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Were in November. I must say, I did not expect that Yevgeny Stychkin alone would draw this very difficult performance. For an hour and a half watched in one breath. At least the women squealed to tears. He agreed a couple of times in monologues, but this did not spoil a strong good impression. In general, I recommend.
Awesome performance! Very sincere play of actors with tremendous energy. It was a great pleasure. I follow the works of Evgeny Grishkovets, I have been to all his plays and have never been disappointed.
Awesome performance! Very sincere play of actors with tremendous energy. It was a great pleasure. I follow the works of Evgeny Grishkovets, I have been to all his plays and have never been disappointed.
“ Very good performance, good acting. Interesting interactive with the hall. I went with my beloved, she liked it too. Not a minute missed. On a solid four.
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ Great, but not enough)
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ In love with Grishkovets, I will definitely come back in April! Thank you very much!
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ Grishkovets, as always, is gorgeous)
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ Loved it
was 10 april on Dreadnoughts
“ The performance is excellent, as, indeed, almost everything Grishkovets does. The topic is specific, not everyone can be understood, I saw people who are frankly bored and do not understand the thoughts of the artist in the hall, which personally bothers me and distracts me. Not once said - study at least a little topic of the play, which you are going to see. The name of Yevgeny Grishkovets is at the hearing, it is considered fashionable to go for it, but the unprepared are disappointed, which is a shame for the author in the first place. A performance about warships of the 1st world war, about sailors, about a woman's view of such topics from the point of view of a man. I advise you to look, piece goods.
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ Grishkovets wonderful, as always! The hall is very cozy. Thank!
was 16 december on Dreadnoughts
“ A performance for women or a performance that did not work out. Agree, strange subtitles for the production, the name of which uniquely identifies the theme - ships, shipbuilding, sea battles. However, Yevgeny Grishkovets, in a manner peculiar to him alone, ironically and simply explains this oddity, and then opens the world to unprecedented feats of real people, destinies closely intertwined on ships participating in sea battles of the First World War. And all this is so frankly and close that the thought involuntarily arises "then people were real and life was real, and we forgot about it. And there are no more dreadnoughts!"
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ Wonderful performance. I went on March 8 with my husband. We both liked it very, very much. Although there were a lot of funny moments, I would not call this play entertaining. It is very deep and requires empathy and 100% involvement from the viewer. Some so young ladies frankly missed that Grishkovets had to make comments to them. I recommend that those who really love and understand the work of Grishkovets go for it.
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ I really liked the performance, the cool smoke) it was a pity to burn the ships. E.G. strict and cheerful. Good gift turned out on March 8. Well organized. Thank!
was 08 march on Dreadnoughts
“ The event really enjoyed! Many thanks to Grishkovts and the staff of the shopping center.
was 21 january on AUDITOR (Kolyada-Theater)
“ It is a pity that the tours of Kolyada are so short, and that they, like a birthday, are only once a year. Strong performance. The coolest troupe.
was 21 january on AUDITOR (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Thank you for the performance, everything is fine, we are delighted!
was 21 january on AUDITOR (Kolyada-Theater)
“ With great interest met with the works of Kolyada. It is unusual, but uninhibited.
was 21 january on AUDITOR (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Wonderful staging! Loved it!
was 15 january on SKRIPKA, BUBEN and UTYUG (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Very positive, energetic and fun performance. Staging in the corporate style of Kolyada-Theater. I always recommend it to my friends and acquaintances who are not yet familiar with the magnificent theater named after Kolady)).
was 20 january on HAMLET (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Such a distant Hamlet could have been put up by Kusturica, inspired by Cirque du Soleil and transferring the action to the Kin-dza-dza universe. The performance is noisy, musical, crowded and hypnotic: it’s simply impossible to break away. Three hours pass unnoticed, and the action itself is striking so much that you remain impressed the next day. Oleg Yagodin, the star of the production and the whole theater, with wild eyes, in an instant moving from cynicism to anguish, is simply superb! In my opinion, it’s definitely worth seeing this sight with your own eyes, feeling it, experiencing it along with the actors on the stage, letting yourself be carried away by the absurd, wild and to the extreme frank Yekaterinburg vortex under the direction of Nikolai Kolyada.
was 16 january on HAMLET (Kolyada-Theater)
“ One of the most programmed, iconic performances of the theater. Here there is everything that Kolyada loves fans of - the brightest visual component saturated with symbols, multidimensional interpretations of the text with unexpected accents, the outstanding game Yagodina.
was 06 june on Foreword to the novel "Theater of Despair"
“ Was on the play "Preface to the novel" on May 11. I was surprised and fascinated! Truly beautiful action. In it are thoughts and reasonings that do not age. Humor, a philosophical thread, with which the work is stitched, is everything here. It was this solo performance of Eugene that made the strongest impression. And, I would like to say, certainly, read the novel following the "preface": "Theater of despair or desperate theater"!
was 15 may on Foreword to the novel "Theater of Despair"
“ I'm impressed by this solo performance. Very pleased! Evgeny Grishkovets is a great talented writer, actor, sage, and now for me also a mime. For the first time I saw how he performs pantomime. It's great! Everyone who loves Grishkovets (yesterday these people were in the hall), this performance should be liked. I was hooked to tears. See on the screen 16-year-old Zhenya, a clean, beautiful kanapatogo boy and know that he will meet on, it's strong! Especially when there is a son of the same age. Thank you, dear Eugene, Zhenya, Zhenya!
was 15 may on Foreword to the novel "Theater of Despair"
“ The play, like Eugene is great !! 2 hours of peace of mind and peace, this is worth living for! Bravo Evgenie !!! Thanks for the autograph on your new novel !!!
was 18 january on UNSOLVETORS
“ Stunningly talented, beautiful "Pisarevtsy." Despite the fact that this theatrical performance actors play as if they have centuries of experience behind their shoulders. I recommend to everyone, I am very impressed!
was 25 january on CHERRY GARDEN (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Best performance Kolyada along with "Masquerade"
was 25 january on CHERRY GARDEN (Kolyada-Theater)
“ It was grandiose!
was 28 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Who are to blame? What can we do? Where are we rushing? Laughing and weeping along with the actors, we are looking through "our all" balalaika, matryoshka, Pushkin, spirituality, the Stanislavsky system, the great realistic Russian theater, to the music of G. Verdi (as without the Italian opera) . BRAVO Nikolai Kolyada and his delightful actors !!! Nikolay Gogol-BRAVO !!! And all this HOLIDAY of love and understanding in the cozy atmosphere of the Theater Center on Strastnoy lasted two weeks of the tour of the Kolyada Theater! THANK YOU! Until next time!
was 28 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)
“ January 28, 2015. They have muffled. Servant Podkolesin, like an echo, repeats all the replies of his master, the words Podkolesin and Kochkarev can not be disassembled, just yelling, interrupting each other. No dancing or other gestures of heroes save the performance from boredom. I have before my eyes an unforgettable production of A.Efros with O.Yakovleva, M.Kazakov, N.Volkov, L.Broneyev, L.Durov. With difficulty I served the first act.
Mihail Habibulin
was 25 january on CHERRY GARDEN (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Very much!
was 25 january on CHERRY GARDEN (Kolyada-Theater)
“ I do not recognize the modernized (modern) classics. However, the "Cherry Orchard" N. Kolyady liked. I watched 5 performances of these tours. Everyone liked it, despite some disadvantages. Something in the performances of this director is present, which attracts. Once again I want to say many thanks and a low bow to the talent of N. Kolyada.
was 28 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Was at the last guest performance of the Kolyada-Theater on 01/28/2015. "Marriage" an excellent performance, a lot of jokes, zadumok (grooms with peacock tails, instead of hats - covers from samovars and all artists with a thick blush on their cheeks). What ease, what is the refinement of movements. I liked the play. I advise everyone to watch all the performances of the Kolyada-Theater. They awaken the soul, make the heart beat more often !!! Once again, thanks to Nikolai Vladimirovich and his glorious company for their dedication and real creativity, for a live theater! E. Troitskaya. PS They flew away, but promised to return, like my beloved Carlson.
was 21 january on CHERRY GARDEN (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Nikolai Kolyada takes to the stage a grotesque crowd in embroidered felt boots: at all huge wooden crosses, shirts strewn with sequins, attached to the buttocks of the napkin and huge iridescent colored rings. Throughout the performance, everyone beats each other's eggs with their foreheads, they stop their gaping mouths and spit. Of course, they sing. They are baptized and drunk. All this is noisy, for all the absurdity is very organic and wildly funny. Kolyada "packs" Chekhov in folk songs, wittily "pierces" all the popular quotations. Heroes carry not only Chekhov from their bazaar, they carry everything that can be carried, that we carry every day - and this is the small razeye demoniacism, the national tragicomedy. If you ask: "Why?" - Kolyada will reply: "Theater is the same! Handsomely!". "Beautiful" is one of the main aesthetic laws recognized by the master over himself.
was 25 january on CHERRY GARDEN (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Terrific! Stunned! Kolyada-MASTER!
was 25 january on CHERRY GARDEN (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Great performance!
was 26 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)
“ The setting pleased, one of the luck of Christmas carols
was 27 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)
“ I will share my impressions about the production of "The Marriage" (Kolyada-Theater). I have already seen this production on the stage of other theaters, but I should note that I liked the interpretation of the play "Marriage" (Kolyada-Theater). The spirit of the era is well conveyed, the actors play remarkably: very expressive and very bright. Very good costumes and interesting scenery. With great joy would look and other performances!
was 26 january on THE MARRIAGE (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Just awful!!!! Ineptly! Fuck. Humor Gogol does not require additions, especially in the form of vulgar jokes and an inappropriate masquerade. We left the play.
was 17 january on MASKARAD (Kolyada-Theater)
“ A wonderful play, starting and unfolding as a farce, but turning into a tragedy. Lermontov's reading is deliberately modern: Max Raabe sounds from the stage, Arbenin goes on skis, and Prince Zvezdich flashes backwards. In the interval there was a mass exodus of old women. But this - this art. Kolyada thanks.
was 17 january on MASKARAD (Kolyada-Theater)
“ It's amazing! I want to see again!
was 17 january on SKRIPKA, BUBEN and UTYUG (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Wonderful performance (was 17.01..16) !! The director's finds and the selfless play of the actors fill the hall with cheerfulness and fervor, with piercing sadness and empathy, they convey the whole spectrum of emotions from bacchanalia to sobering-up. Thank you!!
was 17 january on MASKARAD (Kolyada-Theater)
“ I was told that this is one of the best performances of Kolyada, and I fully agree with this. Of the productions that I saw, "Masquerade" is the strongest!
was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ I liked it very much
was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ The performance was very much liked by its unusual genre, it also considers the history of love, passion and the history of human insanity. Actor's game is quite decent. In general, quite a good performance!
was 25 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ A vivid and unusual interpretation of the famous play. Ermolova in the role of Blanche and Yagodin in the role of Kowalski cause so strong emotions that they turn the viewer literally physically. As always the corporate style of Kolyada with unexpected accents. One of the best productions of the theater, guaranteed to punch on emotions.
was 15 january on MASKARAD (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Magic magic "Kolyada-Theater"! BRAVO! The best review in the newspaper Le Monde: "This theater is like a bacchanalia." Wild, colorful, earthly, frivolous, but filled with meaning, vulgar in some aspects, but magnificent in its movement, it makes you stand on the edge of the chair, opening your mouth from surprise and silent happiness. " On January 17 I will go to the play "The Servant of Two Masters"!
was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Thank you! I liked the play!
was 27 january on Klaustrofobiya (Kolyada Theater)
“ Was on the play on 01/27/2015. The most powerful performance is for me personally. All the actors play excellently. For myself, I discovered Sergei Kolesov. Bravo! Sergey Fyodorov is persuasive! All the actors are great! Evgeny Chistyakov, Irina Plesnyaeva, Alexander Sysoev all perfectly play, skillfully immersing spectators in the life of the prison cell. The musical arrangement for the song "Affectionate Moya" (gesture song) of the group Chaif-the two softened the heavy theme of the play. The action of the play is like walking on the blade of a knife, a slightly careless movement and you can fall into the abyss of hypocrisy and vulgarity, but N.V. Kolyada knows all the subtleties, how not to cross the line, how to stay within the limits of what is permitted, not to fall into vulgarity and dirt. The performance is worked out filigree !!! Thanks for the fair play !!!
was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Very good impressions.
was 22 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ For a whole year I was impressed by the performance. N.V. Kolyada can cause a storm of emotions. I am impressed by Irina Ermolova's play, this is a wonderful actress and just a beauty
was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ A brilliant performance. The great success of the theater.
was 27 january on Baba Chanel
“ watched the same performance in the theater in the Southwest. Of course, there is no comparison and there can not be, there amateur professionals depict, but here on the contrary, but still it was fun in places, and sometimes a lump in the throat stuck, and still thanks to everyone. If you are, then it is someone you need
was 27 january on Baba Chanel
“ Especially we went on tour of this theater, we liked it!
was 17 january on MASKARAD (Kolyada-Theater)
“ The performance is excellent!
was 16 january on DEAD SOUL (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Stunning performance, a lot of music, fun mood and positive, positive, positive ... and what a tremendous aftertaste))) what a passionate desire to visit everything that makes Kolyada-theater ... Thank you all very much!
was 22 january on SKRIPKA, BUBEN and UTYUG (Kolyada-Theater)
“ The performance really liked! Merry sketch of the second day of the wedding! What a toastmaster, what a bride and groom, but shocked, of course, the ensemble "Sexy Chocolate"! What physical preparation, so that it's easy for men to show a dance on their heels! Bravo! After a day's work, I did not notice how 2 hours passed! Has had a rest, a good mood! Thanks to Nicholas Kolyada for his work !!! My marathon continues)))) E. Troitskaya
was 22 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ What happiness, that there are such productions and such actors! Many thanks to Kolyada-the theater. In the Theater Center on Strastnoy was the first time. I liked the room very much. I want to come here again.
was 20 january on CONCENTRATORS (Kolyada-Theater)
“ A wonderful play, a talented direction. With pleasure we will follow the work of the new interesting theatrical director Alexander Vakhov. Brilliant Anton Makushin as the "wife"!
was 16 january on DEAD SOUL (Kolyada-Theater)
“ It was very interesting and bright, but in some places it seemed like a tightening and not everywhere the main actor was convincing.
was 16 january on DEAD SOUL (Kolyada-Theater)
“ Favorite theater, great performance! One of the best troupes in the country.
was 20 january on TRAMWAY "DESIRE" (Kolyada-Theater)
“ The performance was very much liked, however, like other performances of the Kolyada Theater, which they managed to see last year. I think that the repertoire of the theater is enough for a few more years of touring. Will wait!
was 13 october on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Very pleased!
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Very grateful for the performance. Went with a friend, we are 25-27 years old. We are close and understandable about what and how tells Eugene Grishkovei. The mood is wonderful!)
was 23 june on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ It is delightful !!!
Rudneva M.A.
was 22 february on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ We are already the second time in the play. Again saw the excellent work of all TC services for the most comfortable viewing of E.Grishkovets's performances.
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ All liked it. With pleasure we watched the play again, despite the fact that we know it by heart. Thank you
was 22 february on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ I liked it very much.
was 22 february on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ The performance of E. Grishkovets "How I ate a dog" - 2 hours of amazing time, during which there is an opportunity to return to the past, to think about the present and look forward to the future with hope. Time of sadness and joy alone with the author
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Very pleased!
was 16 september on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Grishkovets was as always sincere. Strikes his instant and accurate reaction to the hall
was 10 december on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ On Eugenia Grishkovtse I was the first time. I was advised by my young man, who served in the army and listened to Grishkovets' audio books constantly, knew the works by heart. It was one of the best mono-performances that I saw in my life. From the very beginning (a simple, sincere dialogue with viewers) until the last minute of the play, you will laugh (a lot and in the voice), empathize and recognize yourself in everything that the author tells. Everything is so vital, so funny and at the same time so deep that I want to meet my eyes, nod, as if to say, and I had it, that's it! The play has been going on for many years, and it is so relevant and relevant that everyone will find something in it for themselves. At the same time, there are no political implications or a return to Soviet times, there is only a kind history, after which one wants to just smile, well, to go back to the performance of Grishkovets again, and then again and again.
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ I'm totally ecstatic!
was 22 february on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Great performance! Dreams should come true! The record is watched so much that I know every word, But to see on the stage It's inexpressible! Thank you very much!
was 22 february on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Grishkovets in his repertoire. True couple of sketches lowered: about the sailor trousers and the demoblical form. And the story of the sea battle could not be interrupted by a remark to the man in the hall (both he and this one did not ideally enter). But as a whole it is remarkable. Good luck to all!
was 16 september on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Grishkovets as always on top! But it's too late for the play.
was 16 september on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Wonderful, wonderful and wonderful!
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Everything was very cool, thank you!
was 30 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ I liked the performance very much. Grishkovets well done! BRAVO!!! Thank you!!!
was 16 september on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Super, as always!
was 23 june on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Thank you! First time I bought such a "stowaway" service. It was a little embarrassing, but it turned out to be all easy ... As for the event itself ... Grishkovets-he is Grishkovets! The sea of charm, sense of humor and tact. I thank him! Eugene and the organizers for such a cozy and warm evening!
was 23 june on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Terrific! Only very uncomfortable armchairs ((
was 23 june on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ The performance is beautiful! But at 21-00 it's late and in the hall it's bad with ventilation.
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ She is in love with Grishkovets. Once again so much fun. I'll come back on June Farewell with paper) thanks to the huge!
was 23 june on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Good afternoon! Many thanks, I liked everything
was 22 february on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ I liked everything, thank you!
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ The performance is beautiful! But why E.Grishkovets removed, the Soviet Union, I do not understand, I was so waiting for his story about cartoon dolls ....
was 22 february on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Very good performance! I look a second time!
was 23 june on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Liked, but the last half hour is a little delayed.
was 06 april on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Many thanks, a lot of impressions and a good mood for the next few days !!!
was 19 september on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ The performance with pleasure to snap at the quote! Evgeny Valerievich is a real talent!
was 13 october on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ She fell into childhood, and even clearly remembered the school years. During the whole performance they laughed. In the end, I even cried. That is, I got different emotions for 2 hours of excellent speklak. I advise everyone
was 10 december on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Very satisfied! Eugene Valeryevich very beautifully, clearly and competently narrates about life as such. The performance really liked!
was 16 september on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Grishkovets-handsome! I liked the performance very much. Thank you.
was 10 december on HOW I GOT A DOG (E.Grishkovets)
“ Thank you. everything was wonderful, although it was in December, we recall the performance constantly, I want to come again and again.
was 24 november on UNSOLVETORS
“ Were at the play on November 23, 2017. I liked the performance. Very nice to watch the game of young actors. They play with passion, sincerely and enthusiastically.
was 16 november on UNSOLVETORS
“ Visited today, this performance and until this time I am delighted! There are performances that have looked and forgotten. This performance is to be reviewed again. All the actors are amazing. Decorations, light, play, word - everything is very interesting. They watched and listened without stopping. Thank you for a wonderful evening!))
was 03 november on SHORT-TERM
“ Were in November. I must say, I did not expect that Yevgeny Stychkin alone would draw this very difficult performance. For an hour and a half watched in one breath. At least the women squealed to tears. He agreed a couple of times in monologues, but this did not spoil a strong good impression. In general, I recommend.
was 11 october on UNSOLVETORS
“ Madly liked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the actors filled the soul with light and energy !!!! Talented, young, funny ..... ...............Thanks you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
was 11 october on SALINGER
“ I watched this performance at the Shchukinsky Institute, when the guys were still studying in the fourth year. Stunning design and style, sending us in the 60s. Although I did not live there, but after this performance, you believe that it was exactly like that)) Live music, jazz !!! not only the actors who are laid out to the full, sing, dance, enjoy and are completely immersed in this era, the atmosphere with his head. There is a desire to run out to these young guys on stage, dance with them, talk and stay in this story. In general, a full range of emotions can be experienced by watching this performance. Here you can laugh and cry and think about life and about the relationships of people, families, men and women !!! Good inclusion and professionalism of young actors, future big stars, does not leave indifferent. I also want to mention the director's work of Valentin Stasyuk. He managed to combine many works into one big story, where there are works not only of Salinger himself, but also of Begbeder. Thank you so much!!! You are all great fellows !!! I wish a long life this performance! Come! It's worth seeing and sharing with me those emotions that I experienced!
was 11 october on SALINGER
“ This is an amazing performance! I've already walked two times! I advise everyone !!!!
was 07 september on UNSOLVETORS
“ Last year, during the festival "Your chance" visited this performance. A famously twisted Chekhov story, a love triangle, or maybe even a five-hexagon - what could be more interesting ?! An unparalleled game. Brilliant, talented, natural enough that you believe everyone!
was 24 may on Brodsky. Poems. Birth
“ Poems of the great poet, sounded in the performance of young actors, were imbued with such love, understanding and sincerity that it was impossible to remain indifferent to the poetry of the poet. Thanks for the pleasure.
“ Very good performance, good acting. Interesting interactive with the hall. I went with my beloved, she liked it too. Not a minute missed. On a solid four.
“ Great, but not enough)
“ In love with Grishkovets, I will definitely come back in April! Thank you very much!
“ Grishkovets, as always, is gorgeous)
“ Loved it
“ The performance is excellent, as, indeed, almost everything Grishkovets does. The topic is specific, not everyone can be understood, I saw people who are frankly bored and do not understand the thoughts of the artist in the hall, which personally bothers me and distracts me. Not once said - study at least a little topic of the play, which you are going to see. The name of Yevgeny Grishkovets is at the hearing, it is considered fashionable to go for it, but the unprepared are disappointed, which is a shame for the author in the first place. A performance about warships of the 1st world war, about sailors, about a woman's view of such topics from the point of view of a man. I advise you to look, piece goods.
“ Grishkovets wonderful, as always! The hall is very cozy. Thank!
“ A performance for women or a performance that did not work out. Agree, strange subtitles for the production, the name of which uniquely identifies the theme - ships, shipbuilding, sea battles. However, Yevgeny Grishkovets, in a manner peculiar to him alone, ironically and simply explains this oddity, and then opens the world to unprecedented feats of real people, destinies closely intertwined on ships participating in sea battles of the First World War. And all this is so frankly and close that the thought involuntarily arises "then people were real and life was real, and we forgot about it. And there are no more dreadnoughts!"
“ Wonderful performance. I went on March 8 with my husband. We both liked it very, very much. Although there were a lot of funny moments, I would not call this play entertaining. It is very deep and requires empathy and 100% involvement from the viewer. Some so young ladies frankly missed that Grishkovets had to make comments to them. I recommend that those who really love and understand the work of Grishkovets go for it.
“ I really liked the performance, the cool smoke) it was a pity to burn the ships. E.G. strict and cheerful. Good gift turned out on March 8. Well organized. Thank!
“ The event really enjoyed! Many thanks to Grishkovts and the staff of the shopping center.
“ It is a pity that the tours of Kolyada are so short, and that they, like a birthday, are only once a year. Strong performance. The coolest troupe.
“ Thank you for the performance, everything is fine, we are delighted!
“ With great interest met with the works of Kolyada. It is unusual, but uninhibited.
“ Wonderful staging! Loved it!
“ Very positive, energetic and fun performance. Staging in the corporate style of Kolyada-Theater. I always recommend it to my friends and acquaintances who are not yet familiar with the magnificent theater named after Kolady)).
“ Such a distant Hamlet could have been put up by Kusturica, inspired by Cirque du Soleil and transferring the action to the Kin-dza-dza universe. The performance is noisy, musical, crowded and hypnotic: it’s simply impossible to break away. Three hours pass unnoticed, and the action itself is striking so much that you remain impressed the next day. Oleg Yagodin, the star of the production and the whole theater, with wild eyes, in an instant moving from cynicism to anguish, is simply superb! In my opinion, it’s definitely worth seeing this sight with your own eyes, feeling it, experiencing it along with the actors on the stage, letting yourself be carried away by the absurd, wild and to the extreme frank Yekaterinburg vortex under the direction of Nikolai Kolyada.
“ One of the most programmed, iconic performances of the theater. Here there is everything that Kolyada loves fans of - the brightest visual component saturated with symbols, multidimensional interpretations of the text with unexpected accents, the outstanding game Yagodina.
“ Was on the play "Preface to the novel" on May 11. I was surprised and fascinated! Truly beautiful action. In it are thoughts and reasonings that do not age. Humor, a philosophical thread, with which the work is stitched, is everything here. It was this solo performance of Eugene that made the strongest impression. And, I would like to say, certainly, read the novel following the "preface": "Theater of despair or desperate theater"!
“ I'm impressed by this solo performance. Very pleased! Evgeny Grishkovets is a great talented writer, actor, sage, and now for me also a mime. For the first time I saw how he performs pantomime. It's great! Everyone who loves Grishkovets (yesterday these people were in the hall), this performance should be liked. I was hooked to tears. See on the screen 16-year-old Zhenya, a clean, beautiful kanapatogo boy and know that he will meet on, it's strong! Especially when there is a son of the same age. Thank you, dear Eugene, Zhenya, Zhenya!
“ The play, like Eugene is great !! 2 hours of peace of mind and peace, this is worth living for! Bravo Evgenie !!! Thanks for the autograph on your new novel !!!
“ Stunningly talented, beautiful "Pisarevtsy." Despite the fact that this theatrical performance actors play as if they have centuries of experience behind their shoulders. I recommend to everyone, I am very impressed!
“ Best performance Kolyada along with "Masquerade"
“ It was grandiose!
“ Who are to blame? What can we do? Where are we rushing? Laughing and weeping along with the actors, we are looking through "our all" balalaika, matryoshka, Pushkin, spirituality, the Stanislavsky system, the great realistic Russian theater, to the music of G. Verdi (as without the Italian opera) . BRAVO Nikolai Kolyada and his delightful actors !!! Nikolay Gogol-BRAVO !!! And all this HOLIDAY of love and understanding in the cozy atmosphere of the Theater Center on Strastnoy lasted two weeks of the tour of the Kolyada Theater! THANK YOU! Until next time!
“ January 28, 2015. They have muffled. Servant Podkolesin, like an echo, repeats all the replies of his master, the words Podkolesin and Kochkarev can not be disassembled, just yelling, interrupting each other. No dancing or other gestures of heroes save the performance from boredom. I have before my eyes an unforgettable production of A.Efros with O.Yakovleva, M.Kazakov, N.Volkov, L.Broneyev, L.Durov. With difficulty I served the first act.
“ Very much!
“ I do not recognize the modernized (modern) classics. However, the "Cherry Orchard" N. Kolyady liked. I watched 5 performances of these tours. Everyone liked it, despite some disadvantages. Something in the performances of this director is present, which attracts. Once again I want to say many thanks and a low bow to the talent of N. Kolyada.
“ Was at the last guest performance of the Kolyada-Theater on 01/28/2015. "Marriage" an excellent performance, a lot of jokes, zadumok (grooms with peacock tails, instead of hats - covers from samovars and all artists with a thick blush on their cheeks). What ease, what is the refinement of movements. I liked the play. I advise everyone to watch all the performances of the Kolyada-Theater. They awaken the soul, make the heart beat more often !!! Once again, thanks to Nikolai Vladimirovich and his glorious company for their dedication and real creativity, for a live theater! E. Troitskaya. PS They flew away, but promised to return, like my beloved Carlson.
“ Nikolai Kolyada takes to the stage a grotesque crowd in embroidered felt boots: at all huge wooden crosses, shirts strewn with sequins, attached to the buttocks of the napkin and huge iridescent colored rings. Throughout the performance, everyone beats each other's eggs with their foreheads, they stop their gaping mouths and spit. Of course, they sing. They are baptized and drunk. All this is noisy, for all the absurdity is very organic and wildly funny. Kolyada "packs" Chekhov in folk songs, wittily "pierces" all the popular quotations. Heroes carry not only Chekhov from their bazaar, they carry everything that can be carried, that we carry every day - and this is the small razeye demoniacism, the national tragicomedy. If you ask: "Why?" - Kolyada will reply: "Theater is the same! Handsomely!". "Beautiful" is one of the main aesthetic laws recognized by the master over himself.
“ Terrific! Stunned! Kolyada-MASTER!
“ Great performance!
“ The setting pleased, one of the luck of Christmas carols
“ I will share my impressions about the production of "The Marriage" (Kolyada-Theater). I have already seen this production on the stage of other theaters, but I should note that I liked the interpretation of the play "Marriage" (Kolyada-Theater). The spirit of the era is well conveyed, the actors play remarkably: very expressive and very bright. Very good costumes and interesting scenery. With great joy would look and other performances!
“ Just awful!!!! Ineptly! Fuck. Humor Gogol does not require additions, especially in the form of vulgar jokes and an inappropriate masquerade. We left the play.
“ A wonderful play, starting and unfolding as a farce, but turning into a tragedy. Lermontov's reading is deliberately modern: Max Raabe sounds from the stage, Arbenin goes on skis, and Prince Zvezdich flashes backwards. In the interval there was a mass exodus of old women. But this - this art. Kolyada thanks.
“ It's amazing! I want to see again!
“ Wonderful performance (was 17.01..16) !! The director's finds and the selfless play of the actors fill the hall with cheerfulness and fervor, with piercing sadness and empathy, they convey the whole spectrum of emotions from bacchanalia to sobering-up. Thank you!!
“ I was told that this is one of the best performances of Kolyada, and I fully agree with this. Of the productions that I saw, "Masquerade" is the strongest!
“ I liked it very much
“ The performance was very much liked by its unusual genre, it also considers the history of love, passion and the history of human insanity. Actor's game is quite decent. In general, quite a good performance!
“ A vivid and unusual interpretation of the famous play. Ermolova in the role of Blanche and Yagodin in the role of Kowalski cause so strong emotions that they turn the viewer literally physically. As always the corporate style of Kolyada with unexpected accents. One of the best productions of the theater, guaranteed to punch on emotions.
“ Magic magic "Kolyada-Theater"! BRAVO! The best review in the newspaper Le Monde: "This theater is like a bacchanalia." Wild, colorful, earthly, frivolous, but filled with meaning, vulgar in some aspects, but magnificent in its movement, it makes you stand on the edge of the chair, opening your mouth from surprise and silent happiness. " On January 17 I will go to the play "The Servant of Two Masters"!
“ Thank you! I liked the play!
“ Was on the play on 01/27/2015. The most powerful performance is for me personally. All the actors play excellently. For myself, I discovered Sergei Kolesov. Bravo! Sergey Fyodorov is persuasive! All the actors are great! Evgeny Chistyakov, Irina Plesnyaeva, Alexander Sysoev all perfectly play, skillfully immersing spectators in the life of the prison cell. The musical arrangement for the song "Affectionate Moya" (gesture song) of the group Chaif-the two softened the heavy theme of the play. The action of the play is like walking on the blade of a knife, a slightly careless movement and you can fall into the abyss of hypocrisy and vulgarity, but N.V. Kolyada knows all the subtleties, how not to cross the line, how to stay within the limits of what is permitted, not to fall into vulgarity and dirt. The performance is worked out filigree !!! Thanks for the fair play !!!
“ Very good impressions.
“ For a whole year I was impressed by the performance. N.V. Kolyada can cause a storm of emotions. I am impressed by Irina Ermolova's play, this is a wonderful actress and just a beauty
“ A brilliant performance. The great success of the theater.
“ watched the same performance in the theater in the Southwest. Of course, there is no comparison and there can not be, there amateur professionals depict, but here on the contrary, but still it was fun in places, and sometimes a lump in the throat stuck, and still thanks to everyone. If you are, then it is someone you need
“ Especially we went on tour of this theater, we liked it!
“ The performance is excellent!
“ Stunning performance, a lot of music, fun mood and positive, positive, positive ... and what a tremendous aftertaste))) what a passionate desire to visit everything that makes Kolyada-theater ... Thank you all very much!
“ The performance really liked! Merry sketch of the second day of the wedding! What a toastmaster, what a bride and groom, but shocked, of course, the ensemble "Sexy Chocolate"! What physical preparation, so that it's easy for men to show a dance on their heels! Bravo! After a day's work, I did not notice how 2 hours passed! Has had a rest, a good mood! Thanks to Nicholas Kolyada for his work !!! My marathon continues)))) E. Troitskaya
“ What happiness, that there are such productions and such actors! Many thanks to Kolyada-the theater. In the Theater Center on Strastnoy was the first time. I liked the room very much. I want to come here again.
“ A wonderful play, a talented direction. With pleasure we will follow the work of the new interesting theatrical director Alexander Vakhov. Brilliant Anton Makushin as the "wife"!
“ It was very interesting and bright, but in some places it seemed like a tightening and not everywhere the main actor was convincing.
“ Favorite theater, great performance! One of the best troupes in the country.
“ The performance was very much liked, however, like other performances of the Kolyada Theater, which they managed to see last year. I think that the repertoire of the theater is enough for a few more years of touring. Will wait!
“ Sumptuously! Extraordinary impressions, inexpressible emotions, Grishkovets handsome!
“ Very pleased!
“ Very grateful for the performance. Went with a friend, we are 25-27 years old. We are close and understandable about what and how tells Eugene Grishkovei. The mood is wonderful!)
“ It is delightful !!!
“ We are already the second time in the play. Again saw the excellent work of all TC services for the most comfortable viewing of E.Grishkovets's performances.
“ All liked it. With pleasure we watched the play again, despite the fact that we know it by heart. Thank you
“ I liked it very much.
“ The performance of E. Grishkovets "How I ate a dog" - 2 hours of amazing time, during which there is an opportunity to return to the past, to think about the present and look forward to the future with hope. Time of sadness and joy alone with the author
“ Very pleased!
“ Grishkovets was as always sincere. Strikes his instant and accurate reaction to the hall
“ On Eugenia Grishkovtse I was the first time. I was advised by my young man, who served in the army and listened to Grishkovets' audio books constantly, knew the works by heart. It was one of the best mono-performances that I saw in my life. From the very beginning (a simple, sincere dialogue with viewers) until the last minute of the play, you will laugh (a lot and in the voice), empathize and recognize yourself in everything that the author tells. Everything is so vital, so funny and at the same time so deep that I want to meet my eyes, nod, as if to say, and I had it, that's it! The play has been going on for many years, and it is so relevant and relevant that everyone will find something in it for themselves. At the same time, there are no political implications or a return to Soviet times, there is only a kind history, after which one wants to just smile, well, to go back to the performance of Grishkovets again, and then again and again.
“ I'm totally ecstatic!
“ Great performance! Dreams should come true! The record is watched so much that I know every word, But to see on the stage It's inexpressible! Thank you very much!
“ Grishkovets in his repertoire. True couple of sketches lowered: about the sailor trousers and the demoblical form. And the story of the sea battle could not be interrupted by a remark to the man in the hall (both he and this one did not ideally enter). But as a whole it is remarkable. Good luck to all!
“ Grishkovets as always on top! But it's too late for the play.
“ Wonderful, wonderful and wonderful!
“ Everything was very cool, thank you!
“ I liked the performance very much. Grishkovets well done! BRAVO!!! Thank you!!!
“ Super, as always!
“ Thank you! First time I bought such a "stowaway" service. It was a little embarrassing, but it turned out to be all easy ... As for the event itself ... Grishkovets-he is Grishkovets! The sea of charm, sense of humor and tact. I thank him! Eugene and the organizers for such a cozy and warm evening!
“ Terrific! Only very uncomfortable armchairs ((
“ The performance is beautiful! But at 21-00 it's late and in the hall it's bad with ventilation.
“ She is in love with Grishkovets. Once again so much fun. I'll come back on June Farewell with paper) thanks to the huge!
“ Good afternoon! Many thanks, I liked everything
“ I liked everything, thank you!
“ The performance is beautiful! But why E.Grishkovets removed, the Soviet Union, I do not understand, I was so waiting for his story about cartoon dolls ....
“ Very good performance! I look a second time!
“ Liked, but the last half hour is a little delayed.
“ Many thanks, a lot of impressions and a good mood for the next few days !!!
“ The performance with pleasure to snap at the quote! Evgeny Valerievich is a real talent!
“ She fell into childhood, and even clearly remembered the school years. During the whole performance they laughed. In the end, I even cried. That is, I got different emotions for 2 hours of excellent speklak. I advise everyone
“ Very satisfied! Eugene Valeryevich very beautifully, clearly and competently narrates about life as such. The performance really liked!
“ Grishkovets-handsome! I liked the performance very much. Thank you.
“ Thank you. everything was wonderful, although it was in December, we recall the performance constantly, I want to come again and again.
“ Were at the play on November 23, 2017. I liked the performance. Very nice to watch the game of young actors. They play with passion, sincerely and enthusiastically.
“ Visited today, this performance and until this time I am delighted! There are performances that have looked and forgotten. This performance is to be reviewed again. All the actors are amazing. Decorations, light, play, word - everything is very interesting. They watched and listened without stopping. Thank you for a wonderful evening!))
“ Were in November. I must say, I did not expect that Yevgeny Stychkin alone would draw this very difficult performance. For an hour and a half watched in one breath. At least the women squealed to tears. He agreed a couple of times in monologues, but this did not spoil a strong good impression. In general, I recommend.
“ Madly liked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the actors filled the soul with light and energy !!!! Talented, young, funny ..... ...............Thanks you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“ I watched this performance at the Shchukinsky Institute, when the guys were still studying in the fourth year. Stunning design and style, sending us in the 60s. Although I did not live there, but after this performance, you believe that it was exactly like that)) Live music, jazz !!! not only the actors who are laid out to the full, sing, dance, enjoy and are completely immersed in this era, the atmosphere with his head. There is a desire to run out to these young guys on stage, dance with them, talk and stay in this story. In general, a full range of emotions can be experienced by watching this performance. Here you can laugh and cry and think about life and about the relationships of people, families, men and women !!! Good inclusion and professionalism of young actors, future big stars, does not leave indifferent. I also want to mention the director's work of Valentin Stasyuk. He managed to combine many works into one big story, where there are works not only of Salinger himself, but also of Begbeder. Thank you so much!!! You are all great fellows !!! I wish a long life this performance! Come! It's worth seeing and sharing with me those emotions that I experienced!
“ This is an amazing performance! I've already walked two times! I advise everyone !!!!
“ Last year, during the festival "Your chance" visited this performance. A famously twisted Chekhov story, a love triangle, or maybe even a five-hexagon - what could be more interesting ?! An unparalleled game. Brilliant, talented, natural enough that you believe everyone!
“ Poems of the great poet, sounded in the performance of young actors, were imbued with such love, understanding and sincerity that it was impossible to remain indifferent to the poetry of the poet. Thanks for the pleasure.