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Feedbacks from viewers
Aleftina was 26 june on Valentine's Day

We went yesterday with a friend to the play "Valentine's Day". We liked Konstantin Yushkevich very much, I've only seen him on TV series before, and it turned out that on stage he is a wonderful and talented actor. Julia Menshova is charming, in general the entire performance is very gentle. I advise everyone

Именины Валентины

Именины Валентины12+

Purchased earlier: 618
107140, Москва, Комсомольская пл., 4
02 h 10 min


Valentine and Valentine - the story of human love and unearthly tenderness. The story is a lifetime ... What they became, what they dreamed of, they thought what they hoped for ... The story of LOVE: about the love of a woman for a man, about the love in whose name you can lie, slander, die ... history Simple and at the same time very complicated, the history of human feelings, emotions, human existence.

The play "Valentine's Day" will help viewers look into the future and look back on the past, wake up even the most stale hearts warm and tender feelings for our heroes, make even the most serious and sophisticated connoisseurs laugh. The humorous Konstantin Yushkevich will give our ladies the strength to fight for their love by any means available and known to each of them. The development of the plot is based on constant transitions from one situation to another, from one time interval to another, and the young artist, the talented musician Ivan Zamotaev will help to keep the viewer in the stream of time.

The production was carried out by the famous director Roman Samghin. The pupil of Mark Zakharov, the director of the Moscow theater Lenkom, he staged a play-life, a drama-play, a play-holiday, a play that leaves no one indifferent.

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Aleftina was 26 june

We went yesterday with a friend to the play "Valentine's Day". We liked Konstantin Yushkevich very much, I've only seen him on TV series before, and it turned out that on stage he is a wonderful and talented actor. Julia Menshova is charming, in general the entire performance is very gentle. I advise everyone

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