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Theater Quartet-I

Feedbacks from viewers
Oleg was 09 march on Conversations of men

A wonderful performance, everything happens on a single breath, magnificent actors, together they are an amazing quartet. A spoon of tar - the theater itself is extremely uncomfortable and worn out

Ekaterina was 08 february on Conversations of men

Very good performance! Laughed heartily. There is no intermission, time flies imperceptibly. Stories and situations are very vital, with everyone the same or something like that happening. Although we know all the quotations by heart, we looked with great pleasure! I recommend!

Ekaterina was 27 november on In Borenka, there is something

A wonderful performance! 3 hours passed unnoticed! As always, it's funny and very vital, with matyuk (which, in my opinion, could have been smaller) and reflections on eternal topics. The role of Vitorgan was perceived ambiguously - it is very much and thoughtfully (although I very much like the actor). Perhaps the secondary role of Maxim succeeds better, or I'm not deep enough in the depth of his game. Quartet, as always, well done. Especially pleased Hight in an unusual role for themselves, laughed heartily))) Well, a little about the hall - always took tickets to the first rows of the stalls (a maximum of 7th), and this time decided to try the first row of the balcony. It was terrible. It can be seen well, but to sit awfully uncomfortable and sometimes actors are not audible at all. We return back to the stalls))

Aleksey was 16 november on In Borenka, there is something

Great game of all actors. He laughed heartily, especially jokes about the party of power. A great script, combining humor and drama, I thought that the quartet was no longer the same, but I was wrong, and thank God. Excellent combination of diverse actors, well, and Hayit in the role of Borenka - BRAVO!

Tat`yana was 23 october on Radio day

Was at the play on October 22, 2017. Very surprised multifaceted Dmitry Pevtsov - talent! Very good in the role of a DJ - Maxim Vitorgan. Thank you very much for the pleasure ...

Anna was 18 june on Conversations of men

Everything happening on the stage very much! The name of the event speaks for itself, it is not a performance in the classical sense, namely the conversations of four men who make you laugh heartily. The most part of the told moments and stories to some extent happened in the life of almost every person and from this it becomes even funnier and more interesting. The ironic videos on the screens added variety, and the presence of media people in them created a feeling of presence in action of a larger number of artists than the four actually existing on the stage. If you want to unwind, laugh or just have a good evening, I recommend!

Tat`yana was 31 may on Radio day

Visited the play on 05/31/2017. Liked everything. We sat on the 15th row. And it was audible, and it was evidently normal. Who will go - take the lighter. On one of Kortnev's songs this will be actual and much better than a flashlight in the phone.

Ludmila was 31 may on Radio day

The performance is excellent, the actors' play causes only positive emotions and, of course, the "Accident" band is gorgeous !!! Do not really like it when, when getting a ticket, they say that they "moved the place a bit" ...

Katerina was 31 january on Radio day

This is not the first performance of Quartet I, which I watch. Perhaps that's why he liked it as much as he could. But it was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it. Especially appreciated Kortneva with his talent reincarnated in various roles - it was really cool!

Uliya was 18 december on Conversations of men

Thank you very much for the wonderful evening! I liked the performance!

Anna was 28 june on In Borenka, there is something

A very interesting performance, which will be understood by absolutely every spectator. Maybe not right away, but still. A story about life in all its manifestations, about our understanding of this life and the goals that we are trying to achieve. Separately I want to mention the brilliant game of Rostislav Hait !!!

Maks was 31 october on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

A wonderful performance. A sea of ​​humor, subtly noticed many life situations. In some places it's sad, but it's no less remarkable. I would gladly visit again

Andrey was 25 june on Radio day

Previously, I watched the film a lot, but the play ... From the first minutes I was immersed in the atmosphere of the radio station "How-To-Radio". It's just wonderful. A musical design. And the song about the snowflake. You can list many things you like, but it's better to go and see for yourself! It's just class!

Tat`yana was 03 november on Conversations of men

All liked it. This is a rare, sincere, inestimable humor, which becomes the cause of the most sincere laughter and smiles. Applauding from the heart.

Mariya was 22 june on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

It seems that for 3 hours of performance, the mimic wrinkles on my face were added! No one remained indifferent! Strong emotions ... Wept, laughed, applauded! They laughed, cried and applauded again! Such topical topics as love of the Motherland, the current situation in the country, politics, faith in God, relations with parents, children, wives, husbands, friends, colleagues were discussed! All this is so lyrical and at the same time permeated with a subtle humor with a wonderful musical accompaniment-the addition of the group "Accident". I am an ardent fan of the band # QuartetI and immensely grateful for their creativity! Thank you and bravo! "Free is the one who loves what he genuinely likes: for to love what you like is freedom!"

Uliya was 22 june on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Were at the play 04.10.15. Sumptuously! Touching! Professionally! I recommend. Special thanks to the musical team under the leadership of Andrei Makarevich. We spent an unforgettable evening.

Aleksandra was 18 june on Conversations of men

The film was viewed a hundred times few times :) I went with my husband to a play. Yeah. Most of the phrases are known, and may well be prompted by the actors in advance :) But the actors themselves remember everything perfectly. Of course, live communication is incomparable in sensation with what you see on the screen. And in fact you understand that the play is played not for the first time. But how great is the ability of actors to convince otherwise. They themselves in courage incredible. And laughter is common with the audience. THREE HOURS without intermission. in one breath. Sumptuously.

Ludmila was 15 jule on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Were with her husband at the play on July 15. I really liked it! Huge gratitude to all the cast and group "Accident" !!! We will definitely come to you again!

Kseniya was 18 june on Conversations of men

My dearest play! In general, I liked it. Of course, some jokes from the stage cling not like in the movie. Indeed, the sensation of talking men in the kitchen on different topics and for this guys thanks!)

Ekaterina was 16 june on Conversations of men

Great performance! I recommend to go to people open to modern humor. Many moments resonate with the film "What Men Talk About," if the film is liked, then the performance will surely please ... not to say that it's funny to tears, but the production will definitely make you think about the eternal, try on some situations for your life, smile at it . By the end of the performance, a feeling is created that for these 2.45 hours the guys have become like family to you and promise to come to them as guests somehow ...

Diana was 23 february on Conversations of men

Good afternoon. I want to share my impressions about the trip to the play. In general it was perfect. The room is small. It can be seen from any distance. Acoustics are good. Everything was clearly audible, although the artists played the play without microphones. I liked the video insert between the chapters, it's unusual. Since before watching the theater many times watched the film, jokes were familiar to us, but nevertheless it was interesting to watch. There was a two-way communication artist-spectator in some moments, very funny. Despite the fact that the performance lasted almost 3 hours without intermission, the review was held in one breath. Thank you for a wonderful evening.

Pavel was 25 june on Radio day

I watched the video version before, but it's much better live. What did Pevtsov cost one! Laughing with her friend the whole play. Those who want to cheer up are highly recommended.

El`dar was 18 june on Conversations of men

Was in the autumn of 2014. It is great!!! I watched the movie more than a dozen times, but I react to jokes like the first. 3 hours of laughter and positive! I advise everyone. In two weeks I'll go to "Radio Day".

Natal`ya was 17 february on Radio day

Were at the play on 02/17/2015. All present at the event will remember it for at least two reasons: the first, the performance was a success; The second, Camille's son was born / very happy for him /. They got what they expected: the mood, the wonderful actors' play, decent sound, good atmosphere in the hall, as they say, everything turned out. We noted improvisational inclusions, a special thank you for the very subtle mention of Ukraine / this topic is not indifferent to us - Crimeans and we are very proud that already the Russians / were a little upset that we did not see some of the actors, but we should give credit to the second composition was Very much on top. The day of elections is, the day of the radio, of course, both men and rabbits like, but I would very much like to have another day .... not fundamentally what, if only it's just as easy, funny, instructive .... Thank you. With love from the Crimea.

Mihail was 08 march on Conversations of men

A lot of positive and good mood. I watched their movies, I wanted to see it all alive. I'll be back again, and more than once

Natal`ya was 08 february on Conversations of men

Very pleased, unexpectedly interesting. Many thanks. Buying tickets online is very convenient.

Olesya was 18 june on Conversations of men

Good performance. Men will recognize themselves)

Anton was 26 january on Conversations of men

The first time was at the performance of the Quartet And, before that I watched only films with their participation. I remained very pleased. He had fun with all his heart, got a sea of ​​positive and good mood. The hall is not big and everything was clearly visible and audible. I recommend everyone to go!

Mihail was 04 december on Radio day

But where it comes from under the bush - science is not yet known :)

Maksim was 25 june on Radio day

At first I watched only the film. But I decided to go also to the performance, which seriously surprised me. Many interesting new moments and a live game made us look at and evaluate the plot differently. Very satisfied. I will definitely attend other performances.

Evgeniya was 18 june on Conversations of men

I recommend everyone for a good mood. Children aged 20 also look with pleasure!

Anna was 12 november on Radio day

An old dream came to visit the play "Radio Day". Not a drop of disappointment, despite the fact that the plot has long been familiar. It was extremely pleasant to see the favorite artists of the Quartet I, as well as the legendary Mikhail Kozyrev on the stage. Alexei Kortnev deserves special attention: tremendous energy, charm, variety of images, even slightly altered text "snowflakes" in accordance with the current realities - it is in love and causes delight. The idea of ​​the play is brilliant with its simplicity: even to those who never

Dmitriy was 12 november on Radio day

The performance really liked! The actors play is gorgeous !!!

Yana was 20 november on Election Day

Yesterday I attended the play "Election Day"! Madly liked it !!! Very positive! Three and a half hours in one breath! On the "Radio Day" was already, but I want to go again. Thank you for such amazing performances! I really liked the game Alexei Makarov and Valdis Pelsh! Terrific !! Nona Grishaeva played on Radio Day. Unreal is cool! I recommend to visit all your friends!

Anna was 20 november on Election Day

Great performance. The film was watched for a long time and with pleasure. The play was watched with no less pleasure. It can be seen that the whole troupe itself enjoys the process.

Oleg was 03 december on Conversations of men

If you watched the movie "What Men Talk About," then you will see a little new ... And the actors, I thought, were tired of exploiting this theme themselves. Although the hall was packed, but the audience also reacted without much enthusiasm. As it seemed to me, for the same reason: the majority watched the film and thought they would see something different from it, but it turned out the jokes are the same and the emotions are not the same ...

Larisa was 12 november on Radio day

Good afternoon! I really liked your performance, the actors GOOD FELLOWS !! I hope for a further meeting

Natal`ya was 12 november on Radio day

With pleasure)) Just a wonderful performance. Several years ago I watched the video of this performance and since then I wanted to see it. Finally it was possible, glad that it was Kortnev, and not a substitute, he wanted to see the play with him. Despite the fact that I know all jokes and plot - I watched with one breath, everything is super, guys!))))

Aleksandr was 29 june on Election Day

Were on October 30, 2014, very much!

Aleksey was 15 october on Conversations of men

Great performance. I really liked the format of the play. I definitely go for something else. Maybe something that has not been shot yet :)

Andrey was 30 october on Election Day

I liked it very much)))

Vladimir was 25 september on Conversations of men

Elegant performance! As pathetic as it sounds, but the impressions are one of the brightest and memorable in my life! By the New Year I'll definitely visit another performance of the Quartet I ..) THANKS !!!

Visitor was 24 september on Radio day

I liked it very much, it's really fun

Andrey was 09 october on Conversations of men

I really enjoyed the two and a half hours of continuous positive, for a long time I did not rest so well. Thank you.

Irina was 25 september on Conversations of men

Three hours of humor, interesting stories, a positive mood, you made my evening !!!))) thanks

Konstantin was 25 september on Conversations of men

The performance is excellent!

Tat`yana was 30 october on Election Day

Sumptuously! Really liked it!

Denis was 30 september on Election Day

Everything is just super;)

Yaroslav was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

I enjoyed everything very much. Wonderful statement. It feels like, with close friends heart-to-heart talked. Everything is honest, sincere, ironic, open. Songs, live sound. Everything is on top. Sincerely, Yaroslav.

Uliya was 28 october on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

It was the first time in the performance of Quartet I and I will definitely come again. I liked it, it was funny and sad, there is something to think about. And the fact that the performance is accompanied by an unusual video about the topic and the musical accompaniment of the group Accident made it even more interesting, almost a double pleasure and a performance, and a concert.

Uliya was 24 september on Radio day

Delight and admiration! I wish you success in the future!

Uliya was 25 september on Conversations of men

Good afternoon! The Quartet And came for the first time and did not regret it. The performance was super! We are simply in awe! They were laughing at the whole performance :) they enjoyed it! We will definitely come again! Thank you!

Visitor was 24 september on Radio day

I liked it so much that I'm going to Election Day. Enthusiasm - it's great to cheer up

Ludmila was 05 october on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Thank you for a pleasant evening, the performance was pleasant, Demidov was very good

Anna was 05 october on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Thank you very much for the performance. It was very cool

Marina was 25 september on Conversations of men

The performance is boring, they play badly. They left without waiting for the end, they got bored.

Aleksandra was 09 october on Conversations of men

The performance is very positive, funny. It can be seen very well from any point of the hall. There is a presentation of 3 hours without a break, it looks in one breath. I recommend everyone to viewing.

Elena was 25 september on Conversations of men

I liked everything, but without an intermission it is hard

Sergey was 25 september on Conversations of men

Perfectly)). Thank you))

Fedor was 24 september on Radio day

Despite the fact that the play is already 13 years old, it still evokes genuine interest and script, and music and of course the game of excellent actors. He walked to the play, realizing that there would be differences from the film. And it turned out, but it was even more interesting! All musical compositions were performed by Kortnev and the group Accident. They lit me in full! In general, it was very fun and interesting! If you have not yet seen Radio Day performed by the Quartet And - be sure to go! It's worth your time for 100%

Tat`yana was 25 june on Radio day

For a long time I dreamed of going to this play and I was not mistaken. The actors play as always on top, the situation is light and relaxed. Thanks to the Quartet And for a wonderful evening.

Ol`ga was 15 jule on Conversations of men

I liked it very much. Much has already seen and heard, but there is also a new one: Camille dances well!

Kseniya was 08 jule on Radio day

I liked it very much! In particular, the game of Camille! It's a pity that the entire composition of the quartet was not present. An unfortunate incident is incomparable!

Liliya was 08 jule on Radio day

Great performance! You can say 2 in one: theater + concert. The production does not lose its relevance! Kortnev with "Accident" is great!

Natal`ya was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Wise and subtle, ironic and profound "Letters and Songs." The hall is almost entirely composed of those who are 40+, on the same wavelength as the Quartet, consonant thoughts, every now and then the desire to record a meticulous passage. Bravo!

Svetlana was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

In general, the production was pleasant, however, I would like more affordable ticket prices

Visitor was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Got a lot of fun, thanks!

Irina was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

I liked everything very much !! Dialogue with hair and lectures on aesthetics for the "narrow circle" - Super!

Mila was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Excellent!!! Very similar to the screen characters! I'm going to see the shows !!!

Lada was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

The performance was especially liked especially by Alexander Demidov! Thanks to "Quartet I" and Alexei Kortnev for a great evening!

Aleksandra was 06 jule on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Everything is wonderful, only in the hall it was hot.

Mira was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

The impression after the performance was ambiguous - as if there were too many "Grishkovets", as in the leadership of the snob, but in actual fact it turned out that in usual conversation associations often arise and quotes from the performance are recalled, which indicates the high quality of the work!

Ganna was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Great performance !!! Storm of positive emotions, very warm feeling from the spent evening.

Tat`yana was 15 jule on Conversations of men

Actors well done. But there is no need for such tickets hall and the service of the performance! Why expensive tickets?

Viktoriya was 06 jule on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

A few jokes about religion are out of place, otherwise you, as always, are on top, thanks. Viktoriya

Vitaliy was 06 jule on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

The performance was excellent, but in the hall itself it was rather stuffy and uncomfortable

Andrey was 22 june on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

In my opinion this is a passing speech. Do not say that the artists looked very trying. Just guys roll the program. And in this case Alexey Kortnev, who sings) looks more natural and sincere.

Visitor was 15 jule on Conversations of men

Got great pleasure from the game of talented actors, it's a pity that Alexander Demidov did not take part in such a sparkling as well. Have fun next.

Evgeniya was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Got a lot of fun! Thank you!

Ekaterina was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Great performance! A wonderful game of actors! Good luck to the guys, creative realization and great success! Thank you!

Denis was 17 september on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

Everything was great! We will definitely come again!

Viktoriya was 15 jule on Conversations of men

I liked everything, the actors are wonderful! There was a desire to see other performances of this band, thank you.

Mihail was 08 jule on Radio day

Thanks for the cool performance, liked the musical numbers and the game of your favorite artists

Elena was 08 jule on Radio day

Great! Thank you! Very pleased!

Olga was 08 jule on Radio day

For a long time dreamed of seeing this performance live. An unforgettable experience! An incendiary act of actors and an unforgettable accident! The applauded standing! Thanks!

Maria was 08 jule on Radio day

Thank you for a wonderful evening! For a long time I wanted to get into your play and was not disappointed. They laughed heartily. Despite the long existence of the play, you have preserved its sincerity. It's great that jokes are added to the rage of the day! The star team does not "star" and this creates a warm atmosphere! Thanks again, be sure to come again!

Katya was 15 jule on Conversations of men

The actors liked the game. Thank you. But the plot is controversial .. there was a weight after watching. And make an intermission: "slap on write" as in the story :).

Maksim was 06 jule on Letters and songs of middle-aged men ...

The performance is excellent. The only downside was the organization: the hall was very stuffy.

Lena was 08 jule on Radio day

Everyone is delighted, thank you, we will come again

Uliya was 08 jule on Radio day

Thank you very much! The performance really liked!

Natal`ya was 08 jule on Radio day

Good afternoon, dear artists! My colleague and I really liked yesterday's performance! We are very grateful to you for the pleasure! Successes and successful new performances!

Tat`yana was 08 jule on Radio day

Thank you for a wonderful evening! Well done! It's a little hard to breathe smoke on the second row, and because of the volume of the music the words of the songs are not always clearly heard, but we are just delighted with the work of the actors, with such positive humor,

Dmitriy was 08 jule on Radio day

Everything is very cool, we will definitely come again

V`ugar was 08 jule on Radio day

All very much!

Evgeniya was 08 jule on Radio day

Elegant! We really liked it !!!)

Nataly was 08 jule on Radio day

I look after a long break once in the seventh, not counting the DVD with the performance - it was nice to hear new jokes)) everything else as always - above praise! One note - for those who are hard of hearing, I would like to hear the basic text louder. Thank you!!

Natal`ya was 08 jule on Radio day

Unfortunately, the overall impression was spoiled by the fact that when performing almost all the songs (except for the two) it was possible to make out only single words. Sometimes the same happened with advertising. And this is not a defect in my hearing. The sound engineer needs to work. Thank you

Polina was 15 jule on Conversations of men

Thank you very much for the performance !!! we received great pleasure and positive! The charge of positive emotions still holds))) Serve for a long time the theatrical art !!!!

Anna was 15 jule on Conversations of men

Thank you for the evening, played great, we laughed .. and wanted to eat. True, there was a little hope that the guys would add to the performance something that was not in the films. I mean the scenes, not video fragments.

Anna was 08 jule on Radio day

Great! Thank you for the pleasure! See you soon !!! :)

Only for children
Only adults
Moskva, Lesnaya ul., 18
02 h 45 min

And what excites men at this age? First of all, of course, women. Then - work, money, success, popularity (this - if you work in show business, and we, after all, it is in it that we work); Envy of more successful colleagues, peers, friends ... yes, in general, - to the more fortunate; Well, and, of course, thoughts about his profession (especially if he got into it not by chance).

We tried to find and seem to have found a way to convey our thoughts "directly", not putting them into allusions, allegories and other rubbish that seems to be necessary for most theatrical figures - especially those who have nothing to say.

Once again, the "Quartet I" strategy has worked, it's the fourth performance in a row that talks to the viewer in one language and what worries him. His - the viewer. And his - "Quartet".

Four men between the ages of 37 and 41 speak on the stage of exactly what interests them and exactly what they really think about it. Not fictional characters think - they themselves. On relations with women, on unfulfilled ambitions, about Hollywood cinema, about treason, about the just-ending childhood that has ended, about false pathos, about approaching old age. The hall sits with bated breath - afraid to miss a word.

Attention! The most intimate, the masculine ...

... "There would be sex, like a cigarette shoot: girl, sorry, but you will not have sex? "Oh, no, I quit."

It would be so interesting for every woman to overhear men's conversations! After all, they talk about women and about marriage, about sports, about cars, about money, about work and about their dreams.

Why is the beautiful sex still does not understand that sex with a beloved woman is fundamentally different from having sex with an unloved?

Does anybody know why you need to urgently transfer the grandmother across the road, until someone else did it?

Can I change my wife with sausage?

How exactly can the fascists understand the personal problems?

Men always remain children. Impudent, puzatenkimi, balding, but very nice babes. True, the first forty years of their childhood are always the most difficult ...

This theater can rightly be called one of the most popular.

Witty performances collect complete rooms.

The actor's talent for artists is worthy of a storm of applause.

Interesting reasoning about the male and female logic.

Laugh from the heart and take note, dear ladies.


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