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Maria was 27 april on Travel with string orchestra

Thank you for the concert. The soprano Polina was impressed. Elementary school musicians were ruthlessly fake, but children listened to it. Thank you and good luck!

Sidds was 27 april on Travel with string orchestra

The splendor of the classics at the junction of the older and younger generation of performers. A wonderful concert from the Orchestra of the St. Richter Children's Art School.

Sidds was 27 april on Travel with string orchestra

Great trip with the friendship of the old and new generation of the Richter school - is breathtaking and lets in sentimentality.

Inna was 05 february on Exhibition Sound And ...

Were at the exhibition with his son, 4 years. All tried, everything was interesting. And to blow pipes, and to play music on the violin, drums and synthesizer, and press on gas in the city))) The exhibition is super. Many thanks.

Elena was 02 jule on Exhibition Sound And ...

Were at the exhibition with an 11-year-old daughter, but we, adults, themselves as children in admiration tried everything !!! I'm 42 years old, but I'm into drums and on an electronic violin and found out my timbre, which I have a rumor and a bunch of all ... 1.5 hours was not enough to get around everything! Administration - very courtesy! VERY VERY SATISFIED !!!! THANK YOU "BIGBILET" for cooperation with such interesting projects.