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Elena was 17 april on We are Gypsies

Performance for the eyes and the soul! Colorfully, vividly, lyrically, musically, here are some epithets. I think that this performance is a visiting card of the theater. I liked it very much. Thank you.

Ol`ga was 01 september on We are Gypsies

I personally started a new theatrical season with an unusual one! How else to call the play "We are Gypsies" of the Moscow Theater "Romain" Because it is unusual in many ways! First of all, this is not a performance in its usual form, it is a musical spectacle. in which there is no single plot, and the uneasy and surprising fate of the Roma people is told with the help of songs and dances. The second and not the least unusuality of the performance is that the costumes of the actors for him were created, perhaps, by the most famous fashion designer of our country! In the performance you will see Vyacheslav Zaitsev's costumes Little, where they can boast of such! The next unusual thing is that practically the whole troupe of the theater is involved in the play! And when you come to this performance, you can see so many People and Honored Artists on one stage, that your head will go round with delight! Nikolay Slichenko Nikolay Sergienko Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya Tatyana Black Olga Yankovskaya Moses Oglu Irena Morozova Yes, do you enumerate all of them! However, the youth in this theater does not lag behind! How many new talented stars and already very bright stars have risen on the stage of the theater "Roman". You know how difficult it is to convey in words the ecstasy that you experience when watching the vortex of bright skirts and shawls grow ever stronger and more powerful in your eyes when several goddesses of gypsy dance are dancing at the same time! It's impossible to convey! How impossible it is to capture with the help of technology! Any photos and videos - just a mean and faded reflection of what is actually happening. And magic happens! The magic of a real theater, in which everyone who went on stage, went there not to play, but left to share with the audience his life, his talent, his energy, his love! Theater "Roman" - an amazing place! Yes, this is a specific theater! The theater is unique! The only gypsy theater! A theater that grew up once from a gypsy choir that has been so popular in Russia since the 18th century! But the gypsies, once long ago forced to leave their homeland somewhere in ancient India, settled not only in Russia. Ancient gypsies scattered throughout Europe and even made it to Africa. You will also learn about this by watching the play. By the way, have you ever thought that if not all, then so many fatal beauties had gipsy roots? Carmen, Esmeralda - that's where this passion comes from, this storm, this beauty! And how many examples in our Russian history and literature of how men lost their heads because of the beautiful Gypsies! However, all of you also have every chance to lose your head! Personally, I already have two favorite actresses in this theater! And romances! I still can not decide who is all the more penetratingly performed by women's romances, or men ... But definitely, better than gypsies, they are not performed by anybody! All passion, all pain, all love - in every sound. Shivers, trembling and wild delight! That's what you will experience when you hear how they sing in this performance! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! No wonder one of my friend went to this show 5 times already! I very much understand it! Go and you!

Galina was 05 november on We are Gypsies

Good afternoon! Were in the play, amazing! Music, songs, dances, all very sincerely! Special thanks to Bigbilet for the excellent service!



Purchased earlier: 2542
Москва, Ленинградский пр-кт., 32/2
02 h 10 min


Though in hell, if only together.

If the young are in love, we must play a wedding. Clockwork, reckless, gypsy! There they dance until the morning, they hear a guitar chime and sing the most soulful songs.

"Our father and mother did not give us the will - a whole field to us is a wedding bed!"

The wedding will take place no matter what. Yes, such that all my life I remember and tell my grandchildren.

They will walk matchmakers, there will be fun guests laugh.

How golden monsters ring on gypsies! How long long lush skirts fly when they spin in the dance! And painted shawls? What could be more beautiful than these colorful dresses!

Very few people are able to so unrestrainedly have fun from the heart, like freedom-loving gypsies.

"Drunk without wine and without bread is full - this gypsy wedding is rushing!"

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Elena was 17 april

Performance for the eyes and the soul! Colorfully, vividly, lyrically, musically, here are some epithets. I think that this performance is a visiting card of the theater. I liked it very much. Thank you.

Ol`ga was 01 september

I personally started a new theatrical season with an unusual one! How else to call the play "We are Gypsies" of the Moscow Theater "Romain" Because it is unusual in many ways! First of all, this is not a performance in its usual form, it is a musical spectacle. in which there is no single plot, and the uneasy and surprising fate of the Roma people is told with the help of songs and dances. The second and not the least unusuality of the performance is that the costumes of the actors for him were created, perhaps, by the most famous fashion designer of our country! In the performance you will see Vyacheslav Zaitsev's costumes Little, where they can boast of such! The next unusual thing is that practically the whole troupe of the theater is involved in the play! And when you come to this performance, you can see so many People and Honored Artists on one stage, that your head will go round with delight! Nikolay Slichenko Nikolay Sergienko Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya Tatyana Black Olga Yankovskaya Moses Oglu Irena Morozova Yes, do you enumerate all of them! However, the youth in this theater does not lag behind! How many new talented stars and already very bright stars have risen on the stage of the theater "Roman". You know how difficult it is to convey in words the ecstasy that you experience when watching the vortex of bright skirts and shawls grow ever stronger and more powerful in your eyes when several goddesses of gypsy dance are dancing at the same time! It's impossible to convey! How impossible it is to capture with the help of technology! Any photos and videos - just a mean and faded reflection of what is actually happening. And magic happens! The magic of a real theater, in which everyone who went on stage, went there not to play, but left to share with the audience his life, his talent, his energy, his love! Theater "Roman" - an amazing place! Yes, this is a specific theater! The theater is unique! The only gypsy theater! A theater that grew up once from a gypsy choir that has been so popular in Russia since the 18th century! But the gypsies, once long ago forced to leave their homeland somewhere in ancient India, settled not only in Russia. Ancient gypsies scattered throughout Europe and even made it to Africa. You will also learn about this by watching the play. By the way, have you ever thought that if not all, then so many fatal beauties had gipsy roots? Carmen, Esmeralda - that's where this passion comes from, this storm, this beauty! And how many examples in our Russian history and literature of how men lost their heads because of the beautiful Gypsies! However, all of you also have every chance to lose your head! Personally, I already have two favorite actresses in this theater! And romances! I still can not decide who is all the more penetratingly performed by women's romances, or men ... But definitely, better than gypsies, they are not performed by anybody! All passion, all pain, all love - in every sound. Shivers, trembling and wild delight! That's what you will experience when you hear how they sing in this performance! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! No wonder one of my friend went to this show 5 times already! I very much understand it! Go and you!

Galina was 05 november

Good afternoon! Were in the play, amazing! Music, songs, dances, all very sincerely! Special thanks to Bigbilet for the excellent service!

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