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Theatrium on Serpukhovka by Teresa Durova

Feedbacks from viewers
Svetlana was 18 september on The Scarlet Flower

A wonderful performance! Great pleasure, thank you !!!

Anna was 06 january on Mystery of magic potion

The theater on Serpukhovka presented the premiere of this season - the tale "The Secret of the Magic Potion." This is a real fairy tale for the whole family: here you will meet insidious villains, brave “knights”, beautiful girls ... The action of the fairy tale takes place in the Balkans. During the performance, we get acquainted with the traditions of this mysterious land: we get to a real gypsy fair, watch how the bride shows, get acquainted with Balkan instruments and musical motifs. Artem Abramov wrote the script, inspired by Balkan tales. The music for the play was written by Maxim Gutkin, and the words of the songs were written by Andrey Usachev. We hear Serbian chants, traditional instruments (cymbals, tenorgorn, helicon, tobal). I really like the fact that the program says about each of these tools, so the children will learn something new for themselves. The tandem of Victoria Sevryukova and Olga Reznichenko created magnificent costumes. Of course, the costume of the evil alchemist was most impressed: a long shiny coat, neat shoes, and, of course, legs (after all, this role is played by an adult artist). And his formal suit with this huge white wig is just something! “Dishonesty” generally has very strong images, worked out to the smallest detail: huge skeletons, strange and funny goose, goat and bull, funny mice ... luxurious gypsy dresses that evolve at the slightest turn looked elegant. Teresa Durova created a real fairy tale! There is magic here - many tricks and tricks, love that suddenly broke out between the carpenter Petko and a charming young girl, insidious villains dreaming of eternal life and youth .... The theater troupe never ceases to amaze me. It seems that these artists can do anything! They fencing brilliantly, throwing knives, dancing, singing ... In this performance, undoubtedly, Zlorad (Arseny Krakovsky) draws all his attention. A sufficiently tall artist plays a dwarf. As soon as I imagine all his movements within two hours, I want to shout: “Bravo!” Zlorad runs around the stage, jumps onto the table ... there is a complete feeling that we are faced with an ominous sorcerer of a small sprout. Evgeni Mishechkin plays the role of a wandering carpenter Petko. He got a very funny image of a simple and gullible hard worker, who in the end shows all the strength of his character, due to the overwhelming feelings. Many thanks to the Teatrium on Serpukhovka for the incredible opportunity to learn new things, to study the cultures of different countries. I really like this series of performances. We have already met with the Karelian-Finnish epic, the culture of the Balkans ... What awaits us next?

Anna was 13 september on Princess and Pierre

The new performance “Princess and Pierre” was presented at the Theater. It is designed for schoolchildren (my third-grader really liked it). We were carried away by the performance much earlier than we got to the Theater ... Only after reading the annotation, we started discussion. How did the boy and girl end up in the same toilet? What will they do there for two whole days? How can they escape from confined space? The performance was staged in 2019 by Tatyana Mikhaylyuk based on the play “Princess and Pierre” by Milena Baish (translated by Ekaterina Voronova). The whole performance takes place in a school toilet, in which two schoolchildren: an excellent student and a two-member student, are locked up on Friday night. The scenery comes to life with the help of multimedia effects created by Ashot Mefodin. Children's fantasies appear on the walls: here Pierre reincarnated as a powerful robot, here the students went for a walk in the forest. From fantasy and games, they help children to get to know each other better, to understand how they feel ... The costumes of the artists are very stylish. I even wanted all Skoda nicknames to go that way: an ideal large cell, light colors. The performance is suitable for family visits: children will laugh at the topic of situations and emotions that are already encountered in their lives, adults will remember childhood, their school years. There are only two artists on stage: Polina Shashuro (Katarina) and Arthur Matusov (Pierre). They completely reincarnated as their characters, became children ... it seems that the actors themselves are no more than 15 years old. We really liked the performance (my son is 8.5 years old). We have been discussing it for the third day. The child will constantly come up with stories about how his classmates get rid of their unsuccessful tests, how classmates communicate with pigeons. And at home we communicate exclusively in the "Sigurian" language, now we have our secrets and secrets.)

Anna was 07 february on Prince and the Pauper

Recently we watched the play “The Prince and the Pauper” at the Teatrium in Serpukhovka. I liked the idea of the performance itself: “in this world, everyone is met by clothes,” and only the closest people can see you behind the parade uniform or rags. This performance is perfect for family viewing. Pay attention to the age limit: 6+, play from children over five years old. We went with the eldest son (8 years). And we both liked the play very much. The scenery easily turns the street gate into the palace chambers. Everything happens incredibly fast! I really liked the musical design of the play. Many thanks to Maxim Gutkin for the music and Andrei Usachev for the incredible poems. The performances used the music of the XVII-XVI centuries of England, Germany, France, Italy, Scotland. This time the musicians settled on the stage and we were able to see absolutely unique instruments, such as the wheel lyre, krumhorn, plastic, bazooka, darbuka .... It’s very good that all the names are written in the program. Thanks to the Teatrium we have already met with no musical culture. The vocalists were very impressed: Emil Ryvkin - so artistic, lively; and Boris Ryvkin - I have already heard his voice in this theater, never cease to admire his manner of performance! The costumes are very spectacular: the inhabitants of the streets are very different from the courtiers. The role of the prince was played by Arseny Krakowski, the role of the beggar (Toma Kenti) - Mark Leschinsky. The "prince" always remained a tudor, and the beggar always remained himself. We really like these artists, we see them quite often on the stage of the theater. Timofey most liked the chefs: Nikolai Zverev, Raphael Najaf-Zade and Gennady Krakow. All the humor was concentrated here) And how they ran after the chicken! Very effective was John Kenti (Peter Korolev) - a real gangster !!! Many thanks to Teresa Durova for such an excellent production! She is instructive, bright, interesting !!!

Anna was 27 december on The Magic Mill Sampo

Congratulations to Teatrium on Serpukhovka with the premiere !!! We set off the mysterious Kalevala, to the very north. Earlier we were not familiar with the Karelian-Finnish epos, now we are studying slowly. I really liked that the program included information about what Sampo is, where Kalevala is, who lives in the gloomy Pohёl ... a new assault hits the residents of Kalevala ... The scenery is great! They change very quickly - a bright, life-filled and colorful village is replaced by something dark and cold. Superb built light !!!! Clear blue, red rays help our heroes in the fight against evil spirits. Lighting designer Sergei Skornetsky managed to create a real magical fairytale world. The northern lights are very beautifully displayed. I also liked the musical background of the play. The music is stylized to the traditional motives of the peoples of the north. We hear here traditional folk instruments: kantele, youkhikko, harp, pipe .... And what are the costumes here !!!! I would like to thank Victoria Sevryukova for the great work done. They are flawless! It is interesting to consider the ethnic costumes of the villagers, and the magnificent dress of the Sorceress Loukhi. The boys, of course, liked the images of werewolves, loony servants, most of all. I want to thank the cast. Such strong and courageous Kuznets Ilmarinen (Rufat Akchurin) and Lumberjack Lemminkäinen (Evgeny Mishechkin), and you believe that they can cope with any scourge, even with the most severe. Gentle and touching Aniki (Daria Lukyancheko). Ulnna (Anastasia Krylova) - fragile and resolute at the same time. The scene in which she plays kantele autumn stirs. The gorgeous witch Louhi (Yulia Yunusheva) - she really plays the role of a villain! On the New Year holidays, during the intermission, and before the performance for children, there will be an interactive performance called “The Tale of the Dwarfs”. Here there will be Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, and two charming mischievous gnomes! So the kids won't get bored!) Thank you very much to Teatrium and Teresa Durova for a wonderful fairy tale!

Larafort was 25 december on The Magic Mill Sampo

Wonderful performance in all respects !!! Bright, emotional, informative !! Music multiplies the impression !!!

Nina was 17 december on How Santa Claus just slept a little New Year's Eve

We went with two four-year-olds. The performance really liked both adults and children. Very kind and beautiful. Reminds clowning. Very beautiful effects - soap bubbles, lights, decorations, etc.

Anna was 14 november on flying ship

The musical “The Flying Ship” is one of my favorite children's productions in Moscow!) Our company: two adults and children (5 and 7 years old) left the play in a very cheerful, just magical mood! Teresa Durova managed to create a play that will be interesting and relevant for viewers of any age!) The performance turned out to be bright and dynamic. Of course, new songs were written into the performance, written by Maxim Dunaevsky together with Yuri Entin (they also wrote the music for the cartoon, so the new songs perfectly fit into already familiar motifs), because the duration of the performance is very different from the cartoon (1 hour 50 minutes against 16 minutes) Victoria Sevryukova creates great costumes! Fun is impeccable in its golden, iridescent sundress and golden boots. I really liked the clothes of the dancers, especially the fair ones, and in a frog costume, I could easily go to the carnival) Waterman, of course, had the most spectacular outfit. In combination with the magical gait of Andrei Yermokhin, he helped create incredible effects! Anastasia Krylova is very suitable image of fun. For our family, she is an ideal princess (remember her and Sleeping Beauty). Konstantin Leshchenko was very convincing in the role of Ivan - romantic, holding his own word, ready to do anything for the sake of love. Humorous touch attached frogs and bears. My friend and I laughed to tears!) They are so funny! I liked the decision with the orchestra very much: sometimes the musicians go up to the stage and we can see who plays for us, how the instruments sound. We also appreciated contemporary music inserts: here both ABBA and rap! I think that we will keep the tradition of visiting this performance annually for many years! Every day we sing the songs of the Water One, Babok Yozhek, and we go for a walk to the music with which the performance begins and ends: “And I go and walk ...” Teatrium, Thanks for the fairy tale !!!

Anna was 13 november on Japanese fairy tale. Sword of the Samurai

We went with the boys to the play "Japanese fairy tale. Samurai Sword ”to Teatrium on Serpuhovka under the direction of Teresa Durova Theresa Durova herself became the director of the performance. The spectacle of incredible beauty! The curtain opens and we are transported to fabulous Japan, to a small village. Here they are able to create a real fairy tale in the Teatrium! The scenery is very bright, all details are thought out. If we find ourselves in a village, then trees that look like bonsai will certainly grow, water flows, people dry rice. In the dungeon, we are waiting for the rocks and a lot of smoke, as if we find ourselves at the mysterious evil cave. For the incredible costumes I want to thank Victoria Sevryukova. She managed to experience the magical Japanese aesthetics, to create unique outfits. Here we will meet and luxurious kimono, a traditional wedding dress, classic samurai clothes. The outfit of Water is most striking, it is mythical and the Magic rises above ordinary mortals, her blue dress shines. Of course, I would like to mention the costume of the main villain Mizu Dorobo: a six-headed monster with four arms. I liked that we didn’t just watch the performance, we’ve got to know all the basics of Japanese culture: we see both traditional wedding, samurai, and dance with fans ... Even assignments from the sorcerer Yosiko receive appropriate) Japanese drums made a special touch. During the performance of the TAIKO in-SPIRATION drummers by the group of their parts, the children died. I liked it very much that children were introduced into the performance. Two charming little girls in kimono gave the statement at the same time lightness and authenticity. Teatrium, thank you very much for your performances!) Definitely, this is not our last meeting!)

Svetlana was 12 november on flying ship

Our restless family is again at the Theater. We are watching the children's musical "The Flying Ship" in the favorite Teatrium in Serpukhovka under the direction of Tereza Durova. Probably everyone knows a great cartoon, and we love him too. Therefore, a little worried about whether the theater production will be weaker in perception. I will say right away: our children (5 and 8 years old) laughed and danced during the performance, during the intermission, and then in the subway. And we ourselves were not only accompanying at all. We, adults, it was interesting, funny at jokes, nice to sing along to songs and feel the magnificent energy from the stage. The director of this musical is Teresa Durova, and I would like to note that the proportions of lyrical and funny, playful, naughty and calm, modern and traditional Russian have been successfully observed. I liked very much that the Music is performed live by the orchestra. And at the time of the change of scenery, the musicians rise from the orchestra pit and you can see how they play. We saw that the children sitting in front of us were delighted - they first saw how the orchestra was playing. By the way, there were both classical instruments and folk instruments in it - for example, a balalaika. Even our young theatergoers appreciated this. You remember that the cartoon is only 18 minutes, and the performance is almost a two-hour piece. The favorite characters have additional songs and details to the image. And the composer –Maksim Dunaevsky and the Songwriter - Yuri Entin became the authors of all the music for the musical, they gladly completed the roles of the beloved heroes to a full stage production. Incredibly bright, colorful musical, I would like to mention the costumes from Victoria Sevryukova separately - they are both beautiful and unexpectedly both traditional and modern. And this is not only about glamorous frogs in putts, all were very appropriate to their image, bright, spectacular, combined in themselves Russian traditions and modernity. The performance did not let me get bored for a minute. Scenes followed one another, a lot of movement, jokes and spectacular moments. Just supernachakhodka - the scene of the appearance of instruments (they are played by the Actors) from the magic casket. The secret will not open - see the play. separate applause for Waterman - philosophical overtones, a funny walk and playing the saxophone - bravo. Princess Fun-above all praise. Wonderful voice, beautiful appearance of this fairy princess, lively character, and enthusiasm. The biggest changes have undergone from the cartoon image of Ivan, and for the better. This is no longer stupid Vanya, who was lucky, but an energetic, clever, brave, quick-witted man who keeps his word, even if he gave it without thinking. No wonder the frogs so gently call him KWN. I really liked the scenes where Russian guys do rap. As you might guess, at home after the performance a concert of their home rappers was waiting for us. The new characters turned out to be incredibly funny and unexpected: a gorgeous bear and wonder-frogs. And, as always noted, and never stop talking about it in the Teatrium magnificent organization. Comfortable spacious lobby, where the intermission was very interesting animation about the Theater of Shadows, and after the performance - the Actors came out to take pictures with the audience. On the sides of the stage are screens where not only the details are visible, but also tell about the actors involved in the play, and also show advertisements for other children's performances. I especially want to note that in the lobby you can buy Flowers of different price categories. And at the end of the performance, young theatergoers went up to the stage and PERSONALLY gave bouquets to favorite actors. At the same time, security (there is an orchestra pit and steps) was very carefully and professionally monitored by administrators. We are regular visitors and fans of this theater, we also recommend you. With such a performance, you can safely begin to inculcate in the child a love for theatrical art.

Natal`ya was 22 october on Mowgli

wonderful performance, bright, magical music, interesting costumes, spectacular scenery. The child watched with bated breath. And we were very interesting to adults. Many thanks to the theater!

Lubov` was 17 september on Romeo and Juliet

Very good performance. Good acting, decoration, music ... I watched in one breath. I recommend to view.

Ekaterina was 22 november on Carton Man and the Moth

We went with my son for 3.5 years. This was his first visit to the theater. My son was very afraid, but with the start of the play I was so carried away that I laughed, I repeated something). Small, cozy room. The performance is 50 minutes, two artists, but they keep children's attention throughout the entire performance. I liked it very much. The son always remembers and wants to go to this theater)

Marina was 27 october on Carton Man and the Moth

The performance is wonderful. The child talked all day only about the play

Evelina was 04 june on Japanese fairy tale. Sword of the Samurai

The play is more a legend than a fairy tale. But the more interesting! Great setting, beautiful costumes and scenery. And all this against the backdrop of wonderful music! The play was liked by all members of the family. And he, certainly, not for small,

Olga was 29 january on Sleeping Beauty

We really liked! Fabulously, effectively, interestingly! Both adults and children are delighted !!! Recommended !!! Did not regret visiting the performance!

Natali was 05 january on Japanese fairy tale. Sword of the Samurai

Thank you very much liked the performance. Bright costumes decorations. The child really liked.

Andrey was 22 october on Prince and the Pauper

Have been with a child of 9 years. In full delight from the production! Many thanks to artists and musicians for such a return! Live music and ballads very much decorate the play. How good that is, who for children puts almost better than for adults! Even such an old and complex story for modern children can be presented clearly and in places with humor. We will definitely return to this theater again. With Bigbiletom everything is easy and convenient - passed without problems. Thanks to all!

Anastasiya was 10 october on flying ship

A wonderful performance, bright, musical, cheerful! The daughter of 5 years is very happy, the whole evening later she sang songs from the play

Viktoriya was 03 november on A girl who knew how to fly

The play did not like absolutely !!!

Aleksandra was 14 october on The Hermit and the Rose

A wonderful performance for the smallest audience. Very colorful and bright, wonderful musical accompaniment. We went twice at the request of children.

Natal`ya was 03 november on A girl who knew how to fly

The hall is very viewing, small, very cozy. A dramatic fairy tale is a parable about a girl with wings instead of hands. She did not know that flying away, you just need to say "goodbye". Such an important "goodbye". Based on a fairy tale by Joke van Leuven "Peep!" This is a fairy tale. About a girl named Birdie with wings instead of hands. Little this girl (or bird?) Got to foster parents who raised her and tried to raise her so that she was no different from ordinary people. But they did not succeed. The bird looked into the sky ... And one day flew away. This is only part of a touching story in which everyone will find something intimate, dear and dear to the soul and heart. It will be interesting not only for babies up to seven years old, but for older boys too

Dmitriy was 03 november on A girl who knew how to fly

Thank you, I really enjoyed it!

Evelina was 09 november on Family history

I liked the performance very much! Thank you !!!

Irina was 02 april on Sleeping Beauty

I liked the performance. Very spectacular magic: flying fairies, magic tricks, underground kingdom. Light, music, actors' play - everything was fascinating! Thank you so much!

Valentina was 28 may on Sleeping Beauty

Want to dive into a fairy tale? Go to the "Sleeping Beauty" at the Teatrium on Serpukhovka. We recently visited there. It's not just a great musical for the whole family, it's a real show! Live music is a Teatrium chip, this time the orchestra is located not only in the pit in front of the stage, but also on the balconies stylized as the castle towers. Sound, voluminous, real, lively, impresses and immerses in a fairy tale! The plot of the tale is slightly changed, the more interesting it is to follow the development of the action in the play. New twists and turns of the plot are an occasion to re-read the tale after the performance and compare what we did in the evening of the same day. And at the same time with other fairy tales, Charles Perrault met. I always tell children that any film, performance, cartoon is often different from the book, and this is an independent work, and this performance once again confirms this idea. Many believe that fairy tales about princesses are for girls, but in the play there are battles, and a gloomy dark forest. The boy looked at the play for 6,5 years without stopping. A lot of smoke combined with light effects create a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere. Kids can be scared, so the age limit of 6+ is completely justified. Evil characters - the key figures of the performance, are magnificent! An evil fairy, like Maleficent, is very good! What costumes, what a voice! Troll and Trollich are also good, especially Trollich, despite her unsympathetic appearance, she is such a girl, a girl - likes to dress up and be aware of the latest developments. There are many beautiful and spectacular scenes in the play. The moment when the princess plunged into a dream - a real fairy tale, there is a feeling that the princess is hovering in the air, and at this moment one does not even want to think about how it was done. I liked the play very much. Live music, wonderful voices of actors, chic costumes and scenery, lots of smoke, light, the fallen asleep princess in the air, flying fairies, tricks of the steward of the ball - in a word - magic! Often parents try to learn morality from all, valuable lessons, teach children at every step, but one does not always have to look for morality, or a hidden meaning. In general, it is strange, when asked what the author intended to say, rather, it is better to ask what the viewer / reader understood. The story that was born on the stage of Theatrium, turned out beautiful, bright, mesmerizing. A tale worth seeing and having fun! Thank pamsik and moscultura for the invitation, and Teatrium for the pleasure!

Nadegda was 07 january on Sleeping Beauty

A wonderful musical for the whole family! The scenery, the music, the actors' play - all very much. Trekking to the Theater is a holiday!

Elizaveta was 14 may on Prince and the Pauper

Stunning magnificent wonderful performance! Live medieval music, great actors, scenery, real rain !!!! My daughter and I (13 years old) were delighted! We will definitely return to the theater! Definitely recommend

Elena was 08 may on The Magic Lamp of Aladdin

Enchanting, bright, musical performance with oriental flavor! We went with my daughter for 6.5 years, both were delighted! An inexpressible game of the genie, Aladdin and the boy - the thief Ali! How artfully the atmosphere of the oriental bazaar was created! A bewitching live music of oriental instruments !!! I really liked tunes in Arabic (unfortunately, I do not know what is called). Thank you very much for diving into the fairy tale with Princess Budur, and not Jasmine - from me a special thank you !! The child is under the impression the third day !!!! We will come again !!!

Irina was 21 may on Flint

An excellent performance. Very lively, musical and cheerful. I recommend))

Alla was 08 may on The Magic Lamp of Aladdin

In my opinion, this is one of the best children's theaters in Moscow. Beautiful production! Costumes, acting vocals, beautiful scenery. Jinn-with a great sense of humor ... We got a lot of impressions.

Aleksandra was 21 may on Flint

To the son of 5 years. I liked the performance, the sea of ​​emotions about swords, sabers, etc. The dogs were impressed, despite the fact that the plot was familiar. Thanks to the theater! We went to almost all your children's plays, they all liked it. We wait, when дорастом to "Маугли" and "the Prince and the beggar.

Oksana was 04 june on Mowgli

Very interesting performance. Great music. Excellent pastime for the whole family.

Yuliya was 14 may on Prince and the Pauper

Went with children 5,5 and 8 years. Like all the performances of this theater, he is simply magnificent, but 5.5 years old - definitely early to visit this performance. 8 years is the lower limit of age, if the child is even younger, then the performance will be too heavy for perception. Optimum age from 8-9 years. But we, adults, really liked. As always, and the costumes, and the scenery, and the musical numbers are delicious! Very fond of this theater!

Aleksandra was 09 april on The Scarlet Flower

Were with the child 6 years and 3 years. Both were under the impression, everything was pleasant. The only thing ... was frightened in one moment, when the ship got into a storm, a storm, but then calmed down and very worried about the heroine. They left with positive emotions.

Yuliya was 12 june on flying ship

We went with children 4.5 and 7 years. Got great fun! Stunningly beautiful costumes, fantastic scenery, favorite music and songs. Must visit!

Anna was 14 may on Prince and the Pauper

There were at the play, I, daughter (13 years), son (10 years). All in full delight! Bright, colorful, wonderful scenery and costumes, wonderful actors (BRAVO !!!), great staging, wonderful music ... Thank you! I would recommend for children from 9-10 years old, and before the performance, let the children read even a brief summary of the work.

Yuliya was 21 may on Flint

We went to "Ogninvo" with children 4,5 and 7 years. Went after the "Flying Ship." I thought that after him there would hardly be another spectacle so stunning, but we liked "Ognivo" even more than the "Flying Ship." As always, magnificent costumes, scenery, special effects.

Aleksandra was 12 june on flying ship

Very musical, colorful performance. The child was 3 years old. Month 3 after the performance every day I sang songs to me and again asked to go to the theater. Thank you.

Elena was 30 april on Pinocchio!

Were on December 28, 2014. With children 3,5 and 4 years. I liked everything very much! A good play of actors, very beautiful costumes, everything is very dynamic and colorful. Children are asking for more! Thank you very much! There is a minus with the locker rooms: those who came to the next show after us could not undress and put all things together on the sofas in the wardrobes, tk. The clothes hangers in the wardrobe were occupied by us. And eventually had to dress children standing on one leg

Uliya was 12 june on flying ship

Bright, colorful, cheerful performance! We watched with the child for 8 years. He still (and it's been 2 months already) he remembers and sings songs from the play.

Kira was 12 june on flying ship

We liked! Everything is done with a soul, the actors sing well, the plot is not distorted, very beautiful costumes and scenery, especially good Water, and we got a lot of pleasure, but a fly-fly was found - at the end of Fun and Vasya the chimney-sweep stand on the ship and so you expect that He must fly - and not fly. Children are very disappointed, it would be possible somehow to fly a ship.

Marina was 30 april on Pinocchio!

A wonderful performance - cheerful, clockwork. Went with a child of 3 years for the first time in the theater. The child was simply shocked by the performance. Particularly pleased turtle Tortila. Thank you, we will definitely come again.

Mariya was 08 november on Mowgli

Were in this theater for the first time, went with a child of 7 years. The child was completely delighted, absolutely everything was pleasant! Very beautiful costumes, especially like the porcupine. When it was over, the child said that he would like to stay and see the performance again) Thanks to the actors for the wonderful mood!

Elena was 06 december on Prince and the Pauper

We watched the musical with my granddaughter for 8 years. The performance really liked! Medieval music on the wild instruments - it's awesome! Excellent game actor, London fogs and even the rain ... Masha (granddaughter) was delighted. The whole evening of conversation was just that, about the play. The fact that she liked the characters most of all from the prince and the ballad performers, how great the scenery on the stage was changing, how ludicrously Lord Somerset made a mistake. And I also asked many questions. We decided to buy and read Mark Twain's book.

Natistomina was 22 november on Prince and the Pauper

A memorable performance for high school students. Quite a few performances in my opinion that can be visited with children 10-14 years old: they are not interested in fairy tales, and not all adult performances will be taken away - not only because of the content, but also because of the time of the show. And then the time of the show is convenient: 3 hours, i.е. Since morning there is time for usual employment. There is some liberty of the plot, but for young spectators it can be forgiven - they are most important to be interested in the performance itself, and to arouse interest in the original work, than to make one think about its deep content. Stunning game of young actors and artists, beautiful performance of song numbers, interesting dance numbers. A visit to the theater this time was a holiday not only for my child, but also gave me some pleasure. I would very much like to take this opportunity and perhaps contact the theater administration: in view of the still low cultural level attending the theater, I would like, in addition to giving permission for shooting or reminders of the need to turn off the phones during the play, the children would be informed of other basic rules Presence in the auditorium: do not eat. Do not speak during the performance, do not walk around the hall if you are late, but take up the nearest free place, explain how to pass along the row to your place. Unfortunately, even in adult performances, many do not know how to behave; Teach a detective, apparently no one

Popova Natal`ya Viktorovna was 07 november on Mowgli

As always surprising and intriguing! The game of artists and gorgeous costumes so accurately convey the plasticity of animals that creates a sense of 100 percent presence in the jungle. Live music was fascinating. Thank you!

Uliya was 21 may on Flint

Today they went with their son of 6 years to the play "Fireside". To say that I liked it was to say nothing. The performance is simply wonderful, very musical, positive and dynamic. All the artists played well, but especially liked the soldiers))) Unfortunately, I do not know the surname, but he is a very artistic, athletic young man with a chic voice. One and a half hours flew by instantly, even regret was that it was over. The hall itself is very convenient for children. You can take a seat and the child will sit higher. It can be seen from almost all places.

Svetlana was 12 october on Prince and the Pauper

The play was very popular with children. 9 and 11 years old. Bright images and beautiful scenery. On the way back, we discussed the characters of the main characters for a long time ...

Ol`ga was 12 october on Prince and the Pauper

Many thanks for the introduction! The boy was 6 years old and the girl was 19 very much! Orchestra, rain and songs. It was great!

Natal`ya was 28 september on Flint

A wonderful performance for the whole family. Thank you so much! Bravo!!!

Uriy was 20 september on Mowgli

Perfect presentation for both children of all ages and their parents. Beautiful music, colorful costumes. A great opportunity to show the children the culture of India along with the long-beloved history about Mowgli.

Irina was 11 october on Prince and the Pauper

The show was very, very pleased! Both artists and musicians played with the soul. Very musical, danceable, beautiful ballad performance. Makes you think. To the child of 8 years it is clear. Impressed the scene with rain, to tears ... Thank you very much for the talented production and performance!

Irina was 11 may on Prince and the Pauper

Terrific! All liked it

Svetlana was 17 may on Flint

Thank you, thank you and thank you again! The brilliant performance "Fires" deserves the highest praise! We do not cease to marvel at the talent, skill and great game of the wonderful actors of "Theatrium on Serpukhovka"! Especially I want to mention the bright artists, amazingly played the role of Soldier and Princess, as well as "live" orchestra! Thank you for the joy that you give us, the audience!

Olga was 25 may on The Scarlet Flower

Thank you for the wonderful performance. Strong cast, interesting production, beautiful music and stunning and colorful scenery and costumes. We are always happy to come to your theater. The Maslov family.

Elena was 25 may on The Scarlet Flower

I liked the performance very much! Chic costumes, heartfelt music and an amazing singing of actors. Very unusual monster in the style of "Predator")

Irina was 17 may on Flint

A wonderful fairy tale! We are delighted. A live orchestra, a live sound and a great actors' play.

Natal`ya was 25 may on The Scarlet Flower

Thank you! Scarlet flower very much! A colorful and memorable musical!

Leonid was 24 may on The Scarlet Flower

Thank you for the magnificent performance! Beautiful production! All very much. We wish your theater of prosperity, and to give, to us - the audience, many joyful moments

Oksana was 17 may on Flint

Children are delighted, thank you.

Sergey was 31 may on flying ship

Very good performance, excellent artists and cheerful mood. Thank you

Nataliya was 18 may on Flint

Thank you!) Wonderful, inspirational!)

Elena was 31 may on flying ship

Wonderful performance !!! A wonderful play of actors and in addition to wonderful costumes and scenery

Mariya was 24 may on The Scarlet Flower

A wonderful musical performance, one of the best that we saw at the Teatrium on Serpukhovka! Thank you!

Sergey was 31 may on flying ship

Great performance. Very high level of artists and scenery. Thank you

Ol`ga was 31 may on flying ship

Thanks for the holiday. I liked the performance, the theater and the organization of children's leisure

Marina was 12 june on flying ship

A wonderful performance. Live music. We really enjoyed.

Svetlana was 06 april on The Scarlet Flower

Extraordinarily colorful bright musical! A great game of actors, luxurious costumes and scenery! This production deserves the highest score !!! We really love this theater! Thank you from the heart!

Tat`yana was 28 march on Prince and the Pauper

The performance is stunning, the actors' game is excellent, they went around the whole family, everyone liked it, the whole troupe bravo and all who worked on this show. Many thanks.

Ludmila was 06 april on The Scarlet Flower

Very very much. A wonderful performance, a musical. Particularly pleased that the orchestra is playing, our children are also playing in the orchestra, it was very impressive for them. We will come to other performances. Thank you very much, we enjoyed watching.

Irina was 19 april on flying ship

The performance is wonderful! Scenery and costumes are amazing! My daughter is delighted! Thank you! Another plan to go to the "Prince and the Pauper"))

Svetlana was 05 april on The Scarlet Flower

The performance really liked! Required

Svetlana was 27 march on Prince and the Pauper

The play was watched by children, 8 and 10 years old. Both are delighted, thank you!

Juliashe was 27 march on Prince and the Pauper

Very musical performance

Valeriya was 04 may on flying ship

Very beautiful, musical, kind performance! The child was satisfied!

Uliya was 09 april on The Scarlet Flower

April 6 were on the musical "Scarlet Flower". All the children were sitting with their mouths open, just gorgeous! At the end, Vanyushka said "maaaam, buy more tickets." What scenery, costumes, and sing as cool !!!! want more things

Tat`yana was 27 november on Twelve months

Were at the play on January 8 with his daughter then another 3.5 years. I was afraid that it would be difficult: the child is still too small, a big play for 2 actions with a break, they were not too close ... In general, all my worries were in vain! A musical is simply wonderful :) Very bright, dynamic, interesting, many songs, dances (in general, as it should be in a musical :)! The scenery and costumes are just perfect. Actors - and sing and dance very well. Everything is audible and visible (there are special big cushions under the ass for the youngest (but keep in mind that they may not be enough for everyone!). In general, we both left pleased, and the daughter periodically recalls the play and asks when we will go yet. Thanks to the great theater and actors for such a wonderful performance! We are planning to go to this theater more than once.

Olesya was 27 april on Prince and the Pauper

I personally received a tremendous pleasure from the performance, the music is amazing, but I'm a big fan of your theater, I like everything! :) To my daughter, 5.5 years was a bit early, in my opinion. Thank you!

Visitor was 05 april on The Scarlet Flower

All perfectly. Children are very satisfied

Sveta was 03 may on flying ship

Very pleased! Those same songs from the cartoon, beautiful voices and live instruments. Very cool! Son (3 years) did not close his mouth all two hours, but for adults he had his own sense of humor, that's why we were interested.

Nadegda was 28 march on Prince and the Pauper

Great performance! And I really liked the child: music, actors, voices, costumes, everything is at a high level! And also thanks to the administrator (unfortunately, did not recognize the name)!

Ekaterina was 27 april on Prince and the Pauper

Great performance, thank you!

Aleksandra was 20 april on flying ship

Representation very much! Wonderful actors! Especially liked the water. I advise everyone to go to the "Flying Ship" with the children!

Ol`ga was 30 march on Prince and the Pauper

The play really liked, especially its relevance in our days, when the ruler is not loved, but afraid, and behind bars you can be behind the song. Artists inspiredly sang and played. Thank you! We will come again to you!

Irina was 29 march on Prince and the Pauper

I liked the presentation very much and to my 9-year-old son.

Ekaterina was 16 march on Flint

A wonderful performance, already recommended to his relatives

Irina was 26 march on Prince and the Pauper

I liked the view

Anna was 26 march on Prince and the Pauper

I liked it very much.

Ol`ga was 16 march on Flint

Great performance! Thank you!

Kuznecova was 26 march on Prince and the Pauper

One adult, two schoolchildren (grades 6 and 4). I liked it very much. Beautiful voices and live music, the children were pleased with what they saw. Quality setting and affordable prices.

Uliya was 12 june on flying ship

Everything is always at the highest level: costumes, scenery, music, but I would recommend it for school-age children. My daughter 5 was not quite impressed.

Veronika was 22 march on Twelve months

Thank you. Children liked the play very much. Adults also appreciated live music, scenery, singing of actors, etc.

Margarita was 16 march on Flint

Many thanks for positive emotions! Everything is very high !!!

Elena was 15 march on Flint

Great performance. Thank you!!!!

Irina was 23 march on Twelve months

Wonderful performance, good voice, especially liked the singing of Lisa, and the children are delighted with the hare. In addition, the scenery and costumes at the height. Thanks for the holiday !!!

Nadegda was 15 march on Flint

Thank you for the performance and the holiday!

Visitor was 15 march on Flint

Representation very much! Children were delighted! Everything is super!

Anna was 16 march on Flint

The performance is magnificent. Got real pleasure from the game of actors, songs, music, stunning scenery and costumes.

Mayya was 12 june on flying ship

Were March 8 at 17:00. Very pleased! Incendiary, bright, emotional! Familiar since childhood songs are interspersed with new ones. And even the fact that the musical lasts almost 2 hours a child of 4 years did not strain. The whole performance was staring at the stage without stopping, and on the way home she sang the song of Vodyanaya.

Only for children
Only adults
115093, Moskva, Pavlovskaya ul., 6
02 h 40 min
What to do when a noble father wants to give his daughter for the old, but rich? What to do when the daughter of this noble father loves a poor but noble youth? What to do when it is a matter of honor for everyone to defend their choice? And only duenya - the teacher of her daughter, decides to intervene in this confrontation and at once put an end to family quarrels. To take to your hands a rich old man, and at the same time to arrange the happiness of the young - is this not a happy ending for a family tragedy?
Delivered in the genre of comic opera, the performance is saturated with solo and choral parts performed by favorite artists, who accidentally found themselves in medieval Spain that evening.

People's Artist of Russia Semen Strugachev
People's Artist of Russia Boris Klyuev / People's Artist of Russia Alexander Klyukvin
Olesya Zheleznyak
Dmitry Sharakois
Ivan Zamotayev / Dmitry Varshavsky
Oleg Kassin / Ivan Zamotaev
Olga Nemogai / Natalia Skomorokhova
Angelica Kashirina

Luis, the young bride, is very pretty, but not for the beauty chose her fiancé: he marries money, and most important for him is the dowry that the bride's father promised. And Luis is in love with another ... How to be?

The resourceful duenna, the girl's teacher, will come to the rescue. She will change outfits with attire and give herself out for Louis. Here the merchant will sit in a puddle: marrying a duenier instead of Luis ... And the duenna will turn from a simple educator into a rich married woman. And Luis herself will marry out of love for Dona Antonio! Yes, and parents eventually with such a turn of affairs will reconcile, in fact for them it is most important that the daughter was happy, and money - business acquired!


Buy List 10 october thu 19:00

tickets for other dates

Buy List 26 october sat 19:00
Buy List 02 november sat 19:00
Buy List 27 november wed 19:00

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