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New season - new program: “Everything at once”
In the Comedy and Music Concert “Immediately Everything”, in the new program you will see not only the country's leading comedians, but also young performers! The program is attended by regular participants in the television programs “Crooked Mirror”, “Izmailovsky Park”, “Laughing is allowed”, “Full house”, etc. The multifaceted Igor Khristenko, the fiery Karen Avanesyan, the talented Natalya Korosteleva, the charming Yuri Askarov, the inimitable Nikolai Lukinsky, the famous Mikhail Vashukov, the poet Vladimir Vishnevsky, the playwright Arkady Inin, the sparkling Oleg Akulich, the funny Nadya Melnik, the sharp-witted satirist Yuri Khvostov, fresh Yuri Khvostov, fresh Yuri Khvostov. And again on the stage, only new numbers, fiery jokes, funny funny songs, videos of which were not yet on television! Come and you will not regret it. Two and a half hours of laughter, we guarantee you. There will be surprises.
Autograph and photo are included in the ticket price
Unfortunately, it is impossible to specify the entire cast of artists in advance, because many concert participants can confirm their participation only 1-2 days before the concert.
Better live once than 100 times on TV ...
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“ January 5 were at a concert in the House of Cinema "Famous and funny." Charge a good mood and got a huge pleasure from all the numbers and the quality of their performance. Huge words of gratitude to all artists with a LARGE LETTER for such a high quality of living on stage and for the charge of optimism that you give to people !!!! A pleasant surprise was the length of the concert program longer than claimed, but the time flew by unnoticed and did not want to leave. Many thanks for the opportunity to purchase memorabilia.
“ 03 01 2017 were at the concert "Famous and funny" The performance is wonderful. . A lot of positive. Lively, fun, relevant. All the artists were on top. Special thanks to Igor Khristenko, he's just a genius! I recommend to look.
“ Gone with a very good mood! Many thanks
“ I liked it very much! Many famous humorists! Have received great pleasure! Thank you!