I liked the performance very much. Classics in the best sense of the word. A beautiful actor's composition, thoroughly worked out scenography, beautiful costumes, Three hours fly by unnoticed. Bravo!
“ 06/16/19 watched in the Theater. Mayakovsky performance "August: Osage County". The drama shows the detrimental role of drug addiction, its influence on the person and her relationships in the family, in society as a whole. Different vices cover all family members. Being exposed, these vices destroy the illusion of well-being. Mother and three sisters: actresses created bright, individual images. I will highlight the musical performance of the play.
was 11 march on LIEBE.Schiller
“ Terrific! Thanks to all the creators of the play
was 14 march on Family happiness
“ We are delighted with the performance
was 25 january on Family happiness
“ Thank you, we really liked. And there is something to think about ....)
was 29 june on Auditor
“ Were with my daughter 20 years in the play on March 22. Magnificent Migicko in the role of gorodnichego.Prakrasno played Kulikov. Long time did not get such pleasure from the game of actors. Really reveals the characters and images, and brought into the role of a very special, different from the previously seen townwomen and Khlestakov. This is the best city manager of all the previously seen and one of the The best Khlestakovyh.Speklete bright and memorable, a lot of music and really funny moments. The evening passed unnoticed. You can definitely recommend this performance. You will not regret!
was 30 june on We are all wonderful people.
“ March 10 were at the play (staged by Yu. Butusov) "We are all wonderful people" based on Turgenev's play "A Month in the Country," at the Lensovet Theater. A wonderful game of actors (before Anna Kovalchuk separately "take off my hat", her play and a wonderful voice surpassed all my expectations!), An interesting look (and most importantly the delivery!) Of the director for Turgenev's work and qualitatively, I'm not afraid of this word, the performance made, in Which is given special attention to "trifles" - strokes, instrumentally creating an indescribable atmosphere, mood and remarkably conveying the director's vision of the play, capturing the viewer's attention and immersing in the storm of emotions experienced by the characters of the work. Strong and talented !!! Highly recommend!! )))
was 15 october on Cylinder. Premiere!
“ Thank you very much for the pleasure you have received. I liked the performance very much! The voice of Alexander Solonenko pleasantly surprised.
was 24 june on Mixed feelings
“ Graceful, beautiful and with delicate humor. Bravo! Thank you very much for a wonderful evening!
was 13 june on Guilty without guilt (PREMIER!)
“ I liked the performance very much. Classics in the best sense of the word. A beautiful actor's composition, thoroughly worked out scenography, beautiful costumes, Three hours fly by unnoticed. Bravo!
was 05 april on Created a miracle
“ One of the most stunning performances in our city! Has made an indelible impression on my children of 16 and 18 years! A wonderful play of actors will not leave anyone indifferent! Especially I advise you to watch this performance to parents who are too controlling their children!
was 29 may on Spanish Ballad
“ May 29, 2015 The magnificent game of the masters of Migicko and Strugachev, the wonderful, tender Raquel (N.Shamina) and flamenco performed by V.Ryabinin during the whole performance - an unforgettable evening. Thank you!
was 22 may on Death of a Salesman
“ I liked the performance very much! A terrific performance of actors! It seems that you become a participant in dramatic events.
Peskina Ol`ga Viktorovna
was 14 march on Mixed feelings
“ Very pleased with the performance, beautiful actors! Larissa is incomparable !!!
was 01 jule on Macbeth. Cinema.
“ Recently I discovered an amazing production of "Macbeth, Cinema", a talented actress Laura Pitskhelauri and "my" director of the Leningrad City Council Yu. Butusov. It was 4 hours of intense, honest, art house life on stage. A young troupe, a delightful protagonist. An infinite number of images, references, allusions, performance, which makes one think and draw from the depths of memory what disturbs, touches and disturbs. You experience emotions with heroes, sympathize and despise, you feel sorry and hate, but you will hardly remain indifferent. I have not experienced this for a long time, when I'm not ashamed of the actors, as sometimes happens in the enterprise, not a drop of finesse, a 100% fresh life. At some point, I caught myself thinking that tears flow from the eyes. I applauded standing and a few more days I was under the impression. I will definitely go to Macbeth again.
was 12 march on Wanderings of Niels. Musical. Premiere
“ Were at the premiere of the musical Maxim Leonidov, liked individual musical numbers, costumes, scenery and special effects, but the narrative itself was somewhat prolonged ... it's rather tedious to watch, especially to a child of preschool and primary school age. In my opinion, the production is more aimed at older students and a more adult audience.
was 08 june on Spanish Ballad
“ Great performance!
was 14 march on Mixed feelings
“ I liked the performance very much! Boyarskiy M.S. And Luppian L.R. Inimitable. I recommend to look.
was 06 may on Three sisters
“ In my opinion it's emotionally very strong performance. He either likes it, or completely rejects (who likes strictly classical productions).
was 06 may on Three sisters
“ I did not like it, I broke the classics
was 29 june on Auditor
“ The best Khlestakov, than in the performance of Kulikov - is difficult to imagine! He is ideal and perfect for this image. For a long time I did not get such true pleasure from the performance in the drama theater
was 17 june on CABARET BRECHT (Premiere)
“ First I did not like it - I do not like any style very much - but as a result of the anthracite, I went all in tears and I also EVERYBODY. SO THE ARTISTS PLAY !!! SIMPLY CAPTURES AND ATTENTION, AND IMAGINATION, AND HOW DID THEY DETECT ALL THE MISSED AND VULNERABLE VALVES OF THE SOUL ... THANK YOU, PRECIOUS! ARTISTS WERE GREAT! Monologues are awesome - I several times lost myself in that I hovered! A VOCAL! IN FOUR LANGUAGES! TAKE MY MOST HOT OVATION !!!
was 14 january on CABARET BRECHT (Premiere)
“ Very pleased! And introduced his good, sharp maximalism of the young troupe adds peppercorn to a very timely and talented production! Well done!
was 01 jule on Macbeth. Cinema.
“ In general, I liked it, but you need to go to the play prepared, you need to know the content of the work, that would understand what is happening on stage.
was 30 november on We are all wonderful people.
“ The performance is interesting, lovers of classical interpretation of the work, probably not very much like. In my opinion, as in some productions by Yuri Butusov, the play is full of musical, light accents, everything is set on sensations. Sometimes it seems that the actor in some scenes is superfluous, everything speaks for itself sensation.
Krasnova Irina Anatol`evna
was 21 november on Mixed feelings
“ A wonderful performance, specially arrived from Moscow to see Larissa Luppian and Mikhail Boyarsky. We got a great pleasure from playing actors, music, dances, design of the performance. Thank you for a wonderful evening theater Lensoveta!
was 28 october on Mixed feelings
“ Beautiful performance! Thanks for the positive emotions and great mood!
was 25 september on Spanish Ballad
“ Thank you for the wonderful performance. We are guests of the city and very much wanted to get to this theater. We were very lucky.
was 24 september on Spanish Ballad
“ Very good performance
was 23 october on Auditor
“ I really liked the performance, a wonderful play of actors
was 28 september on Guilty without guilt (PREMIER!)
“ Very much ponravilos.Spasibo for the pleasure
was 23 september on Auditor
“ Everything was wonderful! Thank you!
was 20 october on I'm afraid of love
“ Very pleased!
was 20 october on I'm afraid of love
“ Oooochen liked the performance, looked at one go! The actors play as always at the highest level! The performance is very vital and sincere!
was 23 september on Auditor
“ Great performance. I liked it very much.
was 07 october on I'm afraid of love
“ I did not like the production - the idea m. Interesting, but the dialogues turned out to be boring and banal, the characters did not arouse sympathy, and I did not want to follow the developments.
was 04 october on Mixed feelings
“ Beautiful performance
was 12 september on I'm afraid of love
“ It is very sad that such a thing has already begun to be shown in the theater ... the performance is not milking young and loving. Very pokhlo.nikomu do not advise.
was 15 september on CABARET BRECHT (Premiere)
“ Thank to Butusov for a very topical anti-military brevet. But the text of this tempo, alas, is difficult to perceive (about aesthetics b.b.)
was 08 september on We are all wonderful people.
“ Everything was very, very modern, the game of actors at the highest level!
was 13 june on Guilty without guilt (PREMIER!)
“ Bought tickets on the map "Responsive viewer" in Moscow, without any problems received tickets in the theater. For that many thanks !!! The production is admired !!!! The play of actors, scenery, costumes - BRAVO !!! I liked the theater very much! We are very pleased that, being on a tour, we were able to join the beautiful in your theater with pleasure! Five points! We are delighted !!! Only the duration of the play (we have - anyway!) - 3.5 hours! But - not at all tiring !!!
was 08 september on We are all wonderful people.
“ Great performance! The game of actors at the height! The main advantage of the performance is a very interesting modern production. Go, do not regret it!
was 07 june on Three sisters
“ Yuri Nikolaevich, you are a genius! Quintessence of Chekhov. Great interpretation of the great text. A low bow to the actors for their dedication and a game of aortic rupture.
was 06 june on Mixed feelings
“ The performance is beautiful! !! Thanks for a wonderful, unforgettable evening
was 05 june on I'm afraid of love
“ Great performance! I recommend to everyone who saves their feelings and emotions, afraid to once again experience the pain of betrayal and parting ... I watched a similar performance in Moscow, both are good, but Aleksahina - above all praise!
was 10 may on Mixed feelings
“ In general, the performance is interesting. I seemed too stretched (a string of acrobatic numbers with suitcases), a bit vulgar, but within.
was 04 june on We are all wonderful people.
“ A very chic staging! Strong actors play, decorations, music !!!
was 29 may on We are all wonderful people.
“ Thanks) I really liked it)
was 29 may on We are all wonderful people.
“ I did not know what to expect from this production, but the actors' play is so pleasant, so lively and emotional !!! The heroes and director perfectly informed the thought of the work !!! Thank you so much!!! "We are all good people"
was 29 may on We are all wonderful people.
“ Whoever loved, to that are consonant with those strong feelings and sufferings which are not simply played, but also creatively shown in performance.
was 24 may on Macbeth. Cinema.
“ I was delighted with the performance, but the hall was very stuffy
was 04 june on We are all wonderful people.
“ Elegant performance, I really liked thank you very much
was 30 may on Mixed feelings
“ Hello! The performance is magnificent, thank you! But upsetting a long queue to the administrator to get tickets and the fact that after the start of the play continued to admit the audience, and, in additional places.
was 23 may on I'm afraid of love
“ The theater is good, the performance is not very interesting. Konstantin
was 19 may on Spanish Ballad
“ I liked it very much!
was 31 may on Three sisters
“ Hello! We are just delighted with yesterday's production, Beautiful acting, an excellent combination of serious scenes diluted with comical moments. I was fond of the author's vision of those problems and truths that are relevant in our time. The first time you were in your theater, now we'll be happy to come in more often. Thank you very much!
was 17 may on Three sisters
“ Did not like ... distracted the constant movement on the stage, dressing up heroes.
was 21 may on We are all wonderful people.
“ Thank you, for the interesting and original interpretation of Turgenev. Emotions and inner experiences are very strongly and deeply shown. Anna Kovalchuk - super, to tears. Thank you.
was 25 may on Guilty without guilt (PREMIER!)
“ I liked it very much
was 31 march on Auditor
“ Very impressed with the staging with the participation of Sergei Migitsko and Anna Aleksakhina! We went with my son for 15 years. He said that it was boring to read, but he liked the performance. Especially it would be desirable to note Alexander Novikov's game - it is hilariously funny. Thank you all for a wonderful time!
was 07 april on We are all wonderful people.
“ We really enjoyed)
was 30 april on Mixed feelings
“ I liked it very much! The actors were impressed, delighted, thank you very much to the site of the big ticket for good service!
was 12 june on Macbeth. Cinema.
“ I was fascinated by the genius of the director Butusov. He absolutely does not experience time trouble and every scene savores to the last drop and stretches pleasure. For him, unlike Bogomolov, also great for me, is more important than the scenography, not the text, the constant movement on the stage, including the flights of the soul. Here's how to remain silent for a long time on the stage alone and at the same time keep the room in suspense. For me, a mystery. I was amazed and actors. The performance is very energy-consuming and emotionally charged. Dance, dance, dance .... and Jackson! He's alive! Flies from above under the roof and runs to the stage with a lunar gait. I would be in the place of the leadership of the theater, after such performances, I would give actors on the week of vacation to restore mental, mental and physical strength, or at least give them a bottle of vodka for harmfulness. There is a lot of music in the performance. Very harmoniously and competently alternate the pace, volume, light. I do not know whether they hypnotized me or not, but I was completely mastered. In a good sense of the word, I hope. And in such situations the well-known advice is actual: relax and have fun. What I, actually, did. What do you want. The actors play at 4.5. Directing is 100% touching and not deceiving.
was 30 april on Mixed feelings
“ A musical, ironic comedy about love, loneliness. Laughter through tears. Remarkable, touching tandem M. Boyarsky and L. Luppian. A subtle game of actors who respect their viewers. Thank you for a pleasant evening. The Lavrichevs.
was 30 april on Mixed feelings
“ Thanks for the pleasure
was 30 april on Mixed feelings
“ All liked it. Wish to replace the chairs with more comfortable ones. Or at least put the pillows.
was 31 march on Auditor
“ Thanks for the pleasure! Have come together with the son-teenager. He said that it was boring to read, but the show really liked it. I especially want to mention the remarkable game of Sergey Migitsko and Alexander Novikov!
was 18 april on We are all wonderful people.
“ The production is very unusual, the actors are great, they liked everything - they had a wonderful evening!
was 20 march on The Gull
“ Great performance! I want to visit again!
Emir Ramazanov
was 08 march on I'm afraid of love
“ I would like to note the unreal complexity of the scenery, we still do not apply the mind how they managed to so deeply immerse the viewer in all the events taking place on the stage
was 25 february on Mixed feelings
“ A wonderful play.There is everything "and laughter, and tears, and love"
was 18 june on We are all wonderful people.
“ Thank you, wonderful performance! The actors play is soulful. Anna Kovalchuk is beautiful! An amazing mix of Turgenev's play and modern attributes. Everything is very harmonious. This once again indicates that the questions of love, family - they are eternal. Thanks again to the actors and, of course, Bigbilet !!!
was 22 february on Macbeth. Cinema.
“ One of the strongest theatrical impressions of late. Incredibly emotional and beautiful performance!
was 14 february on We are all wonderful people.
“ Thanks for the performance, looked with pleasure. There is a pleasant aftertaste.
was 10 february on Mixed feelings
“ Thank you! The production is extraordinary! The actors play is gorgeous!
was 05 january on Macbeth. Cinema.
“ Great performance! With a great interesting direction and an inspired play of actors.
was 02 december on Mixed feelings
“ Excellent
was 11 november on Mixed feelings
“ The game of actors is incomparable and fascinating! It was amazingly witty and touching! I will strongly advise relatives, friends and colleagues. Thank you very much!!!
was 04 november on Spanish Ballad
“ The performance is excellent, but N. Shamina is not suitable for the role of Rakeli, and the Jewish orchestra lacked a violin!
was 12 june on Macbeth. Cinema.
“ I recommend you read the play before the visit, otherwise you risk nothing at all. In fact, not all people around have realized that actors change roles in the course of the performance.
was 10 may on City. Marriage. Gogol.
“ We planned our trip to St. Petersburg, and chose these numbers to go to the performance on 29/04/2016. This is not a "dusty" classical production. This is the story of single people in the Big City. Where everyone has their own fears. Dreams and hopes. I love Butusov's productions, he always surprises me, makes me empathize or smile, and think. Thanks a lot to the director and all the actors !!!! Elena. Moscow.
was 18 june on We are all wonderful people.
“ The play with the modern production is very original! The play of light, fast scenery is the calling card of Butusov's plays. An incredible game of Anna Kovalchuk, her versatility, I admired. I advise you to go, this is one of the best performances of this season
“ 06/16/19 watched in the Theater. Mayakovsky performance "August: Osage County". The drama shows the detrimental role of drug addiction, its influence on the person and her relationships in the family, in society as a whole. Different vices cover all family members. Being exposed, these vices destroy the illusion of well-being. Mother and three sisters: actresses created bright, individual images. I will highlight the musical performance of the play.
“ Terrific! Thanks to all the creators of the play
“ We are delighted with the performance
“ Thank you, we really liked. And there is something to think about ....)
“ Were with my daughter 20 years in the play on March 22. Magnificent Migicko in the role of gorodnichego.Prakrasno played Kulikov. Long time did not get such pleasure from the game of actors. Really reveals the characters and images, and brought into the role of a very special, different from the previously seen townwomen and Khlestakov. This is the best city manager of all the previously seen and one of the The best Khlestakovyh.Speklete bright and memorable, a lot of music and really funny moments. The evening passed unnoticed. You can definitely recommend this performance. You will not regret!
“ March 10 were at the play (staged by Yu. Butusov) "We are all wonderful people" based on Turgenev's play "A Month in the Country," at the Lensovet Theater. A wonderful game of actors (before Anna Kovalchuk separately "take off my hat", her play and a wonderful voice surpassed all my expectations!), An interesting look (and most importantly the delivery!) Of the director for Turgenev's work and qualitatively, I'm not afraid of this word, the performance made, in Which is given special attention to "trifles" - strokes, instrumentally creating an indescribable atmosphere, mood and remarkably conveying the director's vision of the play, capturing the viewer's attention and immersing in the storm of emotions experienced by the characters of the work. Strong and talented !!! Highly recommend!! )))
“ Thank you very much for the pleasure you have received. I liked the performance very much! The voice of Alexander Solonenko pleasantly surprised.
“ Graceful, beautiful and with delicate humor. Bravo! Thank you very much for a wonderful evening!
“ I liked the performance very much. Classics in the best sense of the word. A beautiful actor's composition, thoroughly worked out scenography, beautiful costumes, Three hours fly by unnoticed. Bravo!
“ One of the most stunning performances in our city! Has made an indelible impression on my children of 16 and 18 years! A wonderful play of actors will not leave anyone indifferent! Especially I advise you to watch this performance to parents who are too controlling their children!
“ May 29, 2015 The magnificent game of the masters of Migicko and Strugachev, the wonderful, tender Raquel (N.Shamina) and flamenco performed by V.Ryabinin during the whole performance - an unforgettable evening. Thank you!
“ I liked the performance very much! A terrific performance of actors! It seems that you become a participant in dramatic events.
“ Very pleased with the performance, beautiful actors! Larissa is incomparable !!!
“ Recently I discovered an amazing production of "Macbeth, Cinema", a talented actress Laura Pitskhelauri and "my" director of the Leningrad City Council Yu. Butusov. It was 4 hours of intense, honest, art house life on stage. A young troupe, a delightful protagonist. An infinite number of images, references, allusions, performance, which makes one think and draw from the depths of memory what disturbs, touches and disturbs. You experience emotions with heroes, sympathize and despise, you feel sorry and hate, but you will hardly remain indifferent. I have not experienced this for a long time, when I'm not ashamed of the actors, as sometimes happens in the enterprise, not a drop of finesse, a 100% fresh life. At some point, I caught myself thinking that tears flow from the eyes. I applauded standing and a few more days I was under the impression. I will definitely go to Macbeth again.
“ Were at the premiere of the musical Maxim Leonidov, liked individual musical numbers, costumes, scenery and special effects, but the narrative itself was somewhat prolonged ... it's rather tedious to watch, especially to a child of preschool and primary school age. In my opinion, the production is more aimed at older students and a more adult audience.
“ Great performance!
“ I liked the performance very much! Boyarskiy M.S. And Luppian L.R. Inimitable. I recommend to look.
“ In my opinion it's emotionally very strong performance. He either likes it, or completely rejects (who likes strictly classical productions).
“ I did not like it, I broke the classics
“ The best Khlestakov, than in the performance of Kulikov - is difficult to imagine! He is ideal and perfect for this image. For a long time I did not get such true pleasure from the performance in the drama theater
“ First I did not like it - I do not like any style very much - but as a result of the anthracite, I went all in tears and I also EVERYBODY. SO THE ARTISTS PLAY !!! SIMPLY CAPTURES AND ATTENTION, AND IMAGINATION, AND HOW DID THEY DETECT ALL THE MISSED AND VULNERABLE VALVES OF THE SOUL ... THANK YOU, PRECIOUS! ARTISTS WERE GREAT! Monologues are awesome - I several times lost myself in that I hovered! A VOCAL! IN FOUR LANGUAGES! TAKE MY MOST HOT OVATION !!!
“ Very pleased! And introduced his good, sharp maximalism of the young troupe adds peppercorn to a very timely and talented production! Well done!
“ In general, I liked it, but you need to go to the play prepared, you need to know the content of the work, that would understand what is happening on stage.
“ The performance is interesting, lovers of classical interpretation of the work, probably not very much like. In my opinion, as in some productions by Yuri Butusov, the play is full of musical, light accents, everything is set on sensations. Sometimes it seems that the actor in some scenes is superfluous, everything speaks for itself sensation.
“ A wonderful performance, specially arrived from Moscow to see Larissa Luppian and Mikhail Boyarsky. We got a great pleasure from playing actors, music, dances, design of the performance. Thank you for a wonderful evening theater Lensoveta!
“ Beautiful performance! Thanks for the positive emotions and great mood!
“ Thank you for the wonderful performance. We are guests of the city and very much wanted to get to this theater. We were very lucky.
“ Very good performance
“ I really liked the performance, a wonderful play of actors
“ Very much ponravilos.Spasibo for the pleasure
“ Everything was wonderful! Thank you!
“ Very pleased!
“ Oooochen liked the performance, looked at one go! The actors play as always at the highest level! The performance is very vital and sincere!
“ Great performance. I liked it very much.
“ I did not like the production - the idea m. Interesting, but the dialogues turned out to be boring and banal, the characters did not arouse sympathy, and I did not want to follow the developments.
“ Beautiful performance
“ It is very sad that such a thing has already begun to be shown in the theater ... the performance is not milking young and loving. Very pokhlo.nikomu do not advise.
“ Thank to Butusov for a very topical anti-military brevet. But the text of this tempo, alas, is difficult to perceive (about aesthetics b.b.)
“ Everything was very, very modern, the game of actors at the highest level!
“ Bought tickets on the map "Responsive viewer" in Moscow, without any problems received tickets in the theater. For that many thanks !!! The production is admired !!!! The play of actors, scenery, costumes - BRAVO !!! I liked the theater very much! We are very pleased that, being on a tour, we were able to join the beautiful in your theater with pleasure! Five points! We are delighted !!! Only the duration of the play (we have - anyway!) - 3.5 hours! But - not at all tiring !!!
“ Great performance! The game of actors at the height! The main advantage of the performance is a very interesting modern production. Go, do not regret it!
“ Yuri Nikolaevich, you are a genius! Quintessence of Chekhov. Great interpretation of the great text. A low bow to the actors for their dedication and a game of aortic rupture.
“ The performance is beautiful! !! Thanks for a wonderful, unforgettable evening
“ Great performance! I recommend to everyone who saves their feelings and emotions, afraid to once again experience the pain of betrayal and parting ... I watched a similar performance in Moscow, both are good, but Aleksahina - above all praise!
“ In general, the performance is interesting. I seemed too stretched (a string of acrobatic numbers with suitcases), a bit vulgar, but within.
“ A very chic staging! Strong actors play, decorations, music !!!
“ Thanks) I really liked it)
“ I did not know what to expect from this production, but the actors' play is so pleasant, so lively and emotional !!! The heroes and director perfectly informed the thought of the work !!! Thank you so much!!! "We are all good people"
“ Whoever loved, to that are consonant with those strong feelings and sufferings which are not simply played, but also creatively shown in performance.
“ I was delighted with the performance, but the hall was very stuffy
“ Elegant performance, I really liked thank you very much
“ Hello! The performance is magnificent, thank you! But upsetting a long queue to the administrator to get tickets and the fact that after the start of the play continued to admit the audience, and, in additional places.
“ The theater is good, the performance is not very interesting. Konstantin
“ I liked it very much!
“ Hello! We are just delighted with yesterday's production, Beautiful acting, an excellent combination of serious scenes diluted with comical moments. I was fond of the author's vision of those problems and truths that are relevant in our time. The first time you were in your theater, now we'll be happy to come in more often. Thank you very much!
“ Did not like ... distracted the constant movement on the stage, dressing up heroes.
“ Thank you, for the interesting and original interpretation of Turgenev. Emotions and inner experiences are very strongly and deeply shown. Anna Kovalchuk - super, to tears. Thank you.
“ I liked it very much
“ Very impressed with the staging with the participation of Sergei Migitsko and Anna Aleksakhina! We went with my son for 15 years. He said that it was boring to read, but he liked the performance. Especially it would be desirable to note Alexander Novikov's game - it is hilariously funny. Thank you all for a wonderful time!
“ We really enjoyed)
“ I liked it very much! The actors were impressed, delighted, thank you very much to the site of the big ticket for good service!
“ I was fascinated by the genius of the director Butusov. He absolutely does not experience time trouble and every scene savores to the last drop and stretches pleasure. For him, unlike Bogomolov, also great for me, is more important than the scenography, not the text, the constant movement on the stage, including the flights of the soul. Here's how to remain silent for a long time on the stage alone and at the same time keep the room in suspense. For me, a mystery. I was amazed and actors. The performance is very energy-consuming and emotionally charged. Dance, dance, dance .... and Jackson! He's alive! Flies from above under the roof and runs to the stage with a lunar gait. I would be in the place of the leadership of the theater, after such performances, I would give actors on the week of vacation to restore mental, mental and physical strength, or at least give them a bottle of vodka for harmfulness. There is a lot of music in the performance. Very harmoniously and competently alternate the pace, volume, light. I do not know whether they hypnotized me or not, but I was completely mastered. In a good sense of the word, I hope. And in such situations the well-known advice is actual: relax and have fun. What I, actually, did. What do you want. The actors play at 4.5. Directing is 100% touching and not deceiving.
“ A musical, ironic comedy about love, loneliness. Laughter through tears. Remarkable, touching tandem M. Boyarsky and L. Luppian. A subtle game of actors who respect their viewers. Thank you for a pleasant evening. The Lavrichevs.
“ Thanks for the pleasure
“ All liked it. Wish to replace the chairs with more comfortable ones. Or at least put the pillows.
“ Thanks for the pleasure! Have come together with the son-teenager. He said that it was boring to read, but the show really liked it. I especially want to mention the remarkable game of Sergey Migitsko and Alexander Novikov!
“ The production is very unusual, the actors are great, they liked everything - they had a wonderful evening!
“ Great performance! I want to visit again!
“ I would like to note the unreal complexity of the scenery, we still do not apply the mind how they managed to so deeply immerse the viewer in all the events taking place on the stage
“ A wonderful play.There is everything "and laughter, and tears, and love"
“ Thank you, wonderful performance! The actors play is soulful. Anna Kovalchuk is beautiful! An amazing mix of Turgenev's play and modern attributes. Everything is very harmonious. This once again indicates that the questions of love, family - they are eternal. Thanks again to the actors and, of course, Bigbilet !!!
“ One of the strongest theatrical impressions of late. Incredibly emotional and beautiful performance!
“ Thanks for the performance, looked with pleasure. There is a pleasant aftertaste.
“ Thank you! The production is extraordinary! The actors play is gorgeous!
“ Great performance! With a great interesting direction and an inspired play of actors.
“ Excellent
“ The game of actors is incomparable and fascinating! It was amazingly witty and touching! I will strongly advise relatives, friends and colleagues. Thank you very much!!!
“ The performance is excellent, but N. Shamina is not suitable for the role of Rakeli, and the Jewish orchestra lacked a violin!
“ I recommend you read the play before the visit, otherwise you risk nothing at all. In fact, not all people around have realized that actors change roles in the course of the performance.
“ We planned our trip to St. Petersburg, and chose these numbers to go to the performance on 29/04/2016. This is not a "dusty" classical production. This is the story of single people in the Big City. Where everyone has their own fears. Dreams and hopes. I love Butusov's productions, he always surprises me, makes me empathize or smile, and think. Thanks a lot to the director and all the actors !!!! Elena. Moscow.
“ The play with the modern production is very original! The play of light, fast scenery is the calling card of Butusov's plays. An incredible game of Anna Kovalchuk, her versatility, I admired. I advise you to go, this is one of the best performances of this season