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Theater of Marionettes

Only for children
Only adults
Tale of Repka
Purchased earlier: 26
from 1000 rubles
Tale of Repka
Purchased earlier: 26
from 1000 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Elli i ee druz`ya
Purchased earlier: 4
from 800 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Elli i ee druz`ya
Purchased earlier: 4
from 800 rubles
Priklucheniya veselyh piratov
Purchased earlier: 2
from 800 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Vozvrashenie domoy
Purchased earlier: 5
from 800 rubles
Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Vozvrashenie domoy
Purchased earlier: 5
from 800 rubles
Auntie Lusha and Kolobok Vanyusha
Purchased earlier: 521
from 800 rubles
Auntie Lusha and Kolobok Vanyusha
Purchased earlier: 521
from 800 rubles
Seven kids
Purchased earlier: 349
from 800 rubles
109147, Moskva, Abel`manovskaya ul., 17a
00 h 50 min

Children's musical with forest soloists based on the Russian folk tale

Once upon a time there were Goat and seven small, trusting and very gay kids.

The Insidious Wolf, of course, wanted to eat them, but the wise Bear (the teacher of the forest music school), along with the forest inhabitants, helps his talented students to win victory over guile and cheerfully congratulate Mother Kozu on his birthday!

The performance will be interesting for children from 2 to 9 years.

Tickets must be purchased for every spectator regardless of age.


Buy List 05 april sat 11:00

tickets for other dates

Buy List 05 april sat 13:00

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