruptly that the perception of the plot was offended)). And more - in the hall were children, I do not know what a difficult fate brought there schoolchildren of 11-12 years. I can not say that they did not need to see this performance or something they did not understand, but some strokes and words could have been used by actors this evening (although I do not know, maybe they already cut some scenes "for adults "))))). And yet - I now, in my usual life, just watch the child's happiness from finding a dog, from communicating with her .. I want to confirm, all for sure!)) And, pogryzannye rulers, and the ubiquitous "dog's eyes," and lessons in an embrace with it - all as in life, one to one!))) So THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR LIVING performance !!!

Uliya was 19 february on My dog

Yesterday we visited for the first time this beautiful theater and the play "My Dog". The game of actors at the height! A serious thing that makes you think about many things in our life! Without tears, I could not survive the entire plot of the play .. I really "take for the soul" ... I advise everyone !!!

Aleksandr was 14 november on You could be

The theater is small, but cozy and well equipped. The whole way from the metro to the entrance is described in detail, found easily. We already saw the chairs with Jurassic, we wanted to compare the impression. This performance is completely different and about something else, the director is very modern. Slightly tightened, but after viewing causes a lot of interesting thoughts and "fit". The hall is actually part of the scene. Excellent work in video and sound. Actors are quite organic, although "surpassing" Jurassic, of course, impossible.

Larisa was 15 december on My dog

This performance deeply touched us. The atmosphere of the theater, where you become a participant in what is happening on the stage, unwillingly sincerity in the game of truly talented actors of this theater, the plot of the play-all this can not leave the spectator indifferent. We got an inexpressible sensation with our daughter. about life, about the role of each of us in the fate of close people, about the responsibility for each other. I recommend for viewing as a young audience, just starting their own way of life, and well-established people m.Vy not leave indifferent to the play!

Nadegda was 30 march on My dog

Specially led her friends yesterday to this performance, because even in the first viewing "My Dog" brought me into emotional excitement. We are all very impressed by what we saw, heard and felt!

Aleksandr was 15 december on My dog

fascinating, dragging into the relationship of the heroes of action. a full sense of involvement. thanks to the actors and the author.

Natal`ya was 19 january on My dog

I watched almost all the performances of this theater. My dog ​​is the best performance, in my opinion. I cried so much. It penetrates deep into the soul. Thank you very much for such a great performance !!!

Marina was 27 april on My dog

A wonderful, touching, soulful performance! I liked it very much! Many thanks to actors for a wonderful evening!

Evelina was 19 january on My dog

Very original performance, but quite interesting. The actors played wonderful! Fans of the modern theater and to expand the horizon to go, but theatrical classics do not recommend.

Svetlana was 27 april on My dog

Thank oooogromnoe for the pleasure. At the end of the play, I could not hold back tears ... The actors play is incomparable, none left indifferent spectators. Once again a tremendous thanks to all! Further creative research! Svetlana.

Rustam was 19 january on My dog

The most impressive and deep staging, leaves a deep impression!

Uliya was 08 february on My dog

Were in February 2015. Lovely performance, moved to tears. The first time in this theater. We will definitely come again to other performances.

Vera was 14 april on My dog

I have no words! To what extent the production of this Theater can tamper with the soul and turn inside out. "My dog" shook me! Thank you!

Ol`ga was 25 may on My dog

The play will not leave anyone indifferent! Excellent production, a wonderful game of actors! I was in the theater for the second time and I know that I will come again! A performance from the category IT IS NEED TO LOOK TO ALL!

Irina was 19 january on My dog

All the great fellows. Pleased. Very soulful. Irina

Grenada was 27 april on My dog

I'm not a fan of theaters, but I've hooked the Quiet Whirlpool. The second time I come to "My Dog". I am very close to the topic :(. I have not experienced such emotions for a long time.

Natal`ya was 03 november on My dog

The performance is wonderful, very touching. Many thanks.

Irishka was 19 january on My dog

"I can not protect you from the pope." "Adult people are big and heavy, and we are small and light." Weight, it's all about weight ... When I grow up, I will not be like Dad, "whisper to his friend Dog little boy . And the adults have their own, brutal logic: "If someone is holding out his hand to you, do not think why he is doing it. Just cut it down!" Ah, if the dogs could speak! They certainly would have expressed everything that they think about us! Extraordinarily tender, touching, truthful performance. It will be well understood by both children and adults - but everyone "from his belltower". And that's fine. Maybe the touching story of the little boy's love for his Dog (whose role is simply brilliantly performed by Alexander Prahov) will help parents understand their children more? And children, in turn, realize that adults are created not only to stop everything and always to swear, but also in order to love and understand their sons and daughters. And only eternal employment and caring for daily bread does not give dads and mothers a real understanding of their high destiny. Love each other and our smaller brothers, because life is short! A great performance for all time, I highly recommend it!

Oksnik was 25 may on My dog

Extraordinary performance. Present. Strong. Interesting. Of those that you do not forget for a long time and experience a re-told story. Elena Myakisheva is an extraordinary actress! It's great that there is such a theater. THANK YOU!

Raisa was 25 may on My dog

A tremendous event. Very strong performance. Thanks for the emotions

Sergey was 18 january on The husband of Desdemona

The first time in this theater came with her husband to the play "The husband of Desdemona." The first 20 minutes was not very clear and very unusual, but after the plot and the acting was delayed completely. Very interesting interpretation of the Shakespearean classics. The feeling of presence in the center of the events, a sincere and very talented play of the actors left strong impressions. We decided to come again!

Tat`yana was 22 december on The husband of Desdemona

Visited with her husband performance "Husband Desdemona", were very satisfied. To our great regret, we have never heard of this theater before, now we will be regular spectators. Throughout the entire viewing, the feeling of one's own participation in the play did not leave, probably because of the tremendously emotional play of the actors and the proximity of the stage to the auditorium. A wonderful troupe, very talented, creative guys, great production. Creative success, good luck and all the best to you!

Svetlana was 15 february on The husband of Desdemona

A stunning performance. The first time in the theater .. crying. There was no game on the stage, there was Life. Thank you very much!

Ekaterina was 18 january on The husband of Desdemona

Were with my husband on this show. Remained very satisfied! A small hall, an excellent actors' play and a lot of emotions! We will definitely come to this wonderful theater.

Larisa was 31 january on The husband of Desdemona

Very creative production, as, indeed, others in this theater! Alexander Prakhov is incomparable in any role. The performance is worked out in full, which for me is an indicator of higher professionalism and respect for the viewer. Many thanks to the actors!

Marina was 28 september on The husband of Desdemona

Very extraordinary reading of Shakespeare. The game of young and very talented actors deserves attention. The characters are so thought out and vivid that they can not be recognized even in the performance of different actors, who constantly produce castling on the stage, dressing in one or both roles. Unusual experience - I advise!

Aleksey was 30 november on The husband of Desdemona

They got into this theater quite by accident and did not regret a bit! Actors play so sincerely, truthfully, with an incredible feeling and genuine emotions that I want to just shout: "I believe, I believe! I believe!" Thank you very much for your work! You are great fellows! Be sure to advise everyone to your theater!

Tat`yana was 27 march on The husband of Desdemona

Passion in the play is mixed with sarcasm, Italian comedy Del Arte with a tough drama. The plot of the play is transmitted so strongly that in the classical filing many nuances could slip away, and here - all the characters, the whole inner essence of the characters, as in the palm of your hand. On your palm! I recommend to look at it.

Irina was 09 march on The husband of Desdemona

Were in the "Whirlpool" for the first time. The hall of only 20 spectators remotely resembles a chamber scene of "Sphere". Watched "The husband of Desdemona, or 5 to 12". I liked it very much. The modern language of real characters in today's life of the characters in perfect accuracy with the Shakespeare story tells the story of just four! artists of the theater on the rupture of the aorta. We laughed, we lived the stories together and cried in the end with our hearts. We must definitely go to some other play in this theater. Thank you for a good evening!

Anna was 09 march on The husband of Desdemona

Unusually, but very much. Thank you very much to everyone !!!

Natal`ya was 22 december on The husband of Desdemona

It is interesting that every actor during the play tries on the role of Desdemona, then Othello, then Iago, etc.

Uliya was 26 january on The husband of Desdemona

The performance was very pleasant, it was an unusual production.

Larisa was 16 february on The flow of genuine happiness

The play was watched together with my 20-year-old daughter. I liked the play very much, the experience of the main character turned out to be close, and I somehow "lived" with it life events. Very deep components of the human soul are touched. The daughter could not "overpower" this one the performance-did not understand in it practically nothing ...) Hence the conclusion-to comprehend this work it is necessary to "ripen."

Natal`ya was 24 may on The flow of genuine happiness

Super, my husband and I really liked it, we plan to invite friends to this performance, and ourselves, again, with contentment we'll go. I will not write about what is happening on the stage, I advise you to come and see, there is much to think about, lots of fatal music, philosophy.

Irina was 01 june on The flow of genuine happiness

The performance really liked! The game of actors, the design of the performance and of course rock! We will advise our friends to look! Thanks for the pleasure

Yana was 16 february on The flow of genuine happiness

Thank you for the performance. Very cozy atmosphere, the theater of one spectator. I thought I was going to the play, but it turned out 70 percent of the songs. A rock opera (?) Or a musical. The monk was pleased, the combination of multimedia and the actor's game, a frightening umbilical cord. It was interesting.

Nadegda was 12 january on The flow of genuine happiness

Strong. Handsomely. Painfully.

Viktoriya was 08 december on Medea

As always, excellent! Very emotional. In 5 minutes after the start you forget about everything. Thank you! We already bought tickets for the next play.

Evgeniy was 14 september on Medea

We really liked the play! The actors played very sincerely and with dedication played, thank you very much!

Marina was 17 may on Medea

In general, the performance really liked. The actors played well. The only thing, some modern inserts seemed superfluous.

Elena was 08 december on Medea

Games of the lonely. Visited friends at a party. They told me stories from their lives. So warm, comfortable was at this play.

Ol`ga was 17 may on Medea

If your child does not like to read, if he thinks that the theater is boring ... then you just like in the theater Quiet pool! Medea is a very serious thing adapted for today's viewer !!! Many thanks to Alexander Prahov for positive emotions !!!

Liliya was 02 march on Medea

Thank you for the wonderful performance! The first time was at your theater, the small hall created the feeling that the actors are playing for me! The actress who played Medea, is gorgeous! It is a pity that the actors quickly left the wings, I wanted to tell them kind words! Thank you!

Aleksandr was 05 january on Songs of Hao-sa

A wonderful performance, we will come again.

Raisa was 31 august on Songs of Hao-sa

Emotionally and exciting. We will definitely come again. Thank you

Ol`ga was 31 august on Songs of Hao-sa

Thank you very much to Alexander Prahov! Especially for the song Poplar !!!!!

Viktoriya was 24 november on Songs of Hao-sa

Many thanks for an interesting and thoughtful evening. We will definitely come again. And on the "Song of Hao-sa" and other performances.

Elizaveta was 24 november on Songs of Hao-sa

Many thanks for the thoughts that your troupe tried to convey to us throughout the whole action! Powerful, bold and deserves respect! And of course thanks to the actors for the return!

Svetlana was 24 november on Songs of Hao-sa

I really liked the performance! Especially Prahov! Unfortunately, girls sometimes distracted, reduce the number of dances, and will be stronger.

Nadegda was 06 october on Songs of Hao-sa

"Songs of Hao-sa" are songs of the soul of a person who is not indifferent to his country. They express pain, compassion. They urge us to stop in our fuss, to look around, not to pass by misfortune and lawlessness, to remember about God. Thank you!

Vera was 21 april on Songs of Hao-sa

Songs of Hao-sa is another play of the Quiet Spill to obtain a full-fledged catharsis. I was shaken and I woke up. Strange performance, revealing the hidden corners of the soul, making you look at the world with wide eyes, to understand that you are still alive)))) I recommend as a tool from sleep!

Evgeniya was 06 october on Songs of Hao-sa

Thank you very much for the unusual performance! Let's go back to you again. Special thanks to the emotional Chihuahu. :)

Nadegda was 06 october on Songs of Hao-sa

"Songs of Hao-sa" are songs of the soul, soul

Only for children
Only adults
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