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Drama Theater "Ostrov"

Only for children
Only adults
Fantazii Faryat`eva. Prem`era.
Purchased earlier: 3
from 600 rubles
Louvre Premiere.
Saint-Petersburg.  Louvre Premiere.16+
Purchased earlier: 160
from 600 rubles
Senor Juan's last woman
Saint-Petersburg.  Senor Juan's last woman16+
Purchased earlier: 13
from 600 rubles
Innkeeper. Premiere!
Saint-Petersburg.  Innkeeper. Premiere!12+
Purchased earlier: 110
from 600 rubles
LUBOV`, TEATR, ChEHOV. Prem`era.
Purchased earlier: 32
from 600 rubles
Fantazii Faryat`eva. Prem`era.
Purchased earlier: 3
from 600 rubles
Innkeeper. Premiere!
Saint-Petersburg.  Innkeeper. Premiere!12+
Purchased earlier: 110
from 600 rubles
LUBOV`, TEATR, ChEHOV. Prem`era.
Purchased earlier: 32
from 600 rubles
Suicide. Premiere.
Saint-Petersburg.  Suicide. Premiere.16+
Purchased earlier: 39
from 600 rubles
Sankt-Peterburg, Kamennoostrovskiy pr-kt., 26-28
02 h 00 min
Podsekalnikov Semen Semenovich - Vladimir Ivanchin
Maria Lukyanovna (his wife) - Asya Shibarova
Serafima Ilyinichna (his mother-in-law) - Lydia Melnikova
Alexander Petrovich Kalabushkin (their neighbor) - Andrey Oshkanov, Anton Chernov.
Margarita Ivanovna Peresvetova - Alexandra Nikitina
Aristarch Dominicovich Grand Skubik - Nikolay Klochiev
Egorushka (Egor Timofeevich) - Nikolai Erofeev
Cleopatra Maksimovna - Anna Skobkina, Oksana Mysina

"No, you know what I can? I can not be afraid of anyone. Nobody. What I want, I will do. Anyway, die!" The production is based on the play by Nikolai Erdman (1900-1970), written back in 1928, and having a very difficult theatrical fate. The play is based on the fate of that "little man", one day either by the will of others, or by his own lack of will who decided to play death. The fact is that only after leaving this life does fate promise him a wonderful and interesting future, which he deserves. But can not ink spilled on a suicide note suddenly turn out to be drops of someone else's blood? Everything is possible in the theater. And in life?

The duration of the performance is two hours with intermission.


Buy List 11 april fri 19:00

Invite friends

Seven wives of Bluebeard. Premiere.
Purchased earlier: 156
from 600 rubles
Igra. Prem`era
Saint-Petersburg.  Igra. Prem`era16+
Purchased earlier: 14
from 600 rubles
Louvre Premiere.
Saint-Petersburg.  Louvre Premiere.16+
Purchased earlier: 160
from 600 rubles
Steklyannyy zverinec. Prem`era.
Purchased earlier: 10
from 600 rubles