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St. Petersburg Theater "Workshop"

Only for children
Only adults
Dovlatov. Pps
Saint-Petersburg.  Dovlatov. Pps12+
Purchased earlier: 555
from 500 rubles
Ya - Zoshenko
Saint-Petersburg.  Ya - Zoshenko16+
Purchased earlier: 105
from 1400 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  Hottabych12+
Purchased earlier: 94
from 1900 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  Obornanets16+
Purchased earlier: 62
from 2100 rubles
My Happiness
Saint-Petersburg.  My Happiness12+
Purchased earlier: 123
from 900 rubles
«Kak vagno byt` ser`eznym»
Purchased earlier: 25
from 1600 rubles
The eldest son
Saint-Petersburg.  The eldest son16+
Purchased earlier: 1002
from 2800 rubles
«Kak vagno byt` ser`eznym»
Purchased earlier: 25
from 3500 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  EVGENIY ONEGIN. NAChALO12+
Purchased earlier: 3
from 500 rubles
Once in Elsinore. Hamlet
Saint-Petersburg.  Once in Elsinore. Hamlet16+
Purchased earlier: 216
from 900 rubles
Saint-Petersburg.  EVGENIY ONEGIN. NAChALO12+
Purchased earlier: 3
from 1000 rubles
Tom Sawyer
Saint-Petersburg.  Tom Sawyer6+
Purchased earlier: 407
from 1200 rubles
Sankt-Peterburg, Narodnaya ul., 1
02 h 00 min

The fascinating adventures of a boy who, in a short time, has time to stop loving one girl and fall in love with another, experience all the vicissitudes of love, check friendship for strength, expose the criminal, find treasure and completely change public opinion about himself.

This is a play about children who become adults, and adults who, at heart, remain children.

Tom Sawyer is brave and brave, and therefore everything in his life will turn out!

He was not afraid to ask a kiss from his lover: a brave boy! And he went to the cemetery at night, and went to the house where the treasure can be found, and on the rafts the swimming swam away to piracy ... What I did not try, what adventures the contrived hero did not invent!

Therefore, luck loves him and does not bypass the side. As in the cave I got lost, and I found a way out, though by a miracle, but I got out! As I went to look for the treasure, I found bags of gold. He went to the smartest, most industrious, and bravest, and richest boy in the city. Children respect, adults are touched - who? Tom Sawyer, of course!


Buy List 21 march fri 18:00

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Based on thousands of feedbacks, Teatronet defined events that are "close in spirit to the times and tastes"

Love letters
Saint-Petersburg.  Love letters16+
Purchased earlier: 101
from 3100 rubles
The Wizard of Oz
Saint-Petersburg.  The Wizard of Oz6+
Purchased earlier: 118
from 500 rubles