Волки и Овцы12+
God grant that our calves and wolves can understand.
Who will have the wealth of a rich widow? And Kupavina is also beautiful, but painfully naive.
Pomeschitsa Murzavetskaya, imperious "the girl of 60 years", very much it would be desirable to deceive the young widow! She and the bill is ready to forge, and gossip dissolves, that the late husband Kupavina took from her a lot of money.
In the course are any means, vicious and dishonest. His nephew, drunkard and slacker of Apollo, treacherous Meropia Davydovna dreams of urgently marrying a wealthy widow.
And Kupavina so dreams of love, tenderness, care!
In financial affairs, Kupavina is quite inexperienced. She lets herself be shamelessly deceived by brazen crooks. They cheat with her promissory notes. These sutras can ruin anyone.
But the widow's clever neighbor is ready to deal quickly with the mean scammers. He will find a council for them.
Would the widow agree to marry him?
"Do people live all around us? Wolves and sheep." Wolves eat sheep, and sheep humbly allow themselves to eat. "
“ Great performance! Sparkling, dynamic, funny, witty and really liked the dresses of heroines!
“ Very pleased! Actors GOOD FELLOWS !!! Have a nice evening!
“ Visited with her husband in November 2013. The game is mediocre, sometimes boring. Many elderly people, the cat. Pass free of charge (or at a reduced price) and without seats, i.e. Sit down where they like, while taking up places on your tickets. They have to be cute. The theater is beautiful, massive and impressive. The buffet is medium-sized.
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“ Great performance! Sparkling, dynamic, funny, witty and really liked the dresses of heroines!
“ Very pleased! Actors GOOD FELLOWS !!! Have a nice evening!
“ Visited with her husband in November 2013. The game is mediocre, sometimes boring. Many elderly people, the cat. Pass free of charge (or at a reduced price) and without seats, i.e. Sit down where they like, while taking up places on your tickets. They have to be cute. The theater is beautiful, massive and impressive. The buffet is medium-sized.