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Evgeniy was 05 june on Run

The performance was excellent, it was at the premiere on April 11. I really like Butusov's performances, be sure to look in the Satyricon. This performance is very strong emotionally, the original vision of the character director of the characters makes a new look at the familiar plot, an interesting interpretation, Butusov's proprietary techniques - the repetition of the same dialogue by different characters in different intonations, dreaming in real life, rather even nightmarish dreams in reality. The terrible tragedy of white officers, the Russian aristocracy, the torment of parting with the homeland and the old life, a radical change in the habitual life, the manifestation of low-lying feelings in a changing situation in spite of education, betrayal and nobility, blood, the clouding of reason and longing in a foreign land. And the musical accompaniment is Butusov's strong side, just an excellent selection of music. Go, if you need strong feelings, do not expect a classical performance, but Butusov is good. Discover the modern theater and the genius of the director.

Sergey was 05 june on Run

Good afternoon, people! 12.04.14 watched this ambiguous performance. Unusual because many are impressed by the film, but here everything is not so. After the intermission, 10 percent of the audience left, those who are not ready to accept this version. I first tore and bewitched the first part, Watched the sequel and bewitched more and more. Yes, in my opinion depressive at all, but in perusal Butusova in kvadrate.Speklete brilliant, but not for razvlekuhi.Bravo all!

Elena was 01 june on Uncle Ivan

A wonderful play of actors, especially I would like to mention Berdinsky Maria (she saw the game of this young actress for the first time - amazing impressions) in the role of Sonya and Vladimir Vdovichenkov in the role of Astrov (his role in the movies I saw did not go to any comparison with his theatrical BRAVO), and of course Sergei Makovetsky (the great Russian actor). Good staging, thanks to director Rimas Tuminas. I advise watching the play at close range to see the actors' eyes.

Ol`ga was 19 april on Cat in the Boots

Performance - a holiday! Starting with the program, finishing with the final bows. Thank the creators of the performance, thank you to the actors.

Nadegda was 30 april on Quay

A stunning performance, outstanding actors, an interesting production. I advise everyone. When showing photos of actors who are not with us, tears come!

Galina was 27 june on Masquerade

I went to the drama, but I did not even get a farce, but ... a farce. Very sorry. Does the director think that the modern spectator is not able to perceive dramatic performances in a classical production ?! It seems like flirting with teenagers to attract them to their performance. A little reconciles with the action of the beautiful music and the game of Knyazev, who seems to be trying not to notice what is happening around. It is a pity that the expectations were not justified.

Lidiya was 28 may on Run

The performance of Yu. Butusov opened for me one more new hypostasis of the perception of the theatrical performance. Butusov completely erases from your consciousness seemingly forever acquired pictures of the brilliant film Alov and Naumov. He directly manages his heroes straight in your subconscious, imprinting the image of the era and wider - the image of runaways at all times. It seems to me that in the performance we feel, something Bulgakov could not say loudly at that time, and we are close to this state with the help of the psycho-physiological theater. It's not easy for everyone to dive into this terrible web of time. Which sucks from you a person and turns, then into a cockroach, then into a dwarf, then into a dead man. The actors are taken by Butusov in full - though they definitely do it voluntarily and at the limit of all their possibilities. The ensemble is unusually well-coordinated, but it is impossible not to mention General Charnot, trying alone on the stage to fight for his existence before the abyss of eternity. I consider this role the main actor's success of the play. With all the theatrical feats of Dobronravov in the role of Khludov - a cockroach, then a dwarf, then half crazy with the chasing after him - after all, there is not enough charisma, to feel at first this convinced cruelty for the CASE, and from there one can understand this repentance in this strong nature, When it was understood that there was NO BUSINESS, CHRIST is not with us. Many thanks to everyone who helped this performance, this is a real theater!

Ekaterina was 27 may on Cat in the Boots

A wonderful performance! Very musical, beautiful, impressive. And I liked the child 6 years. Not a bit of a fairy tale, the text is rhymed, but very cool. Beautiful scenery, costumes, interactive screen. Thought over all the details (including calls and the program). And the actors played with a soul, made a great impression on us. We took tickets for the balcony, they transferred us from there to the mezzanine, but I can say that the seats on the balcony in the center are very good, the scene is seen well, the facial expressions of actors, though not very much. I advise all parents with children to go, preferably from 6 years old, toddlers are still very heavy, 2 hours with an intermission, and the scenario itself is for older children.

Sergey was 21 march on The Last Moons

21.03 I saw this wonderful performance. A very good scenic embodiment of a rather banal story about the people who are ill and their successful and ever-busy children. Great, however, as always, Lanovoy, but Kupchenko, though very harmonious in her Image, but it seems still too young for such roles. Overall, the score is excellent! I recommend people of all ages to think deeply about their life, now and in the future.

Natal`ya was 25 june on Mademoiselle Nitouche

The performance is excellent! Music, songs, dances are all great! Despite the length of the performance (3 hours and 50 minutes with two intermissions) it looks easy! Maria Aronova, her son Vladislav (played Colonel), Victor Dobronravov, Kregezh-just fellows! From the viewing received a real pleasure and a lot of positive emotions! I recommend for family viewing!

Anna was 16 february on Mademoiselle Nitouche

Extraordinary performance: sparkling, cheerful, optimistic. Aronova is inimitable. The talent is extraordinary. We are very glad that Oleshko played. I never thought that he was so artistic.

Natal`ya was 14 march on Masquerade

March 14 were with my mother and girlfriend in the play "Masquerade" in the oldest academic theater named after Vakhtangov. We're just shocked by the production. I wanted to leave, but only a feeling of deep respect for the theater and actors stopped us. You can not interpret the classics in this way. We were counting on a classical production, but we saw complete nonsense. Particularly incomprehensible is the presence of the acting "face" -train. For two actions dragged this poor fellow across the scene and eventually drowned in the river. Complete nonsense. It is a pity that the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great poet in such an oldest theater is given such a "work". There are no words.

Oksana was 07 february on The Last Moons

I took great pleasure in attending the theater and watching this performance. Performance calm, not dynamic, sad, passed "in one go." The topic is not easy, but very important, especially for modern people. Excellent play of actors, expressive means of scenic space, light and music - everything, makes you experience the drama of the loneliness of the characters, sympathize with them, empathize; And after leaving the room to rethink their own relationship with parents and children. Great art, a classic performance in the tradition of Vakhtangov. Thank the creators of the production.

Uliya was 19 march on Dedication to Eva

An interesting play, an interesting production, a great game of actors! The play is an encyclopedia of wisdom, subtle and precise definitions of love and relationships. Vasily Semenovich, Evgeni Vladimirovich Thank you! Bravo!

Natal`ya was 25 june on Mademoiselle Nitouche

The performance is wonderful! Humor, songs, dances are just a delight! Despite the fact that the performance is almost 4 hours (with two intermissions) it looks very easy. Maria Aronova is simply charming, her son (played by the colonel) is simply a miracle (in a voice very similar to his mother), Dobronravov, Kregezhde-above all praise! Well done !!! Bravo! Extraordinary charge of energy and a lot of positive emotions you get after watching! Thanks to the theater for staging !!!

Iraida was 28 june on Eugene Onegin

In general, I did not like the performance, but some scenes are very worthy. He did not like Onegin-Makovetsky, neither Tatyana nor Olga liked it. I wonder what role the bayan played? In my opinion, the performance was delayed, sometimes it was boring.

Olesya was 04 june on Uncle's dream

Beautiful setting. Etush is incomparable, from one of his movements it becomes ridiculous

Elena was 24 february on Mademoiselle Nitouche

Great performance !!! Very light, cheerful, with wonderful humor. The game of artists at the highest level. Many thanks for the pleasure.

Konstantin was 10 february on Eugene Onegin

A wonderful performance! I do not really like Vakhtangov's theater, but this performance is really exceptional.

Galina was 05 february on The Wind in the Poplars

Amazing performance, a beautiful actor's trio, a lot of emotions - from laughter to sadness on the verge of tears! Many thanks to the young actors for delicately played old age, because it's so easy to cross the line and slide down to vulgarity. Here it did not happen and it's so cool !!!

Ekaterina was 28 june on Eugene Onegin

About how terrible Onegin in Vakhtangov, I already, in my opinion, told everyone and everywhere: Tatiana, dancing with a bear, touched by the mind Olga, crawling on the floor and fumbling on the accordion (the entire performance with a bayan was not parted), plus one more An important hero of the novel Pushkin - bunny-pobegaychik))))) And many, many other horrors ... I can list for a long time. Stress is still. Fans of perversions - wolves! This, of course, IMHO, because the performance of the sea of ​​fans. But the installations in the museums of contemporary art, too many fans ....

Ekaterina was 04 june on Uncle's dream

Classical comedy. Go see at least for the sake of Etush and Aronova - they are beautiful. I looked with pleasure.

Ekaterina was 28 april on The Wind in the Poplars

A sad statement about old age. The performance would have been especially good if Vdovichenkov had not played there. A bad actor, who spoils any performance with his presence. But absolutely stunning Sukhanov.

Elena was 23 may on Uncle Ivan

Such a performance in acting, scenography and emotion, I probably did not see. Many thanks to the director and actors!

Ekaterina was 12 june on Quay

Such a theatrical kapustnik. Some scenes are very good, some are boring. But on the whole it leaves the impression of some epic. For those wishing to plunge into the world of classical theater and look at all the actors of Vakhtangov at once - a welkom.

Ekaterina was 14 june on The Last Moons

For those who want a good, philosophical, but sad, a play about old age, about the relationship between fathers and children, about perishable and perishable, so to speak .... With Lanov and Kupchenko in the lead roles. I sobbed after the first act, the floor of the hall went out into the intermission, wiping my handkerchiefs. Very good. Elderly it is better not to go, do not upset them in vain)))

Mariya was 20 june on Anna Karenina

A stunning performance! The production uses original ideas of expressing seemingly ordinary events. She watched with bated breath.

Veronika was 04 june on Uncle's dream

The performance is stunning, the actors' play is amazing. Aronova is at the height, but about Etush and I do not have to talk about it. I spent such an evening with pleasure, as in a fairy tale.

Ekaterina was 23 june on Dedication to Eva

Stunning performance about love with the participation of Lanovoy and Knyazev, can not help but like. There remains a pleasant aftertaste. Must see.

Irina was 24 november on Uncle Ivan

Visited the play together with her husband. Just want to say that a lot depends on where you are sitting. We sat in the amphitheater on the penultimate row. This is terrible, because. For the person sitting in front of you can not see anything. The entire performance has to adapt the inclination of the head to see something at least! (((Totally, I still liked the performance very much.) An unusual production, an interesting play of the actors, the husband was disappointed.Conclusion: the performance is ambiguous. No, thanks for attention!

Ekaterina was 16 december on Uncle's dream

A stunning performance! Etush and Aronov are simply inimitable! And in general, all the actors are good fellows! Very pleased!

Elena was 27 may on Cat in the Boots

Great performance. The children are totally ecstatic. I want to note the actors' game. Such a dedication Scenery is also on top.

Anton was 04 june on Uncle's dream

Were at the play on 2.01.2015. The impression is contradictory for all, they did not come to the same opinion. In general, this is so: what everyone liked was a game of actors! For this special thanks, everything was on top, everything is fine. The rest is not very good. The first action is very stretched, 1.5 hours before the intermission, and we had time to sleep, it's too painful. The second action corrects the situation and the general impression is good. Nobody liked these harps, with which everyone rushes ... What do in the provincial hole 4-5 harps? There were 5 of them in Moscow at that time .. :-) Then from historical discrepancies - Zina glasses dressed to read the letter ... Well, the monocle could wear, well, a pince-nez. But not the same glasses! Well and last claim - I, certainly, smiled, but to tell, that laughed - such was not. Funny moments were, but almost all in the second part of the play. In general, the impression is good, but with many reservations.

Galiya was 20 january on Mademoiselle Nitouche

Were on the 20th of January. Despite the long duration (3h50min), time flew by unnoticed. Went away in high spirits! Impressions are the best! A great acting game. Thank you!

Veronika was 23 may on Uncle Ivan

Excellent game actors. Makovetsky not imitate. Vdovichenko horosh.Nyanya played Alabina, just excellent. Good performance.

Margarita was 21 january on Quay

A beautiful act, wrapped in sadness. Age of your favorite actors ... What fun? .. But a tribute to their talent - I give! .. Only to Maksakova as always treated exactly, and I'm. Go, be sure to see this performance!

Nadegda was 27 may on Cat in the Boots

Were at the play on December 21. I liked the performance. Beautiful scenery and musical accompaniment. Thank you

Gayane was 20 june on Anna Karenina

Very original. A young and very talented director. Great youth. They play and dance at a professional level. I watched twice and would have enjoyed it. Highly recommend.

Dar`ya was 04 june on Uncle's dream

I watched the performance on December 2, 2014. A beautiful, very deep, touching performance! The charisma of Maria Aronova was simply fascinating, the drive from her game is incredible! Very touched Etush! When he went out to bow, the audience applauded standing up! Health and long life for this great man!

Ol`ga was 28 april on The Wind in the Poplars

This is a real theater! The performance is amazing, I recommend it to everyone!

Svetlana was 25 june on Mademoiselle Nitouche

Performance Super !!! Energetic, musical, funny, incendiary! In time with two intermissions, but it looks in one breath. Aronova Super! Laughed heartily! A lot of young and talented actors on stage! I definitely recommend everyone !!!! not forgettable impression and pleasure is guaranteed! BRAVO !!!

Anna was 23 june on Dedication to Eva

A rare case, when only two actors are involved in the play, it should even be said that two people are impressed. Two people, V. Lanovoy and E. Knyazev. They look at the eyes of the audience ... And you listen, listen .. And believe. The play, built on a terrific dialogue, which was brilliantly conveyed by the actors. It would seem that the stagnation, importance of A. Znorko and suddenly a sudden embarrassment and loss, when he hears the name of his beloved woman. Or somewhat careless, a little crazy Eric Larsen. And so play. Admittedly, she never admired the talent of E. Knyazev, but in this play - the hit is absolute. I was completely satisfied with the performance I saw, which I advise you to see!

Natal`ya was 03 november on Anna Karenina

The play really liked

Nataliya was 03 november on Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina liked the performance very much. To the director and actors through music, the movement managed to show all the depths of the heroes' feelings, both love and despair. I'm still very impressed by the performance.

Oksana was 27 may on Cat in the Boots

I sent my son (9 years) with my grandmother to the play "Cat in Boots," and as my son finds it difficult to please in terms of movies and various performances, he was eagerly awaiting his return home. I want to say the child came home satisfied, said that he really liked it, and grandmother generally delighted. Thank you very much!

Irina was 27 may on Cat in the Boots

Irina November 15 went with her granddaughter for 9 years on "The Cat in Boots." This is a real holiday for children and adults! The actors' play, music, costumes, scenery - all very much! The cat is incomparable! Thanks to the whole staff of the theater for such a wonderful performance for children!

Elena was 02 december on Uncle's dream

If you miss the classical productions with great actors, go to "Uncle's Dream", do not regret it! Maria Aronova does not get tired of surprising, and Vladimir Etush is simply incomparable. 3 hours fly by without a reason, make a smile, and even think. The performance is only once a month, tickets are quickly sold out, so hurry up!

Sof`ya was 01 november on Dedication to Eva

I liked the performance very much, the plot is unpredictable (almost). Lanovoy remains on the stage young, not all actors do it. Long years to him!

Viktor was 14 june on The Last Moons

Double impressions, on the one hand, the great artists V.S. Lanova and I.P. Kupchenko, with another weak (for my taste) director R.V. Tuminas and the heavy topic of loneliness (with long monologues and gloomy scenery) ... the second Time would not have gone, but to see in action two METERS worth ....

Larisa was 07 november on The Wind in the Poplars

I liked the performance.

Anna was 01 november on Dedication to Eva

An extraordinary performance. A very interesting story, which keeps all the action in suspense. Unfashionable scenery, but the sound of surf and gulls on the background of the sea as if carrying you to the sea shore. The actors play superbly.

Aleksandr was 02 december on Uncle's dream

Great performance. Very bright, sparkling game of our meters Etush Vladimir Abramovich and Maria Aronova. All those who have not been at the play yet: "Hurry to see!" This is one of those performances about which you can tell your children and grandchildren. Separately, I want to thank bigbilet for the excellent work on informing and receiving tickets.

Tat`yana was 15 november on Cat in the Boots

Thank you for the performance! I liked the scenery, the actors' play, the musical accompaniment and the costumes. There is a desire to come to the theater again.

Svetlana was 28 april on The Wind in the Poplars

A wonderful, unofficial performance about loneliness, unclaimedness and non-standardization of people. Subtle humor, a great actor's play - 3 people are kept in suspense for the whole performance. I discovered Vladimir Vdovichenkov as a wonderful theater actor. Maxim Sukhanov is always the highest class!

Mariya was 22 november on The Wind in the Poplars

I liked the performance very much, the actors play amazing!

Ol`ga was 21 november on Uncle's dream

The performance is magnificent. Actors are amazing

Irina was 31 october on Anna Karenina

Very unexpectedly, I did not see that this is a choreographic performance, I liked it very much, the plastic is amazing, Karenin and Anna are great, thank you very much

Marina was 16 september on Quay

The play is made up of fragments of repertoire performances and can have variations depending on who is participating. In any case, enjoy it. I'm just delighted with the game Etush, God grant him health, to please us with his game

Nadegda was 15 september on Eugene Onegin

Finally, at the third attempt, I managed to buy tickets for this spectacle, rattling all over Moscow! How interesting was the stage - the mirror side behind the artists. Music, special effects, songs, dances, costumes - luxurious!

Anastasiya was 23 june on Dedication to Eva

Touching, interesting performance, with a non-personal and intriguing plot. I really liked the game Lanovoy, it's a pleasure to watch! I went to the play twice, I liked it so much!

Elina was 21 september on The Wind in the Poplars

Elegant! I liked it very much

Bruhanov Uriy Alimpievich was 11 october on Dedication to Eva

A wonderful performance, talented actors, a wonderful story ...

Lubov` was 28 september on Cat in the Boots

Above all praise! True baby did not have a balloon air ..

Natal`ya was 20 september on Masquerade

Disgusting !!

Marina was 01 november on Cat in the Boots

Thank you. Great job. Very honest and fascinating staged performance. It is a pity that there is only one play for children. Good luck and good health to the creative team.

Ol`ga was 28 september on Cat in the Boots

Good performance. Children are delighted

Artem was 27 june on Masquerade

Unusual interpretation of Lermontov. He left after the intermission - it's hard to watch

Elena was 20 june on Anna Karenina

About how we were at the premiere in 2012 :) I was absolutely not ready to see that ... ballet! The site of the theater "Anna Karenina" is called a choreographic performance. And here for me the main word is "performance", and only then "choreographic". Moreover, Evgeny Knyazev takes part in the production. And not just involved, but plays himself Karenina. Even the disclosure of the plot in the program did not bother me very much. The light suddenly went out and people appeared in the beautiful clothes. People moved the chairs, did the ballet pas - and did not say a word. And only then it began to reach me ... It was already late to run :) Emotionally, beautifully, interesting reading and high-quality pitch, great costumes. The main color solution: black, white, red. And plus a piece of the opera is a magnificent performance of "Letters of Tatiana to Onegin" by Maria Pahar (by the way, the soloists of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater). Yes, the pointe will not be - modern choreography. Minus one, essential - music. And the music is Schnittke, Tchaikovsky, Mahler and Fore. And, besides Tchaikovsky, the musical series is a stream of sounds, often without rhythm. And a very, very, very mournful stream, with rare enlightenments. I understand that the story is sad, and sometimes even tragic, but you can not try to keep the hall for 2.5 hours on one note. Especially it feels at first: you sit there, stunned by the fact that it's a pancake, nifiga is not a dramatic performance, Knyazev is silent and in general, who are all these people - and you are still tormented by sad music ... But things went better - maybe even more And because you are involved in the whole action. Still Vakhtangovsky is Vakhtangovsky. Applause after each number (really, like a real ballet!) And a well-deserved ovation in the finals, the hall on his feet, the choreographer-director throws roses under his actors' feet. Krasotischa :) I recommend!

Elena was 21 september on The Wind in the Poplars

I got great pleasure, thanks to the actors and the director

Marina was 17 september on Quay

The play was played in one breath. Magnetism held masters miraculously intertwined with the enthusiasm of young actors. And all this magic is framed by the original director's production. Bravo!

Irina was 22 september on Mademoiselle Nitouche

I liked it a lot, thank you

Irina was 20 september on Masquerade

Excellent) interesting original production

Oksana was 23 june on Dedication to Eva

Performance with deep meaning, actors at the height, thank you very much.

Elena was 23 september on Eugene Onegin

The performance really liked!

Elena was 17 september on Quay

Thank you for the performance !!!!! There are not enough words to describe the amazing game of the Masters-Vakhtangov players !!!!!

Natal`ya was 21 september on The Wind in the Poplars

Magnificent actors, touchingly and psychologically subtly played roles. The performance is permeated with beautiful music, which complements and sharpens the perception. BRAVO!!!

Olesya was 13 september on The Last Moons

Excellent performance. A wonderful play of actors. I do not stop admiring MXAT

Sergey was 16 september on Quay

Very good performance!

Lubov` was 14 september on Cat in the Boots

Thank you for the wonderful performance! Chic costumes, very beautiful design of the scene, the actors play is very professional. Immediately it is clear that not a budget performance, excellent sound quality! Thanks to the director, the operators, costumers, and of course the actors!

Tat`yana was 17 september on Quay

Wonderful statement. Magnificent actors. Awesome impressions !!!!

Tat`yana was 13 september on The Last Moons

The performance is excellent! Thank you!

Elena was 28 april on The Wind in the Poplars

A wonderful performance! Got great fun! Absolutely a jewelry game of actors, more such gifts to the audience! Thank you

Olesya was 13 september on The Last Moons

Serious performance about the relationship between children and their parents in the wonderful performance of the great masters

Marina was 15 june on The Wind in the Poplars

The performance is wonderful. Brilliant play of actors. The play makes you think about the correct use of time, which is allowed for an active way of life. Thank you for your work.

Nelli was 26 june on Masquerade

Very gloomy, there is no change of scenery. Slight staging in general.

Lara was 21 june on Anna Karenina

Thank you for the wonderful performance!

Mishukova was 27 june on Dedication to Eva

The play and the actors are on top. The game of aristocrats. Bravo

Ol`ga was 22 june on The Last Moons

I bought tickets for children aged 27 and 17. After the performance, they immediately (from the car) called me and my grandfather and grandmother! I thank the actors and the theater for the performance that awakens compassion, makes you think!

Angelina was 26 june on Masquerade

Beautiful performance.

Natal`ya was 22 june on The Last Moons

We received great pleasure from the performance! All the actors played amazingly! Thank you!

Irina was 07 june on Cat in the Boots

A wonderful children's play, fervent and cheerful. The scenery and costumes are very beautiful. I recommend everyone to both adults and children.

Uriy was 15 june on The Wind in the Poplars

Many thanks! Great performance, very satisfied.

Ol`ga was 18 june on Quay

In admiration for the game of Julia Borisova, Etush! Keep it up!

Natal`ya was 07 june on Cat in the Boots

The child really liked it, it's a pity that few children's performances

Anna was 17 june on Quay

An extraordinary performance! A deep bow to the creators and greatest actors!

Igor` was 03 jule on Quay

A stunning performance! Huge gratitude!

Evgeniya was 15 june on The Wind in the Poplars

Piercing ... strongly .. the text of the play, but with the addition of an incredible game .... all three actors are convincing. Theater Vakhtangov, as well as always, on top!

Elena was 03 jule on Quay

Great performance! A unique opportunity to see the artists that make up the pride of the Russian theater.

Aleksandra was 22 june on The Last Moons

The play really liked, the actors play great!

Ol`ga was 03 jule on Quay

Thanks you! This performance is magnificent! Thank you for the opportunity to meet with the Masters. And the wind in the sails!