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Rudyard Kipling
The play by N.Slepakova
\"A cat that walked by itself\"
This beautiful and wise parable will be of interest not only to children, but also to their parents.
A dynamic, exciting plot will entice both large and small. But adults and children will not only have to follow the adventures of the inhabitants of the jungle, but also search for them with an answer to an important question: what is needed to turn a wild jungle into a House in which it will be warm and cozy for everyone?
The performance in a soft and delicate manner leads the audience to the answer: not so much - the wisdom of a woman and the nobility of a man, the devotion of the Dog, the resignation of the Horse and the good nature of the Cow ...
But life would be fresh and boring, do not be in it grace and grace ... Cats! A cat that walks by itself.
But still, the most important thing is love. Love and tolerance, and loyalty to this word. This and many other things are told in the play on the tale of Kipling \"The cat that walked by itself\".
Recommended for children from 4.5 years
Duration 1 hour 20 minutes
Performance in two acts with intermission.
The ticket is taken for EVERYONE, regardless of age and place occupied.
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The woman Dog tamed, lured him with a sweet bone, now the Dog will sit on a leash and guard the dwelling, now he - along with the Man, lives in his family. Now he is home.
The woman has tamed the cow: the cow was tempted by a succulent grass, fragrant hay, has agreed to stand in a stall, to give to the person milk, to be - a domestic cow.
I tamed the Horse, now the Horse serves the man, there was also the horse once-wild, but became-home.
And Cat? It would be useful to tame a cat, she would catch mice and cradle a child, rumble and mourn, sing songs to him ... Yes, only how will you tame it, masterful? She walks by herself ...
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It is interesting that some roles were simultaneously played by two people, for example, the hands of the Cat were performed by the actress Elena Teryokhina, and the body and head of the Cat were Love Rumyantseva. The houses were also unusual - they were performed by actors dressed in coats and hats, with windows and doors on them, thus the house seemed alive and similar to its owners. Pig's house was especially filled up for me, 10 pigs were sitting on a tray and at the same time they knocked with spoons, and my daughter was impressed when the barefoot actor came out and dressing his characters began to build a new house. I am always waiting for the fire to be shown, here first there appeared red numbers 01, and then the actress in a costume resembling flames danced. The artists not only danced, but also sang. With such a “Cat's House” S. Ya. Marshak, the director-director and founder of the Magic Lamp Theater, Vladimir Stein, wanted to show us.","idContact":"82A19180EB8E5182E0504B5E01F501D3","likeIndex":0,"amountBonuses":0,"serviceName":"cat house","serviceDate":1551165379000,"eventId":null,"sourceType":null,"photoPath":"0/5887.jpg","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"koshkin_dom5","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\""},"regionId":"04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C","regionName":"Moskva","schoolProgram":false,"premiere":false,"cashbackPercent":0.0,"serviceDescriptionLight":"","serviceCommentsCntType":99},{"id":"2DE9CFACF8ABBFA0E060265499BC5D9E","idCompany":"AD0E29C6ABC2BE43E040115529B026E4","longCompanyName":"Moscow theater of children's book \"Magic lamp\"","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\"","shortCompanyName":"Magic lamp","companyType":"Детский театр","companySite":null,"idPos":"EE7FBB2E9D11DA60E0404B5E01F50A7E","pos":"Main Stage","startDate":1742893200000,"endDate":1742897400000,"idService":"ADD38C4B2C18DA48E040115529B058AA","serviceName":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","serviceType":"Children's Performance","serviceShortDescription":null,"serviceDescription":null,"serviceDuration":4200000,"serviceAuthor":null,"serviceArt":null,"serviceActors":null,"availableTicketCount":48,"minPrice":1500,"maxPrice":1500.0,"minDiscountPrice":0,"maxDiscountPrice":0.0,"idCity":"ED4DB1FEE7CF31E0E030007F01007315","city":"Moscow","companyAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","posAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","twit":null,"photoPath":"0/8572.jpg","videoPath":null,"ageFrom":3,"placesCnt":81,"avgPrice":"1625","serviceLikesSum":"34475","servicePriceIndex":"4","serviceLikeIndex":5,"placeIndex":"1","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"kotenok_po_imeni_gav","idDiscount":"F7B4C35A8F016421E0404B5E01F54336","discountName":"Два по цене одного","idServiceGroup":57,"promo":false,"latitude":55.782714,"longitude":37.601219,"availableDiscountTicketCount":0,"purchasedTicketCount":2,"guru":true,"serviceTickedSold":8270,"descriptionExpert":null,"serviceCommentsCnt":120,"serviceActorsCnt":2,"servicePhotoCnt":7,"photos":[{"id":"ADD38C4B2C19DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8567.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C1ADA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8568.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C1BDA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8569.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C1CDA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8570.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C22DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8571.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C23DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"MAIN","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8572.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C24DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8573.jpg"}],"serviceTypeId":57,"organizationType":{"id":1843,"name":"Театры","path":"theater","idOrganizationType":1843},"contactId":"EC36421584682A90E0404B5E01F53725","serviceSameActorCnt":6,"type":"afisha","audioUrl":null,"audioReviewUrl":null,"autoPlay":false,"comment":{"id":"282807","idAccount":1484732,"idOwner":"ADD38C4B2C18DA48E040115529B058AA","contactName":"Nadegda","date":1551100538000,"text":"Is there a friendship between cats and dogs, we saw in the play \"A kitten named Gav\" in the Moscow theater of the children's book \"The Magic Lamp\". The staging after the fairy tale by G. Oster was invented and created: artistic director Marina Gribanova, director-director Viktor Plotnikov, composer Sergey Mirolyubov. In the course of the plot, chapters from the book are recognizable: “Alone troubles”, “Middle of the sausage”, “So not fair”, “Echo”, “What is your name?”. The performance is a puppet, his five dolls are playing: Kitten Gav, puppy Ball, Cat, Dog and Mouse. All the dolls except for the mouse are rather large (cane, if I'm not mistaken), they are not similar to the usual cartoon characters, with big eyes, opening mouths, loops of strings or rags of pastel colors imitate wool (the kitten and the puppy look alike, I confused them first). Professional actors control the dolls, they sing well and mimic the mood of the geers. Puppeteers are dressed in gray T-shirts and jeans, and caps on the heads of men create the feeling that they are just residents of the city where the action takes place. From the scenery on the stage are two apartment buildings with drainpipes and antennas, between the houses are wires and a wooden table. In the play a lot of children's humor, for the first time my daughter laughed, not because it was funny to me, but because she was having fun. And I liked the spiteful Cat and the kindhearted Dog. In addition, the play is instructive, it helps children to understand and accept the fact that there are dissimilar creatures, but we must try to live in peace with everyone. The duration of the performance is 1 hour with intermission. Recommended for children from 3 years. We first visited the Magic Lamp Theater, outside a nice building (next to the metro), inside is a beautiful interior, there is a buffet (there are handmade confectionery made from natural ingredients — we liked sugar-free lollipops with dried raspberries and muffins with nuts) and elevator for wheelchair users, and on the doors of the toilet are inscriptions for the blind in braille. In the auditorium there are eighty seats of different color categories, rows with a good rise, and the stage is quite low, besides, the administrator is seated by the administrator - adults behind adults, and children behind children - is thus clearly seen from any location. After the intermission, administrator Alexander Mikhailovich invited everyone to ring the real bell and open the second act of the performance. In the children's book theater, there simply cannot be a book, so during the intermission we looked into the buffet and met the writers Inna Gamazkova and Mark Schwartz (sister and brother) and purchased a book with an autograph. In the theater, polite staff who pay attention to children and adults, this makes you want to come here again and again.","idContact":"82A19180EB8E5182E0504B5E01F501D3","likeIndex":0,"amountBonuses":0,"serviceName":"Kitten named Woof","serviceDate":1551100538000,"eventId":null,"sourceType":null,"photoPath":"0/8572.jpg","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"kotenok_po_imeni_gav","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\""},"regionId":"04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C","regionName":"Moskva","schoolProgram":false,"premiere":false,"cashbackPercent":0.0,"serviceDescriptionLight":"","serviceCommentsCntType":99},{"id":"2DE9CFA0BE93B55CE060265499BC5D89","idCompany":"AD0E29C6ABC2BE43E040115529B026E4","longCompanyName":"Moscow theater of children's book \"Magic lamp\"","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\"","shortCompanyName":"Magic lamp","companyType":"Детский театр","companySite":null,"idPos":"EE7FBB2E9D11DA60E0404B5E01F50A7E","pos":"Main Stage","startDate":1743170400000,"endDate":1743175800000,"idService":"ADD5CB446707E57EE040115529B01F9B","serviceName":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","serviceType":"Children's Performance","serviceShortDescription":null,"serviceDescription":null,"serviceDuration":5400000,"serviceAuthor":null,"serviceArt":null,"serviceActors":null,"availableTicketCount":50,"minPrice":1500,"maxPrice":1500.0,"minDiscountPrice":0,"maxDiscountPrice":0.0,"idCity":"ED4DB1FEE7CF31E0E030007F01007315","city":"Moscow","companyAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","posAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","twit":null,"photoPath":"0/5883.jpg","videoPath":null,"ageFrom":4,"placesCnt":81,"avgPrice":"1750","serviceLikesSum":"12451","servicePriceIndex":"4","serviceLikeIndex":5,"placeIndex":"1","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"koshka_kotoraya_gulyala_sama_po_sebe","idDiscount":"F7B4C35A8F016421E0404B5E01F54336","discountName":"Два по цене одного","idServiceGroup":57,"promo":false,"latitude":55.782714,"longitude":37.601219,"availableDiscountTicketCount":0,"purchasedTicketCount":0,"guru":true,"serviceTickedSold":3044,"descriptionExpert":null,"serviceCommentsCnt":28,"serviceActorsCnt":2,"servicePhotoCnt":7,"photos":[{"id":"ADD5CB4469E0E57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"BASE","description":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","path":"0/5882.jpg"},{"id":"ADD5CB4469E1E57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"MAIN","description":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","path":"0/5883.jpg"},{"id":"ADD5CB4469F1E57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"BASE","description":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","path":"0/5884.jpg"},{"id":"ADD5CB446A10E57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"BASE","description":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","path":"0/5886.jpg"},{"id":"F2D354A9ED992EE7E0404B5E01F5519E","type":"BASE","description":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","path":"3/64967.jpg"},{"id":"F2D354A9EDB12EE7E0404B5E01F5519E","type":"BASE","description":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","path":"3/64968.jpg"},{"id":"F39F08FE174E15E2E0404B5E01F57455","type":"BASE","description":"A cat that walked by itself (from 4.5 years old and older)","path":"3/66548.jpg"}],"serviceTypeId":57,"organizationType":{"id":1843,"name":"Театры","path":"theater","idOrganizationType":1843},"contactId":"EC36421581442A90E0404B5E01F53725","serviceSameActorCnt":6,"type":"afisha","audioUrl":null,"audioReviewUrl":null,"autoPlay":false,"comment":{"id":"269401","idAccount":853417,"idOwner":"ADD5CB446707E57EE040115529B01F9B","contactName":"Anna","date":1532945756000,"text":"A wonderful performance! 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From the scenery on the stage are two apartment buildings with drainpipes and antennas, between the houses are wires and a wooden table. In the play a lot of children's humor, for the first time my daughter laughed, not because it was funny to me, but because she was having fun. And I liked the spiteful Cat and the kindhearted Dog. In addition, the play is instructive, it helps children to understand and accept the fact that there are dissimilar creatures, but we must try to live in peace with everyone. The duration of the performance is 1 hour with intermission. Recommended for children from 3 years. We first visited the Magic Lamp Theater, outside a nice building (next to the metro), inside is a beautiful interior, there is a buffet (there are handmade confectionery made from natural ingredients — we liked sugar-free lollipops with dried raspberries and muffins with nuts) and elevator for wheelchair users, and on the doors of the toilet are inscriptions for the blind in braille. 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And the bell is given a call!","idContact":"5CFF1274D1B35A27E0504B5E01F556B9","likeIndex":0,"amountBonuses":0,"serviceName":"Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything ...","serviceDate":1512476162000,"eventId":null,"sourceType":null,"photoPath":"19/397150.jpg","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"vinni_puh_i_vse_vse_vse","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\""},"regionId":"04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C","regionName":"Moskva","schoolProgram":false,"premiere":false,"cashbackPercent":0.0,"serviceDescriptionLight":"","serviceCommentsCntType":50},{"id":"30D84966700E8088E060265499BC16C1","idCompany":"AD0E29C6ABC2BE43E040115529B026E4","longCompanyName":"Moscow theater of children's book \"Magic lamp\"","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\"","shortCompanyName":"Magic lamp","companyType":"Детский театр","companySite":null,"idPos":"EE7FBB2E9D11DA60E0404B5E01F50A7E","pos":"Main Stage","startDate":1743948000000,"endDate":1743952800000,"idService":"ADD5CB4466D0E57EE040115529B01F9B","serviceName":"Koshkin House (Musical from age 4 and older)","serviceType":"Children's Performance","serviceShortDescription":null,"serviceDescription":null,"serviceDuration":4800000,"serviceAuthor":null,"serviceArt":null,"serviceActors":null,"availableTicketCount":50,"minPrice":2000,"maxPrice":2000.0,"minDiscountPrice":0,"maxDiscountPrice":0.0,"idCity":"ED4DB1FEE7CF31E0E030007F01007315","city":"Moscow","companyAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","posAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","twit":null,"photoPath":"0/5887.jpg","videoPath":null,"ageFrom":4,"placesCnt":81,"avgPrice":"2000","serviceLikesSum":"19011","servicePriceIndex":"5","serviceLikeIndex":5,"placeIndex":"1","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"koshkin_dom5","idDiscount":"F7B4C35A8F016421E0404B5E01F54336","discountName":"Два по цене одного","idServiceGroup":57,"promo":false,"latitude":55.782714,"longitude":37.601219,"availableDiscountTicketCount":0,"purchasedTicketCount":0,"guru":true,"serviceTickedSold":4695,"descriptionExpert":null,"serviceCommentsCnt":57,"serviceActorsCnt":2,"servicePhotoCnt":6,"photos":[{"id":"ADD5CB4466EDE57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"BASE","description":"Koshkin House (Musical from age 4 and older)","path":"0/5880.jpg"},{"id":"ADD5CB4466F0E57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"BASE","description":"Koshkin House (Musical from age 4 and older)","path":"0/5881.jpg"},{"id":"ADD5CB446A59E57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"MAIN","description":"Koshkin House (Musical from age 4 and older)","path":"0/5887.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2CB8DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"Koshkin House (Musical from age 4 and older)","path":"0/8577.jpg"},{"id":"ADD5CB446A73E57EE040115529B01F9B","type":"BASE","description":"Koshkin House (Musical from age 4 and older)","path":"0/5885.jpg"},{"id":"F377250F8B369A3FE0404B5E01F549BD","type":"BASE","description":"Koshkin House (Musical from age 4 and older)","path":"3/66454.jpg"}],"serviceTypeId":57,"organizationType":{"id":1843,"name":"Театры","path":"theater","idOrganizationType":1843},"contactId":"EC36421583992A90E0404B5E01F53725","serviceSameActorCnt":6,"type":"afisha","audioUrl":null,"audioReviewUrl":null,"autoPlay":false,"comment":{"id":"283026","idAccount":1484732,"idOwner":"ADD5CB4466D0E57EE040115529B01F9B","contactName":"Nadegda","date":1551165379000,"text":"“Cat's house” is made in the “black cabinet” technique, the dolls change bodies or only heads fly in the air. 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Marshak, the director-director and founder of the Magic Lamp Theater, Vladimir Stein, wanted to show us.","idContact":"82A19180EB8E5182E0504B5E01F501D3","likeIndex":0,"amountBonuses":0,"serviceName":"cat house","serviceDate":1551165379000,"eventId":null,"sourceType":null,"photoPath":"0/5887.jpg","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"koshkin_dom5","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\""},"regionId":"04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C","regionName":"Moskva","schoolProgram":false,"premiere":false,"cashbackPercent":0.0,"serviceDescriptionLight":"","serviceCommentsCntType":99},{"id":"30D6BA5E0D111950E060265499BC1651","idCompany":"AD0E29C6ABC2BE43E040115529B026E4","longCompanyName":"Moscow theater of children's book \"Magic lamp\"","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\"","shortCompanyName":"Magic lamp","companyType":"Детский театр","companySite":null,"idPos":"EE7FBB2E9D11DA60E0404B5E01F50A7E","pos":"Main Stage","startDate":1744120800000,"endDate":1744125000000,"idService":"ADD38C4B2C18DA48E040115529B058AA","serviceName":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","serviceType":"Children's Performance","serviceShortDescription":null,"serviceDescription":null,"serviceDuration":4200000,"serviceAuthor":null,"serviceArt":null,"serviceActors":null,"availableTicketCount":50,"minPrice":1500,"maxPrice":1500.0,"minDiscountPrice":0,"maxDiscountPrice":0.0,"idCity":"ED4DB1FEE7CF31E0E030007F01007315","city":"Moscow","companyAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","posAddress":"127055, Moskva, Sushevskaya ul., 25/5","twit":null,"photoPath":"0/8572.jpg","videoPath":null,"ageFrom":3,"placesCnt":81,"avgPrice":"1625","serviceLikesSum":"34475","servicePriceIndex":"4","serviceLikeIndex":5,"placeIndex":"1","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"kotenok_po_imeni_gav","idDiscount":"F7B4C35A8F016421E0404B5E01F54336","discountName":"Два по цене одного","idServiceGroup":57,"promo":false,"latitude":55.782714,"longitude":37.601219,"availableDiscountTicketCount":0,"purchasedTicketCount":0,"guru":true,"serviceTickedSold":8270,"descriptionExpert":null,"serviceCommentsCnt":120,"serviceActorsCnt":2,"servicePhotoCnt":7,"photos":[{"id":"ADD38C4B2C19DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8567.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C1ADA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8568.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C1BDA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8569.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C1CDA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8570.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C22DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8571.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C23DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"MAIN","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8572.jpg"},{"id":"ADD38C4B2C24DA48E040115529B058AA","type":"BASE","description":"A kitten named Gav (Children under 3 are NOT ALLOWED!)","path":"0/8573.jpg"}],"serviceTypeId":57,"organizationType":{"id":1843,"name":"Театры","path":"theater","idOrganizationType":1843},"contactId":"EC36421584682A90E0404B5E01F53725","serviceSameActorCnt":6,"type":"afisha","audioUrl":null,"audioReviewUrl":null,"autoPlay":false,"comment":{"id":"282807","idAccount":1484732,"idOwner":"ADD38C4B2C18DA48E040115529B058AA","contactName":"Nadegda","date":1551100538000,"text":"Is there a friendship between cats and dogs, we saw in the play \"A kitten named Gav\" in the Moscow theater of the children's book \"The Magic Lamp\". The staging after the fairy tale by G. Oster was invented and created: artistic director Marina Gribanova, director-director Viktor Plotnikov, composer Sergey Mirolyubov. In the course of the plot, chapters from the book are recognizable: “Alone troubles”, “Middle of the sausage”, “So not fair”, “Echo”, “What is your name?”. The performance is a puppet, his five dolls are playing: Kitten Gav, puppy Ball, Cat, Dog and Mouse. All the dolls except for the mouse are rather large (cane, if I'm not mistaken), they are not similar to the usual cartoon characters, with big eyes, opening mouths, loops of strings or rags of pastel colors imitate wool (the kitten and the puppy look alike, I confused them first). Professional actors control the dolls, they sing well and mimic the mood of the geers. Puppeteers are dressed in gray T-shirts and jeans, and caps on the heads of men create the feeling that they are just residents of the city where the action takes place. From the scenery on the stage are two apartment buildings with drainpipes and antennas, between the houses are wires and a wooden table. In the play a lot of children's humor, for the first time my daughter laughed, not because it was funny to me, but because she was having fun. And I liked the spiteful Cat and the kindhearted Dog. In addition, the play is instructive, it helps children to understand and accept the fact that there are dissimilar creatures, but we must try to live in peace with everyone. The duration of the performance is 1 hour with intermission. Recommended for children from 3 years. We first visited the Magic Lamp Theater, outside a nice building (next to the metro), inside is a beautiful interior, there is a buffet (there are handmade confectionery made from natural ingredients — we liked sugar-free lollipops with dried raspberries and muffins with nuts) and elevator for wheelchair users, and on the doors of the toilet are inscriptions for the blind in braille. In the auditorium there are eighty seats of different color categories, rows with a good rise, and the stage is quite low, besides, the administrator is seated by the administrator - adults behind adults, and children behind children - is thus clearly seen from any location. After the intermission, administrator Alexander Mikhailovich invited everyone to ring the real bell and open the second act of the performance. In the children's book theater, there simply cannot be a book, so during the intermission we looked into the buffet and met the writers Inna Gamazkova and Mark Schwartz (sister and brother) and purchased a book with an autograph. In the theater, polite staff who pay attention to children and adults, this makes you want to come here again and again.","idContact":"82A19180EB8E5182E0504B5E01F501D3","likeIndex":0,"amountBonuses":0,"serviceName":"Kitten named Woof","serviceDate":1551100538000,"eventId":null,"sourceType":null,"photoPath":"0/8572.jpg","linkCompany":"magiclamp","link":"kotenok_po_imeni_gav","companyName":"Moscow theater of children`s book \"Magic lamp\""},"regionId":"04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C","regionName":"Moskva","schoolProgram":false,"premiere":false,"cashbackPercent":0.0,"serviceDescriptionLight":"","serviceCommentsCntType":99}]
“ “Cat's house” is made in the “black cabinet” technique, the dolls change bodies or only heads fly in the air. It is interesting that some roles were simultaneously played by two people, for example, the hands of the Cat were performed by the actress Elena Teryokhina, and the body and head of the Cat were Love Rumyantseva. The houses were also unusual - they were performed by actors dressed in coats and hats, with windows and doors on them, thus the house seemed alive and similar to its owners. Pig's house was especially filled up for me, 10 pigs were sitting on a tray and at the same time they knocked with spoons, and my daughter was impressed when the barefoot actor came out and dressing his characters began to build a new house. I am always waiting for the fire to be shown, here first there appeared red numbers 01, and then the actress in a costume resembling flames danced. The artists not only danced, but also sang. With such a “Cat's House” S. Ya. Marshak, the director-director and founder of the Magic Lamp Theater, Vladimir Stein, wanted to show us.
“ Is there a friendship between cats and dogs, we saw in the play "A kitten named Gav" in the Moscow theater of the children's book "The Magic Lamp". The staging after the fairy tale by G. Oster was invented and created: artistic director Marina Gribanova, director-director Viktor Plotnikov, composer Sergey Mirolyubov. In the course of the plot, chapters from the book are recognizable: “Alone troubles”, “Middle of the sausage”, “So not fair”, “Echo”, “What is your name?”. The performance is a puppet, his five dolls are playing: Kitten Gav, puppy Ball, Cat, Dog and Mouse. All the dolls except for the mouse are rather large (cane, if I'm not mistaken), they are not similar to the usual cartoon characters, with big eyes, opening mouths, loops of strings or rags of pastel colors imitate wool (the kitten and the puppy look alike, I confused them first). Professional actors control the dolls, they sing well and mimic the mood of the geers. Puppeteers are dressed in gray T-shirts and jeans, and caps on the heads of men create the feeling that they are just residents of the city where the action takes place. From the scenery on the stage are two apartment buildings with drainpipes and antennas, between the houses are wires and a wooden table. In the play a lot of children's humor, for the first time my daughter laughed, not because it was funny to me, but because she was having fun. And I liked the spiteful Cat and the kindhearted Dog. In addition, the play is instructive, it helps children to understand and accept the fact that there are dissimilar creatures, but we must try to live in peace with everyone. The duration of the performance is 1 hour with intermission. Recommended for children from 3 years. We first visited the Magic Lamp Theater, outside a nice building (next to the metro), inside is a beautiful interior, there is a buffet (there are handmade confectionery made from natural ingredients — we liked sugar-free lollipops with dried raspberries and muffins with nuts) and elevator for wheelchair users, and on the doors of the toilet are inscriptions for the blind in braille. In the auditorium there are eighty seats of different color categories, rows with a good rise, and the stage is quite low, besides, the administrator is seated by the administrator - adults behind adults, and children behind children - is thus clearly seen from any location. After the intermission, administrator Alexander Mikhailovich invited everyone to ring the real bell and open the second act of the performance. In the children's book theater, there simply cannot be a book, so during the intermission we looked into the buffet and met the writers Inna Gamazkova and Mark Schwartz (sister and brother) and purchased a book with an autograph. In the theater, polite staff who pay attention to children and adults, this makes you want to come here again and again.
“ Were at the play. The child is 4 years old. The cartoon about the kitten is very fond of, in fact, therefore, they chose this very show. Despite the fact that, in general, the impressions of the theater are very good, there is a feeling that in interactive theaters the child is still more interesting: by the end of the second part of the performance, it became boring to sit in one place. Probably, the puppet show is still not for such fidgets as our tomboy ...
“ Were at the play with a grandson of 4.5 years. Grandson really liked. Performance for children from 3 to 5 years. The hall is comfortable. The spectators in the hall are seated so that all the kids could be seen. This is a very good solution. For this rule of administration special thanks.
“ Were on performance with the grandson 3 years. The theater is beautiful, the hall is small, cozy. Very attentive administrator. Immediately with the "hangers" received attention and help. Seated in the hall so that it was visible to all. Grieved that the performance began and naturally ended at the wrong time. No one warned about this and did not apologize for the inconvenience. The grandson himself watched the performance without stopping, but my opinion is that it’s too early for this performance since 3 years. Most of all he liked the scene like a cat catching a mouse. And the monologues, I think, were still incomprehensible to him, especially the term “civil war” between a cat and a dog. But the grandson was pleased
“ Loved the play. Were with my daughter for 5 years. The tale is interspersed with the text of Pushkin's letters to friends and Natalia Ivanovna. The idea is successful: it is also interesting for adults, the author is revealed in his new capacity, getting closer. A very good idea to invite children's writers, the child is delighted.
“ A wonderful performance! Amazing dolls. The game of actors is gorgeous! Bravo! A small hall - everything is admirable from any place. Excellent introductory speech of the administrator, who told the young audience about the rules of behavior in the theater is very entertaining. Watched with pleasure, my children 10 and 6. Thank you!
“ I liked it very much
“ The performance of Winnie the Pooh left only positive emotions. Grandchild 6 years old and he just went to school this year. It turned out in the topic, because Christopher Robin was saying goodbye to the toys before the school)) The actors play surprisingly in a kind way. Thank you! The child liked it. Very cute theater, it's children's. As real (hall, buffet, hall), but in miniature. The children are comfortable in it, like at home. And the bell is given a call!
“ On January 9, we were with our children, the twins Dusya and Marusya, on the wonderful New Year fairy tale "The Magic Tree" at the Magic Lamp Theater. Here is how much magic at once - our Dusya was amazed! Yes, and the atmosphere in the theater was truly magical, truly Christmas and festive. The performance itself is fun, cheerful and dynamic. In many jokes, understandable even to very tiny babies. Touching heroes - a chicken, a pig, a puppy, bunnies, a hedgehog are as defenseless and tender as the children gathered in the hall, the oldest of whom, it seems, was not even four years old. But these tiny animals managed to defeat the wolf with the fox, terrible and toothy, insidious and strong, and the New Year, of course, came, and with it - gifts of joy and fun. Thanks to everyone who works in this wonderful theater for a wonderful fairy tale and festive mood! We will definitely come to you!
“ For a long time we love "Magic lamp". We wish the theater long life. We watched "Kitten Gav", "A cat that walks by itself", "Winnie the Pooh", "A Tale of a Dead Princess". Miracle performances. For us it was always not a "going out", but - a visit to a cozy "theater apartment" where you will be met at home, where you can get acquainted with the "living" children's writer or poet, where children play before the show, where favorite characters are familiar from books. All this forces us to return, now with our youngest son. But in our last trip there was a feeling, as if something had happened to our friends that was sad, but from us, as from dear guests, this is hidden. On the theater, whether discouraged or discouraged. As if someone left home and did not return. I do not know, they did not follow the inner life of the theater. But as soon as the theatrical family gets better, I'm sure: the wick of the "Magic Lamp" will flare up again.
“ Spasibo, ochen ponravilos! Pridem v vash teatr eshe raz !!
“ We will visit your theater with pleasure. The performance was very much liked, especially it was great that the writer Masha (not my name unfortunately) explained and helped to understand the children what an identity is, because in 4-5 years the children do not yet know this and the performance would be incomprehensible to them.
“ We liked Pts. To the child 3 years, mb not all has understood on a plot, tk was in verses. But the impression is good for my daughter.
“ Fairy tale is kind, interesting for children, the plot is like. The performance is not prolonged, which allows to keep children's attention during the whole action. with pleasure we will come to the theater again.
“ Wonderful performance, kind, just for kids from 3 years old
“ I liked everything very much! Thank you so much!!!
“ Thank you very much. Dima really enjoyed it.
“ Good and spectacular performance. The youngest (2 9 months) and the elder (4 years 7 months) liked the same. The second day we tell our relatives where the winged elephant came from.
“ The performance was wonderful, I liked everything very much: actors, costumes, director's decisions, organizers. Part. The child said that this is his favorite performance, I agree with him. The event was very decorated with a writer. Thank you! We will come again.
“ Have been with my daughter 4 years for the second time. Cozy theater, very polite staff. The performance really liked, good sound, professional actors, a lot of emotions. Even adults looked with pleasure! They regretted that they did not buy flowers for the actor who played the elephant Horton! The actor has a very pleasant timbre of voice and an excellent role played. Thanks to the theater! We will come again !!!
“ I liked the performance and the theater, thank you!
“ Fairy tales very much. Especially the 2nd story - bright, cheerful, musical. Actors are real professionals. Thank you for a wonderful vacation.
“ A good performance (although quite significantly changed from the original fairy tale), my daughter liked 6 years. Do you like the leader. The theater itself is small, the atmosphere is sincere. Only to take the child before the performance is nothing, except for the buffet, so it's better to come without a reserve in time.
“ The play was liked both by the pilot and the adult. We plan to come again and see other performances.
“ Everything was wonderful! All employees and actors are just wonderful. A child of 3 years is ecstatic, like us parents! Thank you, we will definitely return
“ Thank you so much! Very pleased! We will come again!
“ Were at the play with my son for 5 years. It was pleasant, we all, adults and children laughed the whole play! The son, however, was upset that there was no scene about the cutlet :)) Very soulful and pleasant theater! We will definitely see other performances of this wonderful theater, and invite more friends. Thank you for your sympathetic attitude to the audience and for your love for your cause! This is so rare now occurs!
“ Great performance. Very kind and instructive. In your theater is not the first time and always leave with pleasant impressions and new books :)
“ Excellent! The child is delighted!
“ Sumptuously. Thank you all. I will write more on the theater's website in the coming days
“ I liked it very much
“ Thank you very much! Beautiful theater, wonderful performance! Everything is very well thought out! The best place for the first visit to the theater for a baby!
“ Very pleased! We will definitely come to other performances! Friends have already been told about their impressions!
“ Many thanks to all the staff and artists !!! All is soothing! Be sure to come back!
“ Great performance! Sincere and warm reception of theater workers! We will definitely return to your wonderful, cozy theater! Thank you!
“ Thank you. I liked the performance. The child is very pleased.
“ Excellent! Almost the whole play the child was chained to the stage! Thank you!
“ A wonderful performance! The children looked with great interest. Special thanks to the administrator. And he also has an interesting time with the children with his aunt with books in the foyer. My daughter asks again to your theater. Oyazatelno come)))
“ Thank you! Great! Beautiful actors, a minute later you forget that dolls. We must come again
“ Wonderful performance for kids! My son really enjoyed it. He is 3 years 11 months old. The duration for this age is optimal. By filling - not distracted at all. At home, everything was retelling the content. Thank you very much to the actors! We played in an almost empty room with full dedication !!! Let's go to other performances in this theater
“ Many thanks. I liked it very much. The child was delighted.
“ 4 out of 5
“ As always, great! Thank you!
“ Very children's theater and very children's play. There, everything is really done for the children. Chamber environment, auditorium, in which the children can see everything, the administrator who before the presentation tells about what an intermission is and how to behave in the performance and even gives everyone to ring the bell symbolizing the third bell. The performance takes 40 minutes, children do not have time to get tired, but they manage to get a sea of impressions and pleasures.
“ Thank you for your pleasant stay
“ wonderful performance, boys 3 and 4 years were delighted!
“ Excellent, interesting, kind performance. Cozy theater. An intelligent administrator. I liked everything, thank you!
“ We really liked the play! Despite the fact that her daughter is only 2 years old, she examined to the end and looked with interest, although this is our first trip to the theater. Thanks again!
“ Thank you so much. The child really liked it, sends greetings: "Kitty Gav and doggy Ball"!
“ I liked it very much
“ The child and we really enjoyed it. Well organized.
“ Children really enjoyed it!
“ A cat that walks by itself)) Excellent !!
“ Beautiful location, cozy atmosphere, magnificent Alexander - administrator. And the performance did not like, it is very boring and prolonged. We will come again to another performance to compare!
“ Thank you for the performance. Children are under the impression!
“ Everyone liked it very much. Thank you so much! You fellows!
“ Great performance. Very kind and instructive. It's interesting to watch even those who already know by heart the cartoon. The child was impressed by the old dog and the adult cat - still walking and imitating them. The most remarkable thing about this theater is that in addition to the play, there is also the opportunity to talk with children's writers (which the theater invites for each performance) and buy new children's books. At the last performance was a writer and translator Masha Lukashkin, who left absolutely wonderful personal wishes in verse for the child on every book! On the Kitten we found ourselves on the writer Mark Schwartz, who before the performance was very amused and dispelled the children with his riddles. And again they did not leave without books :)
“ All very much! Thank you! Children play a sausage for the second day :)
“ All perfectly! Thank you! Well done! And also very interesting communication with the writer!
“ Thank you very much!!! We really enjoyed everything: the atmosphere, attention to every child, the chamber and cozy atmosphere, the most beautiful actors' play and the responsiveness and attention of all the staff! Thank you! Be sure to come to you more and always will advise friends and acquaintances!
“ All very much, the administrator did a great job! Thank you!
“ Today I was with a child at this play. The theater is small and cozy, the staff is polite. The performance in principle was pleasant, the child (3,5 years) was satisfied. However, according to my subjective sensations, in vain the performance was divided into 2 branches. Many children in the second department did not sit well and were distracted.
“ I liked my crumb for 2 years, I recommend.
“ Beautiful performance. The child really liked it. We will recommend you to our friends!
“ Visited the play with a daughter of 4 years. As always, I was completely delighted with the viewing! Good staging, great dolls. I really like the voices of the actors! We are happy to go to this theater, we looked at the whole repertoire for our age!
“ I really liked the child
“ Many thanks for a wonderful evening! I liked the preliminary instruction and preparation of the kids and their parents for the performance, as well as the correct seating arrangement. It's a very good idea to make a recording before the performance. So that I advise you to include in your greetings a brief word: a briefing on fire safety. It can cost lives saved, it's important. The only difficulty: when visiting the theater - tightness, the guys on the intermission have nowhere to let off steam, the staff makes the kids comments that are unfair: they honestly sat and listened. Also, staff would be nice to teach how to behave with restless children during the performance. Sizzling on them is the last thing, it only irritates everyone, we need a pedagogical approach. As for the performance, I can not say anything here, it was difficult for me to concentrate, because the puppeteers were obvious. But the child looked, not looking up.
“ I liked the performance very much, we are going to visit a few more suitable for the age of the child
“ My husband and child really liked it, let's go on August 24 to the "princess on the pea". Thank you, very sincerely.
“ It is not clear necessity to torment children with compulsory arrival for 30 minutes, as well as long instruction before the performance, in the absence of space for elementary physical or play activity for the child in anticipation. In the context of the emergence of a huge number of modern children's events, such a Soviet accredited approach is not competitive.
“ Thank you! I liked it very much. Daughter received a lot of positive emotions
“ It was great! Thank you so much!
“ 5!!! I liked very much, kid 4 years in ecstasy !!!
“ 3-year-old daughter liked
“ Were in the theater with his daughter 4 years old. I liked everything: the theater is small, but very cozy, polite and attentive staff, a comfortable room, a good performance. I liked the fact that the performance was divided into 2 parts with an intermission, so that the children are not tired. After the intermission, everyone was allowed to make a call to the bell of the theater administrator! Impressions of the theater visit were only positive !!! Thank you!!!
“ Excellent thank you!
“ Thank you, it was the first time, very much.
“ I really, really like your theater. The second child is already growing in your performances. Thank you very much!
“ Thank you, we really enjoyed it!
“ Thank you, everything is wonderful (the actors play, the sense of humor entertainers, cafes). From minuses: the limited space and the difficult entry and exit in connection with this. It is clear that this configuration can not be changed in your power.
“ I liked everything very much, we choose the next performance, thank you.
“ Thanks for the performance, the children really enjoyed the performance.
“ Great performance! Thanks for the pleasure!
“ Children are delighted! Successes to you in creativity!
“ Thank you so much! The child was delighted, did not want to leave and asked to show one more fairy tale!
“ Many thanks for the wonderful performance. For an excellent performance of actors and a good attitude towards children. We will definitely come to you
“ I liked everything very much!
“ I really enjoyed it, Thank you for a wonderful time! Went with the elder on Gava, now we go with the younger!)
“ Our son is also 2 years old. We went to the play on the 18th of March. Simply in delight !!!!!! The whole staff of the theater is polite. We were met, explained where it is better to sit with the child, so that it is clearly visible. Administrator of the hall, a nice man, managed to set up all the kids for the play, in a game form explained how to behave. Then everything: both adults and children plunged into a fairy tale. Our Timoshka already sat and watched until the intermission, and listened, as bewitched. We did not even expect that he would like it so much))))). During the intermission you can read interesting books with the child, which are sold in the foyer, or a snack in the buffet. Before the beginning of the second act, while everyone was gathering, each kid himself called the bell, which was passed along the rows. Children really liked it !!!!!! In general, the impressions are only positive !!! Pleased and the game actors, and musical accompaniment, and the overall pleasant atmosphere of a small, but a cozy room !!!!!!! We are glad that Timochka's first acquaintance with the theater passed exactly like this !!!!!!!! Most of all, he remembered Kitten)))) I think that soon we will definitely go again to this theater !!!
“ They visited the theater for the first time in the play "A Kitten named Gav". Remained pleasant memories of a good performance and a very cozy, homely atmosphere. We are going to visit all the performances. Thank you!
“ The show liked. It is necessary to sell tickets with places. A lot of fuss at seating.
“ We really enjoyed! You have a wonderful theater!
“ Performance. Good, touching. I even shed a tear-remember my favorite children's toy)) I liked my daughter. I think we'll go to a kitten named Gav.
“ Wonderful performance! Wonderful effects, funny dolls, children 4 and almost 7 years in delight :). We are rediscovering this wonderful theater for our younger children, the elders, who are now almost adults, also liked all the performances of the "Magic Lamp" in the late nineties and early 2000s :). Thank you!
“ Thank you very much for this wonderful performance and for the whole atmosphere in the theater, the organization is beyond praise, I liked the correct seating of the audience, and the performance-my child is very pleased with the performance, and I cried for the first time at the children's play-bravo!
“ A wonderful performance, the children are delighted! Puppet theater in the technique of a black office is always magical, thank you! People at home really liked! And the man-stove with smoke - too! Our favorite, chamber, kind theater "Magic lamp" is the best for young children and their parents!
“ I liked everything very much.
“ Many thanks! All very much! Both the play and the organization! Children are delighted!
“ Very good performance and theater. In the play, everyone can find something for themselves: children are a fairy tale, adults are relations between members of the Christopher Robin family. An unusual reading, but it seems that's exactly how it was. The performance is made with love, leaves a warm feeling.