Why don't the flies fly? I say, why do flies “don’t fly like birds do?”
Why are there flies, all the insects BUKASHKABARE dream of a friendly creative flight. They want to stage musical performances full of songs, dances, miracles! But they, like people, are sometimes hindered by vanity, envy, disbelief in their strength and disunity. Will they be able to fly up to joint friendly creativity on the strong wings of their inspiration? And create your own musical gift for the audience?
And the first gift - the game "High Flight" - will begin already in the lobby before the performance. With the theater masters of BUKASHKABARE you can make a flower or a bug with your own hands, which will become one of the heroes of the performance. And it will be your high flight!
Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes without intermission.
The performance is for a family audience, children from 8 years and older.
Children under the age recommended by the Theater are not allowed to play.