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Specific statement, ambiguous opinion. I would have told you about love. We walked four and it turned out that I did not like, the other girl to the delight, the rest of something is average. I'll write from myself that I did not feel like playing the actors, it's boring, tight. The story itself is interesting, but I listened more than I watched. Perhaps for me there was little action.
Were at the play with the seventh graders. I liked it very much. Harmonious and living combination of excerpts from the correspondence of A.Ch. With brothers, sister, Lika, illustrated with scenes from life. Perfectly conveyed the atmosphere of tender friendship and affection in the family. The theme of Lika Muzinova in Chekhov's life is well revealed. In the play there is humor, and sadness, and pain ... Bravo !!!
A wonderful performance ... Excellent format of the production: the absence of a stage. We got great pleasure and will continue to get acquainted with the repertoire of your theater. Thank you so much!!!
Great performance! What an incredible reincarnation! Kalyagin and Simonov are inimitable. I highly recommend to those who want to watch the play of the actors of the old school.
The performance was wonderful, we had a great pleasure with my daughter, we laughed heartily! Good fairy tale about the value of spiritual beauty, according to the play of Alan A. Milne. Author of "Winnie the Pooh" and "Ugly-duckling". The staging is so successful that young spectators of different ages (from 5-11 years old) and their parents will have a pleasant time and will get positive emotions.
I liked the performance very much, I haven’t received such pleasure for a long time. Only men play in the performance, including women, and they do it beautifully, subtly, with humor, with love. Dynamically, in some places Pts is funny, in places it touches to tears, Bravo !!!
“ Last weekend we went to the Moscow Theater "Et Cetera" for the play "This is so (if you think so)). Adolf Shapiro staged a play by Luigi Pirandello on the 15th anniversary of the theater. The premiere took place in October 2018. The director addresses this work for the second time - the first production was performed on the Estonian stage (in Estonian). The performance was very topical. He is about us with you. About how it is important for people to know the mystical "truth", how people do not hear each other, are convincing, everyone lives in his own world. Here everything is a little exaggerated, exaggerated, absurd. As soon as we enter the hall, we immediately find ourselves in the center of action. We are met by a man from the theater (Elizaveta Ryzhih). The director uses the technique of "theater in the theater." The scenery is changed right during the performance. The man from the theater makes the necessary props and takes memorable photographs of the actors. We see here and dressing rooms. I really liked the episode in which all the “artists” left the stage and started doing their own business: someone went to smoke, someone pulled a flask from behind his bosom, someone decided to have dinner. Maria Tregubova created an amazing black and white world. Conventionally, the scene is divided into two parts: white - carefree characters in white clothes live on it, and black - mysterious, a bit strange and frightening, on which Signora Frola (Irina Denisova) and Signor Ponza (Anton Pakhomov) live. Suits are very stylish, sometimes strange. The outfit of Signor Ponz resembles the picture of Rene Magritte “Son of man”. It seems that the heroes hid behind their clothes: someone hides their feelings behind dark glasses, someone has a crazy haircut, someone hides behind a fur hat. Dialogue-reasoning plays a big part in the production, you need to listen attentively to the text. The cast is very strong. I liked Irina Denisova in the role of Signora Frola: emotional and touching. Impressed by Anton Pakhomov in the role of Signore Ponza: discreet ... for the time being ... The performance is more interesting, but not for a large circle of spectators. Not everyone can understand and appreciate the director's intention. The audience came out with a very different mood: some were in unrestrained delight, others in indignation. But ... nobody remained indifferent. I liked the production. More like to think about it. PS For the first time, we used the services of a “theater babysitter”; I want this innovative idea to be adopted by other theaters.
was 18 february on Persons
“ Great performance! What an incredible reincarnation! Kalyagin and Simonov are inimitable. I highly recommend to those who want to watch the play of the actors of the old school.
was 03 december on Duck hunting
“ The work itself is quite specific and will be interesting to few. But the setting is great, the scenery, the music, the acting is all on 5 out of 5
was 21 november on BOATMAN
“ I liked the performance very much, I haven’t received such pleasure for a long time. Only men play in the performance, including women, and they do it beautifully, subtly, with humor, with love. Dynamically, in some places Pts is funny, in places it touches to tears, Bravo !!!
was 21 december on Vanya and the crocodile
“ Very kind, cute, bright performance. When I took the tickets, I thought what it would be like for the children to listen to the poems, it turned out that Chukovsky went to music perfectly and it turned out a real musical for the little ones. It still begins in the hall where Santa Claus goes out and sets different tasks for the children. Then everyone rises to the small hall on the 4th floor, and the action begins. I especially want to cancel absolutely amazing costumes. Absolutely awesome got crocodiles and other animals. Since the action takes place in Petrograd, the costume designers recreated the clothes of that time: a coat with a fur edging, small round hats for the ladies and lush dresses for the girls. And what was the policeman! This is just the beauty. And everyone played on the "excellent", despite the fact that the play is for children and very short. We were very pleased, the child endlessly watched the video posted on YouTube. Firmly intends to see all children's performances in Et Cetera. I advise you to take tickets for the 3rd row, it’s better seen, the heads in front of them do not interfere with the view.
was 02 november on Vanya and the crocodile
“ Thank you very much! And the son of 4.5 years, and I liked Pts! We will be happy to come to you again.
was 21 december on Vanya and the crocodile
“ Yesterday my son and I attended the performance. The actors played with youthful enthusiasm, costumes and set design were thought out perfectly, the only thing that didn’t coincide is the description of the age of the audience on the Big Ticket website, the performance is good for kids under 5 years old. No 12+
Popolyakova Margarita Vladimirovna
was 04 may on Vanya and the crocodile
“ Wonderful performance, thanks!
was 29 march on POETRY. The 60th ...
“ Perfectly!
was 12 february on THE AUDITOR. Version
“ The production is weak. Very boring. The original special effects (casket, fire, etc.) did not save ...
was 04 february on Fires
“ Specific statement, ambiguous opinion. I would have told you about love. We walked four and it turned out that I did not like, the other girl to the delight, the rest of something is average. I'll write from myself that I did not feel like playing the actors, it's boring, tight. The story itself is interesting, but I listened more than I watched. Perhaps for me there was little action.
was 26 january on Elsa's land
“ Thank you very much for the performance! Everything is very vital, without fairy tales. Believe every word. The eternal desire and desire of man to be loved and to love. I was once again convinced that the perception of life by the older generation and their grandchildren is much closer than that of fathers and children. Thanks to the actors for the game (all without exception) and, of course, to the director. I congratulate the director on the excellent debut at the theater. I wish you further creative success!
was 15 february on The Royal Cow
“ Went with two children. The children were just delighted with the "cow", the whole play sat and laughed. We also really liked the performance, and the atmosphere in the theater is cozy, you feel like a "welcome guest". The staff is very welcoming and friendly. Thank you very much. Have a rest on all hundred ....
was 02 november on The Royal Cow
“ Thank you. Everything was great from booking tickets and the performance itself.
was 10 november on The Royal Cow
“ delight in both the child and the adult. Thank you.
was 02 march on The Royal Cow
“ A wonderful performance! Cheerful, witty, good-natured. I liked both children and adults. I recommend everyone!
was 10 november on The Royal Cow
“ Thank you for the pleasure
was 04 january on The Royal Cow
“ All very much! Both the performance and the atmosphere of the theater and the New Year's performance! Thank you for the pleasure!
was 02 november on The Royal Cow
“ Thanks for the wonderful performance!
was 04 january on The Royal Cow
“ I really liked the actors' game, thank you.
was 04 january on The Royal Cow
“ I liked the play, I was with my daughter for 5.5 years, I was sitting on the fifth row, in the center of the row, it's good, but for the child it's not too easy to sit. Good music, a little naive play of actors, but in general, that's what the children should see !!! Very pleased with the theater itself, with a wonderful, spacious, elegant foyer, a small cozy hall with a set of different armchairs in a classic style, not attached to each other, which was very original! The intermission is short, literally 15 minutes, but the presence of several buffets allows you to have time to refresh yourself . Go do not regret it !!!
was 10 november on The Royal Cow
“ Excellent performance) positive emotions !!!!
Prilinskaya Uliya Viktorovna
was 15 december on The Royal Cow
“ Guys, you are real umnichki, were with son, for a long time so heartily did not laugh) so hold, we will come to you with pleasure.
was 02 march on The Royal Cow
“ I recommend a cheerful, beautiful play. The girl really liked 6 years, and me too.
was 15 december on The Royal Cow
“ Were in this theater with a daughter (6 years) for the first time. The theater liked it by itself: a luxurious foyer, an interesting design of armchairs - a complete classic. The performance is beyond praise - bright, cheerful. Leaving the theater with a pleasant "aftertaste" and the feeling that they visited the holiday.
was 15 december on The Royal Cow
“ Elegant room! Fantastic scenery! Soul actors! Thanks for the holiday to the whole class and parents!
was 02 march on The Royal Cow
“ A wonderful performance! Cheerful, instructive. It is interesting for both children and adults. Thank you so much!
was 15 december on The Royal Cow
“ Thank you, very good, the children are delighted
was 02 november on The Royal Cow
“ Great performance! The child is 11 years in ecstasy! Thank you!
was 15 november on The Royal Cow
“ The performance was liked by the children (6 and 10 years old), but to me, to my mother, he seemed very unpretentious in the sense: there is nothing to be done, to try, the main thing in the necessary garden is to wander (to get married successfully :)). There is no instructive side. And otherwise everything is beautiful and fun.
was 08 february on The Royal Cow
“ 08.02.2014 the first time I was with children in this theater. The atmosphere in the theater is very friendly. Entering the hall the children were pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the hall. Our seats were on the 6th row of the stalls - visibility was excellent, wonderfully comfortable chairs. The performance is bright, dynamic. The children were satisfied, thank Marina Churakova.
Teya Givishvili
was 10 november on The Royal Cow
“ Good afternoon! There were children at the play! In full delight! We want to add from ourselves: a good organization, a pleasant interior and a new building combined with a talented team is wonderful :)
was 02 october on Elsa's land
“ Great performance !!!! The game of actors is wonderful! Thank you so much!!!
was 08 january on Star boy
“ Me and my child, a boy of 8 years in full delight. He liked the Angel, who has a hat with a pompon. Could you find out the name of the actor? Thank you very much for your work !!!!
was 06 april on Star boy
“ A remarkable performance, instructive, kind, with humor. Thank you!!!
was 16 february on Star boy
“ The performance was liked, despite the modern interpretation of the classic work of O. Wilde (who often sin in a wild fantasy and inability to watch the production). The duration of the performance - 2 hours - was just right. The theater itself is extraordinarily beautiful.
Eageniya Lihnikevich
was 16 april on Storm
“ Thanks to the whole troupe and director for a new reading of the wonderful texts of Shakespeare!
was 22 december on Star boy
“ With my husband and daughter, I was 10 years old for the first time at the Kalyagin Theater. December 22, at once I liked everything: a good atmosphere, wonderful people, a lot of free tables in the buffet, it was nice to refresh myself before the performance, a large number of children before and school age were pleased. everywhere, we sat in the mezzanine, it was comfortable. The girl liked the angels and Fairy of the Forest most of all, and our dad was moved to tears, the actors played so truthfully and sincerely ... I was surprised by the Wizard of Black Magic, who came from the pit in the image of Elvis Pr esli and announced the intermission. Thank you for the good mood to all who care about us. Need to go to this theater again!
was 08 january on Star boy
“ We liked. Thank you.
was 03 november on Star boy
“ Thank you, we are very pleased! And the child is 9 years old, and an adult. Very convenient e-ticket booking system
was 07 january on Star boy
“ The grandson is 12 years old and my husband and I liked the performance very much, it was interesting, the actors are good fellows. I will recommend my friends.
was 14 october on Valencian madmen
“ Funny performance. Controversial, but, in my opinion, it's good. Search for the form. I really liked the final scene, which in form resembles an interlude - a very good solution. Well done boys!
was 07 january on Star boy
“ Thank you, I liked the performance.
Sevil Alieva
was 07 may on Valencian madmen
“ Good Performance Very much
was 25 february on Storm
“ Thank you, we liked it)
was 06 april on Star boy
“ The performance liked the child! I watched carefully and with pleasure, although I noticed a discrepancy with the plot of the tale. The theater itself is very beautiful! We will come again.
was 16 february on Star boy
“ I think the play is not for children of the age category - after 10 years, apparently jokes and communication with the audience are designed for younger viewers. It's unclear just where does the "Star Boy". This is not a performance. This is a show. Expect more. More precisely the smaller. Silence. Sederful. Children must be taught to think. Develop the soul. Immediately bright, noisy, delicious picture. Another would give the pop corp. They did not go for this.
was 15 april on Storm
“ Thank you, liked the production!
was 22 december on Star boy
“ Thank you! Very pleased!
was 20 february on Valencian madmen
“ Thank you! The performance really liked!
was 13 may on Storm
“ Impressive effects, musical, lighting design. The main idea was not possible to bring to the audience, at some point it seemed that one performance was coming to an end and the second one immediately began. It happens in general you cease to catch the essence of what is happening.
was 16 february on Star boy
“ thanks, I liked it
was 03 november on Star boy
“ The play really liked my mother and daughter 9let.
was 27 march on Storm
“ A stunning production, a delightful play of actors! Fantastic performance! Kalyagin, in the role of an exile, a loving father and a wizard, is so admirable that it can not be described. A magical spirit named Ariel seems really fabulous and weightless with surprisingly light flights above the stage and gentle singing.
was 06 january on Star boy
“ He drove his son for 11 years. A bit tight (for the child), but in general it is quite worthy. Everyone will find something for themselves: I personally liked a few infamous angels; the attention of the son to the plot was masterfully supported by periodic simple jokes. I consider the service of the company to be a serious conversation a day later with my son: along the issues that are raised in the play of Wilde. Go and take the children.
was 06 october on Star boy
“ The play The star boy liked.
was 21 december on Storm
“ Very affective representation .... All with abundant ... gestures, words, poses. And very tedious, very much. The play lasts 1.5 hours, but it feels like it's all 5 hours. To a great lover ...
was 13 september on Storm
“ Great performance!
was 16 february on Star boy
“ I liked the theater very much. Beautiful interior, chandeliers, stunningly comfortable and beautiful armchairs! We sat on the 15th row, it was perfectly visible and audible. For the performance would put 4.
was 21 december on Storm
“ We are delighted with the performance. Strong health to Master Kalyagin!
was 29 october on Storm
“ The event "Storm" like everyone else and always in the wonderful theater Et Cetera is amazing!
was 16 february on Star boy
“ Wonderful statement, were very satisfied. The son (8 years), for whose sake the event was started - is in full ecstasy! Thank you so much!
was 16 february on Star boy
“ The performance really liked the original production.
was 27 may on Valencian madmen
“ "Boris Godunov" left a most pleasant impression. Quality setting, good cast, right accents. It's a pity that they decided to save on costumes, as a result, the characters are dressed in that: there is a merchant from Ostrovsky, and a Chekhov lady (without a dog), and almost Natasha Rostov, and almost Peter I ...
was 06 april on Star boy
“ Thank you for the performance. I watched and wondered how the author and actors managed to convey the global philosophical theme simply and understandably in the language of children. My son of 8 years said that he did not really understand, but the conclusion was this: do good, and then the whole world will be yours! If a 7-year-old child has made the right conclusion, older children probably understood a lot! A perfect solution to images and music. To the whole troupe of the theater of creative successes!
was 20 december on Storm
“ good day, to be honest, the impressions are unpleasant, excessive number of effects. Not a theatrical production, but a show.
was 17 may on Star boy
“ In general, a good performance. I will deliver 4. We liked the royal cow much more.
was 06 april on Star boy
“ I liked the performance. your theater is loved! I really liked the actors' game. The costumes are wonderful. Children reacted very vividly to what is happening on stage :) thanks.
was 23 march on Star boy
“ went with my son for 8 years. Well, firstly, the theater, in which I was for the first time, conquered me with beauty, luxurious interiors: stairs, lodges with different names, original parterre seats, a fine buffet, and showcases with successes and victories of the theater productions, as well as nameplates architects, designers - authors of this magnificence !!! The performance with interesting finds, beautiful music, talking illumination, humor, kind angels, excellent work of actors won my heart! Many thanks to this hospitable theatrical family !!! Be sure to come to you again.
was 22 december on Star boy
“ Thank you! All very much!
was 21 december on Storm
“ A wonderful performance, it looked like one breath! Thank you!
was 13 september on Storm
“ I discovered Shakespeare again! Terrific !!
was 06 october on Star boy
“ The theater is surprisingly new and rich, just gorgeous! Unusually-in the theater it's not chairs, but different chairs! Different stand, Mixed, not in rows. The performance is unusual-the fairy tale is filed on another option-I liked it, but do not say that in rapture. Just with the film from childhood, probably, and you can not compare-it's all mixed up on the emotions of your childhood. The performance is more for teenagers than for children. The actors played perfectly.
was 08 january on Star boy
“ I liked the performance very much! Cozy atmosphere in the theater! Be sure to come back!
was 07 january on Star boy
“ Great performance! I was pleased that the Kalyagin Theater prepared for the New Year's holidays for children not a typical performance with a woman yaga, but a deep and very beautiful performance for Oscar Wilde! Thank you very much, going to your theater is always a holiday! :-)
was 06 october on Star boy
“ The daughter is delighted! And even skeptic-grandmother liked the play. Many thanks! Very good location and convenient service.
was 06 january on Star boy
“ Everything is fine! Thank you.
was 16 february on Star boy
“ All liked it! Thank you.
was 16 april on Storm
“ The performance did not really like. It is designed for teenagers. Too many special effects. Such a feeling that Sturua, which I really like, having got into the hands of special means, can not play enough of them.
was 07 january on Star boy
“ Hello! Thank you for asking. My eleven-year-old son really liked the play. He said that he would go to performances only in your theater. In the play "Star Boy" Alexei Osipov's game was easy, it was felt that he is like his hero, in fact, it probably is skill. When the other actors were playing. In general, the performance is liked and will definitely come to you for new productions. Sincerely, Julia
was 22 december on Star boy
“ Wonderful performance
was 12 november on Valencian madmen
“ Did not like! Claims are not only to the text of Lope de Vega ...
was 25 february on Storm
“ Great performance! Excellent performance of the actors and an impressive set design! A real storm of emotions!
was 03 november on Star boy
“ A magical, bright, slightly minimalistic view. Philosophical, but very relevant story, for children junior.shkol.ozrast, kot.uzhe hard to surprise. Angels snow-clean attract ... Thank you, it was a holiday for us with my daughter!
was 21 october on Storm
“ The performance made a great impression on me. I liked the scenography and special effects, which did not interfere with perceiving a wonderful game of actors. A scene of a storm with a rushing ship is perhaps the brightest and most memorable stage of the play. A little bit strange looked "dismemberment" - probably too natural. Kalyagin is magnificent!
was 06 october on Star boy
“ I liked it very much
was 16 february on Star boy
“ The performance really liked, beautiful costumes, scenery, actors do not save themselves on children. The only thing I would not recommend to children under 7 years old, and it's better to prepare for the show (read a fairy tale or tell her to a child).
was 08 january on Star boy
“ Tickets ordered on the Internet by link bigbilet on the theater site, paid for the card without problems and problems with registration - less than 2 minutes. The next day received SMS reminder with the ticket code, in the theater also without any problems, the controller at the entrance immediately printed a check. The service was very happy, FAST, SIMPLE and SERVICING. Thank you. By the way, the performance was a great pleasure. The theater is very like and the parking is close. Convenience everywhere is a huge plus!
was 22 december on Star boy
“ Thank you so much! Went with the whole family. My daughter really liked it. We had a wonderful day off!
was 11 march on Storm
“ The theater itself liked, the production is quite clear, the plot is not very, but it's Shakespeare ....
was 07 january on Star boy
“ The performance is unusually beautiful and fabulous. Particularly fond of the three angels, who throughout the whole show of sympathy and trying to help the main characters. I was greatly impressed by the reincarnation of actors: A star boy from a beautiful and cruel teenager turns into an ugly dwarf, and after that, into a loving cute young man, and his mother from a trembling beggar - at the end of the performance into a beautiful woman of unearthly beauty. I can not believe that these roles are played from beginning to end by the same people. And yet, a complete delight from the New Year's sketches for children and their parents, played out by the theater's actors in the foyer near the tree before the performance. This addition to the main action, like a cherry to an exquisite cheesecake - and so delicious, but with it even tastier! Thank you for the given fairy tale! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
was 18 may on Persons
“ Thank you!!! A wonderful performance! I laughed until I burst into tears from the first stage to the last scene !!! Bravo, artists! Bravo, Chekhov!
was 18 may on Persons
“ The play looks in one breath. Excellent played comedy Chekhov opened for me on the new side. Laughtered the whole play. Separately, I would like to mention the theater itself: a very nice, beautiful hall.
was 24 november on Duck hunting
“ I bought tickets for the performance Duck Hunt despite the negative feedback that I saw on the Internet. The performance really liked! Amazing work. Feel the work of the director and the talent of the actors. In general, a very multifaceted picture, illuminating various aspects of life. The performance is bold, modern. Received a true aesthetic pleasure. Fans of the classics probably will not like it, we need to look more widely at things. Highly recommend!
was 19 march on Suppress and stimulate
“ The play, in my opinion, raises important topics for any person: why do we live, what is happiness, what is love ... With the amazing beauty of scenography and musical accompaniment for me, the game itself became the main characters. Excessively hysterical and hysterical. And this makes it very difficult to look at the essence of history. Perhaps the brightest and most memorable image for me was the father of the protagonist, who appeared in several episodes in the end of the play.
was 23 february on Heart is not a stone
“ A great performance, an excellent play of actors. I really enjoyed visiting the theater. I liked not only me, but also my teenage son. THANK YOU !!!
was 05 april on Persons
“ In my opinion, the play looks in one breath, it is so fascinating and easy, the faces of the heroes from Chekhov's stories are transferred to our reality. The game of our actors can only be described to the highest degree, and detailed roles, speech, gestures and facial expressions can be a master class for other actors.
was 22 november on Fires
“ The performance is heavy, but it makes an indelible impression, it makes you think!
was 05 april on Persons
“ Easy, funny, deep performance of my favorite theater! Magnificent Alexander Kolyagin! A very important performance for the young! Love for the AP Chekhov grafts lightning fast! Special thanks to Vladimir Simonov. Far-faced, many-faced, funny, deep and very real !!! I advise everyone this performance! I want to mention the theater itself: I would call it a toy theater in a good sense of the word! Beautiful, grotesque, very cozy! One tea room is worth it !!)))
was 22 november on Fires
“ I have no words! The performance shocked me so much that I could not even discuss it. It was the same with my companions. I often go to the theater, and this is the only play, probably in the last year, that left such a deep impression! The actors' play, the scenery, the music background, the scene change - everything is so well thought out, so it fits one another, that it's just impossible to break away from the scene. Many thanks to the director and actors for such a wonderful performance!
“ Last weekend we went to the Moscow Theater "Et Cetera" for the play "This is so (if you think so)). Adolf Shapiro staged a play by Luigi Pirandello on the 15th anniversary of the theater. The premiere took place in October 2018. The director addresses this work for the second time - the first production was performed on the Estonian stage (in Estonian). The performance was very topical. He is about us with you. About how it is important for people to know the mystical "truth", how people do not hear each other, are convincing, everyone lives in his own world. Here everything is a little exaggerated, exaggerated, absurd. As soon as we enter the hall, we immediately find ourselves in the center of action. We are met by a man from the theater (Elizaveta Ryzhih). The director uses the technique of "theater in the theater." The scenery is changed right during the performance. The man from the theater makes the necessary props and takes memorable photographs of the actors. We see here and dressing rooms. I really liked the episode in which all the “artists” left the stage and started doing their own business: someone went to smoke, someone pulled a flask from behind his bosom, someone decided to have dinner. Maria Tregubova created an amazing black and white world. Conventionally, the scene is divided into two parts: white - carefree characters in white clothes live on it, and black - mysterious, a bit strange and frightening, on which Signora Frola (Irina Denisova) and Signor Ponza (Anton Pakhomov) live. Suits are very stylish, sometimes strange. The outfit of Signor Ponz resembles the picture of Rene Magritte “Son of man”. It seems that the heroes hid behind their clothes: someone hides their feelings behind dark glasses, someone has a crazy haircut, someone hides behind a fur hat. Dialogue-reasoning plays a big part in the production, you need to listen attentively to the text. The cast is very strong. I liked Irina Denisova in the role of Signora Frola: emotional and touching. Impressed by Anton Pakhomov in the role of Signore Ponza: discreet ... for the time being ... The performance is more interesting, but not for a large circle of spectators. Not everyone can understand and appreciate the director's intention. The audience came out with a very different mood: some were in unrestrained delight, others in indignation. But ... nobody remained indifferent. I liked the production. More like to think about it. PS For the first time, we used the services of a “theater babysitter”; I want this innovative idea to be adopted by other theaters.
“ Great performance! What an incredible reincarnation! Kalyagin and Simonov are inimitable. I highly recommend to those who want to watch the play of the actors of the old school.
“ The work itself is quite specific and will be interesting to few. But the setting is great, the scenery, the music, the acting is all on 5 out of 5
“ I liked the performance very much, I haven’t received such pleasure for a long time. Only men play in the performance, including women, and they do it beautifully, subtly, with humor, with love. Dynamically, in some places Pts is funny, in places it touches to tears, Bravo !!!
“ Very kind, cute, bright performance. When I took the tickets, I thought what it would be like for the children to listen to the poems, it turned out that Chukovsky went to music perfectly and it turned out a real musical for the little ones. It still begins in the hall where Santa Claus goes out and sets different tasks for the children. Then everyone rises to the small hall on the 4th floor, and the action begins. I especially want to cancel absolutely amazing costumes. Absolutely awesome got crocodiles and other animals. Since the action takes place in Petrograd, the costume designers recreated the clothes of that time: a coat with a fur edging, small round hats for the ladies and lush dresses for the girls. And what was the policeman! This is just the beauty. And everyone played on the "excellent", despite the fact that the play is for children and very short. We were very pleased, the child endlessly watched the video posted on YouTube. Firmly intends to see all children's performances in Et Cetera. I advise you to take tickets for the 3rd row, it’s better seen, the heads in front of them do not interfere with the view.
“ Thank you very much! And the son of 4.5 years, and I liked Pts! We will be happy to come to you again.
“ Yesterday my son and I attended the performance. The actors played with youthful enthusiasm, costumes and set design were thought out perfectly, the only thing that didn’t coincide is the description of the age of the audience on the Big Ticket website, the performance is good for kids under 5 years old. No 12+
“ Wonderful performance, thanks!
“ Perfectly!
“ The production is weak. Very boring. The original special effects (casket, fire, etc.) did not save ...
“ Specific statement, ambiguous opinion. I would have told you about love. We walked four and it turned out that I did not like, the other girl to the delight, the rest of something is average. I'll write from myself that I did not feel like playing the actors, it's boring, tight. The story itself is interesting, but I listened more than I watched. Perhaps for me there was little action.
“ Thank you very much for the performance! Everything is very vital, without fairy tales. Believe every word. The eternal desire and desire of man to be loved and to love. I was once again convinced that the perception of life by the older generation and their grandchildren is much closer than that of fathers and children. Thanks to the actors for the game (all without exception) and, of course, to the director. I congratulate the director on the excellent debut at the theater. I wish you further creative success!
“ Went with two children. The children were just delighted with the "cow", the whole play sat and laughed. We also really liked the performance, and the atmosphere in the theater is cozy, you feel like a "welcome guest". The staff is very welcoming and friendly. Thank you very much. Have a rest on all hundred ....
“ Thank you. Everything was great from booking tickets and the performance itself.
“ delight in both the child and the adult. Thank you.
“ A wonderful performance! Cheerful, witty, good-natured. I liked both children and adults. I recommend everyone!
“ Thank you for the pleasure
“ All very much! Both the performance and the atmosphere of the theater and the New Year's performance! Thank you for the pleasure!
“ Thanks for the wonderful performance!
“ I really liked the actors' game, thank you.
“ I liked the play, I was with my daughter for 5.5 years, I was sitting on the fifth row, in the center of the row, it's good, but for the child it's not too easy to sit. Good music, a little naive play of actors, but in general, that's what the children should see !!! Very pleased with the theater itself, with a wonderful, spacious, elegant foyer, a small cozy hall with a set of different armchairs in a classic style, not attached to each other, which was very original! The intermission is short, literally 15 minutes, but the presence of several buffets allows you to have time to refresh yourself . Go do not regret it !!!
“ Excellent performance) positive emotions !!!!
“ Guys, you are real umnichki, were with son, for a long time so heartily did not laugh) so hold, we will come to you with pleasure.
“ I recommend a cheerful, beautiful play. The girl really liked 6 years, and me too.
“ Were in this theater with a daughter (6 years) for the first time. The theater liked it by itself: a luxurious foyer, an interesting design of armchairs - a complete classic. The performance is beyond praise - bright, cheerful. Leaving the theater with a pleasant "aftertaste" and the feeling that they visited the holiday.
“ Elegant room! Fantastic scenery! Soul actors! Thanks for the holiday to the whole class and parents!
“ A wonderful performance! Cheerful, instructive. It is interesting for both children and adults. Thank you so much!
“ Thank you, very good, the children are delighted
“ Great performance! The child is 11 years in ecstasy! Thank you!
“ The performance was liked by the children (6 and 10 years old), but to me, to my mother, he seemed very unpretentious in the sense: there is nothing to be done, to try, the main thing in the necessary garden is to wander (to get married successfully :)). There is no instructive side. And otherwise everything is beautiful and fun.
“ 08.02.2014 the first time I was with children in this theater. The atmosphere in the theater is very friendly. Entering the hall the children were pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the hall. Our seats were on the 6th row of the stalls - visibility was excellent, wonderfully comfortable chairs. The performance is bright, dynamic. The children were satisfied, thank Marina Churakova.
“ Good afternoon! There were children at the play! In full delight! We want to add from ourselves: a good organization, a pleasant interior and a new building combined with a talented team is wonderful :)
“ Great performance !!!! The game of actors is wonderful! Thank you so much!!!
“ Me and my child, a boy of 8 years in full delight. He liked the Angel, who has a hat with a pompon. Could you find out the name of the actor? Thank you very much for your work !!!!
“ A remarkable performance, instructive, kind, with humor. Thank you!!!
“ The performance was liked, despite the modern interpretation of the classic work of O. Wilde (who often sin in a wild fantasy and inability to watch the production). The duration of the performance - 2 hours - was just right. The theater itself is extraordinarily beautiful.
“ Thanks to the whole troupe and director for a new reading of the wonderful texts of Shakespeare!
“ With my husband and daughter, I was 10 years old for the first time at the Kalyagin Theater. December 22, at once I liked everything: a good atmosphere, wonderful people, a lot of free tables in the buffet, it was nice to refresh myself before the performance, a large number of children before and school age were pleased. everywhere, we sat in the mezzanine, it was comfortable. The girl liked the angels and Fairy of the Forest most of all, and our dad was moved to tears, the actors played so truthfully and sincerely ... I was surprised by the Wizard of Black Magic, who came from the pit in the image of Elvis Pr esli and announced the intermission. Thank you for the good mood to all who care about us. Need to go to this theater again!
“ We liked. Thank you.
“ Thank you, we are very pleased! And the child is 9 years old, and an adult. Very convenient e-ticket booking system
“ The grandson is 12 years old and my husband and I liked the performance very much, it was interesting, the actors are good fellows. I will recommend my friends.
“ Funny performance. Controversial, but, in my opinion, it's good. Search for the form. I really liked the final scene, which in form resembles an interlude - a very good solution. Well done boys!
“ Thank you, I liked the performance.
“ Good Performance Very much
“ Thank you, we liked it)
“ The performance liked the child! I watched carefully and with pleasure, although I noticed a discrepancy with the plot of the tale. The theater itself is very beautiful! We will come again.
“ I think the play is not for children of the age category - after 10 years, apparently jokes and communication with the audience are designed for younger viewers. It's unclear just where does the "Star Boy". This is not a performance. This is a show. Expect more. More precisely the smaller. Silence. Sederful. Children must be taught to think. Develop the soul. Immediately bright, noisy, delicious picture. Another would give the pop corp. They did not go for this.
“ Thank you, liked the production!
“ Thank you! Very pleased!
“ Thank you! The performance really liked!
“ Impressive effects, musical, lighting design. The main idea was not possible to bring to the audience, at some point it seemed that one performance was coming to an end and the second one immediately began. It happens in general you cease to catch the essence of what is happening.
“ thanks, I liked it
“ The play really liked my mother and daughter 9let.
“ A stunning production, a delightful play of actors! Fantastic performance! Kalyagin, in the role of an exile, a loving father and a wizard, is so admirable that it can not be described. A magical spirit named Ariel seems really fabulous and weightless with surprisingly light flights above the stage and gentle singing.
“ He drove his son for 11 years. A bit tight (for the child), but in general it is quite worthy. Everyone will find something for themselves: I personally liked a few infamous angels; the attention of the son to the plot was masterfully supported by periodic simple jokes. I consider the service of the company to be a serious conversation a day later with my son: along the issues that are raised in the play of Wilde. Go and take the children.
“ The play The star boy liked.
“ Very affective representation .... All with abundant ... gestures, words, poses. And very tedious, very much. The play lasts 1.5 hours, but it feels like it's all 5 hours. To a great lover ...
“ Great performance!
“ I liked the theater very much. Beautiful interior, chandeliers, stunningly comfortable and beautiful armchairs! We sat on the 15th row, it was perfectly visible and audible. For the performance would put 4.
“ We are delighted with the performance. Strong health to Master Kalyagin!
“ The event "Storm" like everyone else and always in the wonderful theater Et Cetera is amazing!
“ Wonderful statement, were very satisfied. The son (8 years), for whose sake the event was started - is in full ecstasy! Thank you so much!
“ The performance really liked the original production.
“ "Boris Godunov" left a most pleasant impression. Quality setting, good cast, right accents. It's a pity that they decided to save on costumes, as a result, the characters are dressed in that: there is a merchant from Ostrovsky, and a Chekhov lady (without a dog), and almost Natasha Rostov, and almost Peter I ...
“ Thank you for the performance. I watched and wondered how the author and actors managed to convey the global philosophical theme simply and understandably in the language of children. My son of 8 years said that he did not really understand, but the conclusion was this: do good, and then the whole world will be yours! If a 7-year-old child has made the right conclusion, older children probably understood a lot! A perfect solution to images and music. To the whole troupe of the theater of creative successes!
“ good day, to be honest, the impressions are unpleasant, excessive number of effects. Not a theatrical production, but a show.
“ In general, a good performance. I will deliver 4. We liked the royal cow much more.
“ I liked the performance. your theater is loved! I really liked the actors' game. The costumes are wonderful. Children reacted very vividly to what is happening on stage :) thanks.
“ went with my son for 8 years. Well, firstly, the theater, in which I was for the first time, conquered me with beauty, luxurious interiors: stairs, lodges with different names, original parterre seats, a fine buffet, and showcases with successes and victories of the theater productions, as well as nameplates architects, designers - authors of this magnificence !!! The performance with interesting finds, beautiful music, talking illumination, humor, kind angels, excellent work of actors won my heart! Many thanks to this hospitable theatrical family !!! Be sure to come to you again.
“ Thank you! All very much!
“ A wonderful performance, it looked like one breath! Thank you!
“ I discovered Shakespeare again! Terrific !!
“ The theater is surprisingly new and rich, just gorgeous! Unusually-in the theater it's not chairs, but different chairs! Different stand, Mixed, not in rows. The performance is unusual-the fairy tale is filed on another option-I liked it, but do not say that in rapture. Just with the film from childhood, probably, and you can not compare-it's all mixed up on the emotions of your childhood. The performance is more for teenagers than for children. The actors played perfectly.
“ I liked the performance very much! Cozy atmosphere in the theater! Be sure to come back!
“ Great performance! I was pleased that the Kalyagin Theater prepared for the New Year's holidays for children not a typical performance with a woman yaga, but a deep and very beautiful performance for Oscar Wilde! Thank you very much, going to your theater is always a holiday! :-)
“ The daughter is delighted! And even skeptic-grandmother liked the play. Many thanks! Very good location and convenient service.
“ Everything is fine! Thank you.
“ All liked it! Thank you.
“ The performance did not really like. It is designed for teenagers. Too many special effects. Such a feeling that Sturua, which I really like, having got into the hands of special means, can not play enough of them.
“ Hello! Thank you for asking. My eleven-year-old son really liked the play. He said that he would go to performances only in your theater. In the play "Star Boy" Alexei Osipov's game was easy, it was felt that he is like his hero, in fact, it probably is skill. When the other actors were playing. In general, the performance is liked and will definitely come to you for new productions. Sincerely, Julia
“ Wonderful performance
“ Did not like! Claims are not only to the text of Lope de Vega ...
“ Great performance! Excellent performance of the actors and an impressive set design! A real storm of emotions!
“ A magical, bright, slightly minimalistic view. Philosophical, but very relevant story, for children junior.shkol.ozrast, kot.uzhe hard to surprise. Angels snow-clean attract ... Thank you, it was a holiday for us with my daughter!
“ The performance made a great impression on me. I liked the scenography and special effects, which did not interfere with perceiving a wonderful game of actors. A scene of a storm with a rushing ship is perhaps the brightest and most memorable stage of the play. A little bit strange looked "dismemberment" - probably too natural. Kalyagin is magnificent!
“ I liked it very much
“ The performance really liked, beautiful costumes, scenery, actors do not save themselves on children. The only thing I would not recommend to children under 7 years old, and it's better to prepare for the show (read a fairy tale or tell her to a child).
“ Tickets ordered on the Internet by link bigbilet on the theater site, paid for the card without problems and problems with registration - less than 2 minutes. The next day received SMS reminder with the ticket code, in the theater also without any problems, the controller at the entrance immediately printed a check. The service was very happy, FAST, SIMPLE and SERVICING. Thank you. By the way, the performance was a great pleasure. The theater is very like and the parking is close. Convenience everywhere is a huge plus!
“ Thank you so much! Went with the whole family. My daughter really liked it. We had a wonderful day off!
“ The theater itself liked, the production is quite clear, the plot is not very, but it's Shakespeare ....
“ The performance is unusually beautiful and fabulous. Particularly fond of the three angels, who throughout the whole show of sympathy and trying to help the main characters. I was greatly impressed by the reincarnation of actors: A star boy from a beautiful and cruel teenager turns into an ugly dwarf, and after that, into a loving cute young man, and his mother from a trembling beggar - at the end of the performance into a beautiful woman of unearthly beauty. I can not believe that these roles are played from beginning to end by the same people. And yet, a complete delight from the New Year's sketches for children and their parents, played out by the theater's actors in the foyer near the tree before the performance. This addition to the main action, like a cherry to an exquisite cheesecake - and so delicious, but with it even tastier! Thank you for the given fairy tale! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
“ Thank you!!! A wonderful performance! I laughed until I burst into tears from the first stage to the last scene !!! Bravo, artists! Bravo, Chekhov!
“ The play looks in one breath. Excellent played comedy Chekhov opened for me on the new side. Laughtered the whole play. Separately, I would like to mention the theater itself: a very nice, beautiful hall.
“ I bought tickets for the performance Duck Hunt despite the negative feedback that I saw on the Internet. The performance really liked! Amazing work. Feel the work of the director and the talent of the actors. In general, a very multifaceted picture, illuminating various aspects of life. The performance is bold, modern. Received a true aesthetic pleasure. Fans of the classics probably will not like it, we need to look more widely at things. Highly recommend!
“ The play, in my opinion, raises important topics for any person: why do we live, what is happiness, what is love ... With the amazing beauty of scenography and musical accompaniment for me, the game itself became the main characters. Excessively hysterical and hysterical. And this makes it very difficult to look at the essence of history. Perhaps the brightest and most memorable image for me was the father of the protagonist, who appeared in several episodes in the end of the play.
“ A great performance, an excellent play of actors. I really enjoyed visiting the theater. I liked not only me, but also my teenage son. THANK YOU !!!
“ In my opinion, the play looks in one breath, it is so fascinating and easy, the faces of the heroes from Chekhov's stories are transferred to our reality. The game of our actors can only be described to the highest degree, and detailed roles, speech, gestures and facial expressions can be a master class for other actors.
“ The performance is heavy, but it makes an indelible impression, it makes you think!
“ Easy, funny, deep performance of my favorite theater! Magnificent Alexander Kolyagin! A very important performance for the young! Love for the AP Chekhov grafts lightning fast! Special thanks to Vladimir Simonov. Far-faced, many-faced, funny, deep and very real !!! I advise everyone this performance! I want to mention the theater itself: I would call it a toy theater in a good sense of the word! Beautiful, grotesque, very cozy! One tea room is worth it !!)))
“ I have no words! The performance shocked me so much that I could not even discuss it. It was the same with my companions. I often go to the theater, and this is the only play, probably in the last year, that left such a deep impression! The actors' play, the scenery, the music background, the scene change - everything is so well thought out, so it fits one another, that it's just impossible to break away from the scene. Many thanks to the director and actors for such a wonderful performance!