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Ask Your Heart

Ask Your Heart6+

Purchased earlier: 76
from 500 rubles 
129327, Moskva, Rudnevoy ul., 3
01 h 00 min


Actors: Pavel Eshtokin, Ekaterina Furaeva, Sergey Vasilyev, Alexander Panteleev, Dmitry Kolygo, Pavel Suetin, Natalya Mikheeva, Vitalina Demchenko, Nikolai Antropov and others.

Our land is great, it stretches for thousands of miles. At one end of the sun the year round, on the other - the winter is harsh, and the trees grow small, like the grass under their feet creep. But people live there brave and brave - they fish fish, they get the beast. This is their land - Ainki, Lochi-Volodshi, the Cossacks. But the edge is stern and dangerous: at every step pits, traps, sipping with their fragrance the flowers of Simbir, the bird Cory with iron feathers, the tiger Amba. Man and beast must agree, one, not always it turns out, there are people, greedy and stupid, who do not understand this wisdom. But all of them, both courageous and not very, will unite when the Serpent Khimu, who destroys all life on his way, will attack their land. And if Ainka's girl finds her father Hameka, if Volodshi's father will return home, you will find out if you look. Both small and big, everyone who loves adventure and magic, we all look forward to visiting!

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