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Theater of Marionettes

Only for children
Only adults
Tale of Repka
Purchased earlier: 26
from 1000 rubles
Tale of Repka
Purchased earlier: 26
from 1000 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Elli i ee druz`ya
Purchased earlier: 4
from 800 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Elli i ee druz`ya
Purchased earlier: 4
from 800 rubles
Priklucheniya veselyh piratov
Purchased earlier: 2
from 800 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Vozvrashenie domoy
Purchased earlier: 5
from 800 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Vozvrashenie domoy
Purchased earlier: 5
from 800 rubles
Auntie Lusha and Kolobok Vanyusha
Purchased earlier: 521
from 800 rubles
Auntie Lusha and Kolobok Vanyusha
Purchased earlier: 521
from 800 rubles
Seven kids
Purchased earlier: 349
from 800 rubles
Seven kids
Purchased earlier: 349
from 800 rubles
Gusi - lebedi
Purchased earlier: 131
from 800 rubles
Gusi - lebedi
Purchased earlier: 131
from 800 rubles
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Purchased earlier: 19
from 800 rubles
109147, Moskva, Abel`manovskaya ul., 17a
01 h 00 min
A performance based on the fairy tale of the same name by HK Andersen. Love in this tale is the real, sublime, heroic and selfless, of which Dante wrote: "Love that moves the sun and the star." The courageous struggle of the heroes with a powerful and insidious troll leads to a fairy, almost ideal world of dolls, into the world of good and evil, into a world of meanness and honor. Together with the sturdy Tin Soldier our viewers will go through a difficult path to the dream, overcoming all obstacles and temptations.


Buy List 27 april sun 17:00

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