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Svetlana was 11 september on Rock and Mysticism of the Romanov family

I thank you for an interesting educational excursion, I liked everything very much, learned a lot of new things. Many thanks to the guide Irina, she is a master of her craft - she knows a lot and interestingly tells! Already signed up for another, I think no less interesting excursion on 24.09.

Рок и Мистика Рода Романовых

Рок и Мистика Рода Романовых6+

Purchased earlier: 90
Москва, Садовая Б. ул., 14
04 h 00 min



Forecasts, predictions, mysterious mystical stories. Half-forgotten shadows. Peter 1 . Secret spells. Secrets of mirrors. Peter 2 . Peter 3. The Silver Knight. Mysterious event in the Winter Palace. Wandering shadow of Catherine 2. Double in the halls. Signs and prophecies. Paul 1 . The Sacred Capsule. Mysterious Maltese knight brothers. Ritual reburial of Peter 3. Predictions and prophecies of the monk Abel. The Murder of Paul 1. The Tearings of Alexander 1 . The mysterious elder. Predictions of Madame Krüdener about the bloody reign of Nicholas 1. Prophecies of the mysterious Silver Lady. Seven deaths - seven attempts. The death of Alexander 2. The mysterious letter of Seraphim of Sarov. Predictions of the "Holy Devil" - Gr. Rasputin. The Znamensky Monastery is the house church of the Romanov boyars. Chamber of the Romanovs. The history of the old boyar family. Manor Izmailovo - the former patrimony of the boyars of the Romanovs. Gosudarev Yard. Summer residence of the Great Elizabeth. The German settlement is the center of Petrovsky Moscow. Lefortovo Palace - Sloboda Palace. The Peter and Paul Church. Catherine Palace. Martha and Mary Convent. The beginning at 11:00 Art. M. " Mayakovskaya " , st. Big Garden, 16 at the entrance to the garden "Aquarium".
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Svetlana was 11 september

I thank you for an interesting educational excursion, I liked everything very much, learned a lot of new things. Many thanks to the guide Irina, she is a master of her craft - she knows a lot and interestingly tells! Already signed up for another, I think no less interesting excursion on 24.09.

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