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Lena was 10 jule on The Master and Margarita

Brilliant performance! Captured the essence, pace, swiftness of the novel Bulgakov. Woland's retinue, just as Woland himself, simply does not take his eyes off! All actors, images to a point, directorial decisions - all in their places!

Tat`yana was 03 december on The Master and Margarita

Was at the play for the fourth time. This performance is the best theatrical performance that I saw in Moscow theaters, and I go to the theater at least twice a month. Especially valuable is that Bulgakov himself speaks to us in the performance, without free director interpretations and interpretations! In some scenes, the spirit intercepts from the strength of acting skills and from the power of the Bulgakov universe. The best "Master and Margarita" in Moscow! Without a doubt, the best! It is necessary to look, no words will convey the atmosphere and power of this THEATER with a capital letter!

Andrey was 14 march on The Master and Margarita

I have long wanted to go to this production. In full ecstasy, the hall is full. The production is made by the work, not in free interpretation or in the format "the director sees it". Mass scenes are very impressive. Mysticism and atmosphere are remarkably transmitted. images are perfectly transferred, the performers outwardly have a great similarity with the characters work. It is better to see once, you can not describe the whole.

Мастер и Маргарита

Мастер и Маргарита16+

Purchased earlier: 1259
Москва, Вернадского пр-кт., 125
03 h 35 min


"People are like people ... And mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts ..."

Good and evil are inseparable. So it was before, and now. The search for truth is the most difficult thing.

Judea Procurator Pontius Pilate is convinced of the innocence of the unselfish and just Yeshua.

But he condemns him to death, goes against his conscience. Afraid to ruin his career. He is a coward who will never be forgiven.

And in the Moscow 1930s, many people who easily betray others.

At dusk of a spring day, the devil and his devoted and furious retinue break into the city. They have someone to punish and help in this huge city.

Woland easily puts in his place and drunkard Likhodeev, and the bribe-taker Nicanor, and the greedy barman, and the hypocritical poet Ryukhin.

The session of magic in the show unmasks self-serving and frivolous ladies dreaming to dress up for nothing.

Only a master, a writer who tried desperately to burn his book, and his muse, faithful Margarita, will become those to whom the forces of evil will help.

Margarita will perfectly cope with the role of the mistress of the ball of Satan.

Master awaited long-awaited peace.

"... What would your good do, if there was no evil, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?"

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Lena was 10 jule

Brilliant performance! Captured the essence, pace, swiftness of the novel Bulgakov. Woland's retinue, just as Woland himself, simply does not take his eyes off! All actors, images to a point, directorial decisions - all in their places!

Tat`yana was 03 december

Was at the play for the fourth time. This performance is the best theatrical performance that I saw in Moscow theaters, and I go to the theater at least twice a month. Especially valuable is that Bulgakov himself speaks to us in the performance, without free director interpretations and interpretations! In some scenes, the spirit intercepts from the strength of acting skills and from the power of the Bulgakov universe. The best "Master and Margarita" in Moscow! Without a doubt, the best! It is necessary to look, no words will convey the atmosphere and power of this THEATER with a capital letter!

Andrey was 14 march

I have long wanted to go to this production. In full ecstasy, the hall is full. The production is made by the work, not in free interpretation or in the format "the director sees it". Mass scenes are very impressive. Mysticism and atmosphere are remarkably transmitted. images are perfectly transferred, the performers outwardly have a great similarity with the characters work. It is better to see once, you can not describe the whole.

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