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Nigniy Novgorod

Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theater

Only for children
Only adults
Сверх комплекта
Purchased earlier: 113
from 600 rubles
129327, Москва, Рудневой ул., 3
02 h 00 min

Merry Comedy by A.Kryukovskaya


The play of Arkady Kryukovsky "The Super Set" is another opening of the Historical and Ethnographic Theater in the world of Russian dramaturgy. Written in 1896 and played in the imperial theaters of St. Petersburg, later it was for some reason forgotten by the stage and now, almost 120 years later, will reappear in the repertoire of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, which will return it to the modern stage. In this performance, MGIET will for the first time present Russia at the end of the 19th century on its stage. Petersburg of that era, with its atmosphere, Russian life, Russian types, customs, customs and way of life can not but cause general interest. The play "The Super Set" lies in the mainstream of the traditions of Alexander Ostrovsky, but it differs significantly in the unique author's manner of Arkady Kryukovsky.

This is a charming, light and elegant comedy, very airy, almost vaudeville. Although her characters are quite serious, thorough and motivated people: the owner of the wallpaper factory, Virilin and his nephew Pavel, the companion of Virilina Motylev and his daughter Varvara, the official Kudryshev and his daughter Olga, who entered the factory as an accountant ... Among these main characters, the intrigue of action , Of course, involved in the eternal search for happiness and love. The plot is fascinating and adventurous: the heroes who are looking for a pair of themselves are seduced, hesitated, doubted, go on the offensive and sometimes retreat, the partners, like in a quadrille, suddenly change places; Old Virilin, embraced by love mistakes, wants to marry a young girl, his nephew, who succumbed to the idea of ​​marriage by calculation, wants to tie the knot with a rich heiress, the ladies also wander in the confusion of feelings and desires ... They are all so funny and touching, funny and sometimes ridiculous - however, like all people in the world, trampling on their own paths to happiness and comprehension of themselves. In short, before us appears the eternal parable of human deceit, misconceptions and whims of love. With the inevitable clash of material calculation and a living feeling. And not everyone will be happy in the end and get a pair ... Pay attention to the language of this play: exquisitely-old, colorful and extraordinarily vibrant - this is the real language of the XIX century. And the dialogues of heroes, sparkling, impetuous and temperamental, will give you real pleasure. So, on the stage there will be for you a piece of old Russia of the past times, with authentic costumes of the XIX century and the unique atmosphere of old Russian life, in its faces, feelings and moods.

Director of the play Mikhail Mizyukov Artist Maria Utrobina Photos of the performance


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