The problem of "fathers and children" - the theme of the novel IS. Turgenev. For once again this unsolvable conflict went out on the stage. This time - on the stage of the Moscow Youth Theater Vyacheslav Spesivtsev. Fathers and children are Turgenev's most famous work. Roman is a landmark for his time, the image of the main character Evgeny Bazarov was perceived by the youth as an example for imitation. The contradictions between the young and the older generations are the eternal argument of our human society with you. Through time and history, through good and evil, through friendship and betrayal, through love and insidiousness it is necessary to pass to the spectator, having assumed the role of the listener and reader of the immortal novel of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and children"! Such ideals as uncompromising, lack of admiration for authorities and old truths, priority of useful over beautiful, were perceived by people of that time and reflected in Bazarov's world view. "Fathers and children" about how a person wanted to rise above life, and life is higher than us, and any idea turns out to be poorer than life. The tragic insight that Bazarov gained before his death is precisely that it is impossible to subordinate life to any, the best idea.
“ I really liked the actors' game. Thank you.