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Сказки роботов о настоящем человеке

Сказки роботов о настоящем человеке8+

Purchased earlier: 159
125284, Москва, Беговая ул., 5
01 h 00 min


"Tales of robots about a real man" is a story about a fantastic world, immersing spectators in the atmosphere of the technogenic Middle Ages. In the mechanized space of the scene, iron ceilings are spinning and moving. Puppet characters are in the power of metal structures, then electric lights, then cosmic fog. The fascinating narrative not only shows a different reality, but also suggests thinking about the future of our world, the correlation and interconnection of technological progress and human values. The play is based on the work of Stanislav Lem from the collection "Cyberiad". At the heart of his story is the story of a robot king who, in the name of love for the robot royal, decided to become a man.

Theater "Trickster" was invented by Vyacheslav Ignatov and Maria Litvinova - director and actress, husband and wife, father and mother. For them, writing children's plays is not just a job, but a vocation. In all the performances, their corporate style can be traced, created at the intersection of various theatrical genres: shadow theater, puppet theater, artist's theater and performance. Trickster's performances are always interactive and work directly with the imagination of the child, giving him the opportunity to become an equal writer of the play. The creators of the theater are almost annual nominees for the Golden Mask Award and twice were laureates for the performances "Epic about the Lilac" in 2010 and "Journey to the Land of Jambles" in 2016.

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