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Feedbacks from viewers
Oksana was 22 march on The house that Swift built

Good, good performance. All for Gorin. It was very interesting how the giant Lilliputians would be beaten. In my opinion, the director coped great. Received great pleasure. Be sure to go and see. Highly recommend!

Arina was 08 june on The house that Swift built

Elegant performance. Was shocked. In some places farce and comedy, in fact, the drama of Swift's genius, his scale of fantasy and thinking, ahead of his and even our time. The actors' play is magnificent, the performance is set up wonderfully, the actors and director perfectly coped with a very difficult task. I immediately wanted to remember Swift, read it, learn more about him. What happens on stage, bewitch. I think I'm not the last time at this performance, I'll definitely come again.

Дом, который построил Свифт

Дом, который построил Свифт16+

Purchased earlier: 359
Москва, Тверской б-р., 23
02 h 40 min



When one talented author takes the life and work of another talented author to create his satirical work, there is always something incredibly interesting and paradoxical.

To see this, it is enough to pick up Gorin's book and read his play "The House That Swift Built." Although, now you can not only read - but also look in the new production.

No, this work is not a novice on the stage of the capital's theaters, but each of his productions becomes an opening. And not only because each reads this in its own way an extraordinary work, but because the depth of meanings in it is such that it is possible to interpret the world of the "mad" Dean Swift, in whose house almost all his literary characters live.

What will this time come out all these Guingnms, Laputians, giants ... What new things will open in their discourse and what will the author of today talk about with them today?

There are so many questions, before the premiere it remains quite a bit and one can still give thought, well, even peep, as the rehearsals are going on. And then with pleasure to go to the premiere!

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Oksana was 22 march

Good, good performance. All for Gorin. It was very interesting how the giant Lilliputians would be beaten. In my opinion, the director coped great. Received great pleasure. Be sure to go and see. Highly recommend!

Arina was 08 june

Elegant performance. Was shocked. In some places farce and comedy, in fact, the drama of Swift's genius, his scale of fantasy and thinking, ahead of his and even our time. The actors' play is magnificent, the performance is set up wonderfully, the actors and director perfectly coped with a very difficult task. I immediately wanted to remember Swift, read it, learn more about him. What happens on stage, bewitch. I think I'm not the last time at this performance, I'll definitely come again.

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