THREE BAGS OF WHITE WHEAT Drama 16+ The author of the play - Vladimir TENDRYAKOV Stage version - Eugene Vikhrev and VYACHESLAV Dolgachev Stage Director: Vyacheslav Dolgachev Production Designer: Margarita DEMYANOVA Premiere: September 17, 2016 Running time: 2 hours 30 minutes. The actors and performers: Zhenka TULUPOV (I.Efremov and E.Rubin), KISTEROV (M.Kalinichev), CHALKIN (A.Cursky and A.Mikhailov), BOZHEUMOV (T.Pushkov), BAKHTYAROV (O. Burygin), FAITH (D. Butakov and M. Volkov), Adrián Fomich (A. Sutyagin), Kirill (S. Bredyuk and M. Sokhorov), Pelagea (T. Koltsova-Gilinova and I. Manuilova), Evdokiya (E. Demakova and E. Demidova), MITROPHAN (N. Razumenko), MANKA (T. Zhuravleva and T. Konduktorova). The theme of the desperate struggle for life was discussed by Vladimir Tendryakov in his early story "Bread for a Dog" - an autobiographical sketch piercing to a shudder. And it is no accident: the first shock in the life of ten-year-old Volodya Tendryakov, who was watching the dekulakized, dying peasants from hunger, was a picture when a woman wearing a worn coat accidentally broke a jar of milk and, kneeling, scooped it with a wooden spoon from a hoof pit on the road and saw. The motifs of "Bread for a dog" were further developed in the story of the late Tendryakov "Three sacks of weeds". Scenic version of Eugene Vikhrev and Vyacheslav Dolgachev excites the imagination and touches to the depths of his soul. Have you ever been in a world in which a plate of hot potatoes in a uniform and a slice of black bread with a piece of sugar is a real luxury? And the terrible echoes of war are heard in the deep rear of those who have never been at the front, and those who returned from it with a crippled soul ... Disabled persons, Chekists-commissioned, uncomplaining women, hungry for simple happiness, a "rebuffed" killer, blasphemy over the icon ... A world in which people in a state of frenzy do not hope to survive until spring ... Something from Bulgakov's Pilate's despair is seen in one of the main characters - Kisterev, who "put all his affection" in the dogs. "The Holy Apostles are now working as chairmen of the collective farms," - this is the truth of the Gospels that opposes the utopian "City of the Sun" Campanella, the only book read by another hero - Zhenya Tulupov. "... Poverty, poverty makes people rascals, cunning, crafty, thieves, crafty, outcast, liars, perjurers ... and wealth - arrogant, proud, ignorant, traitors who talk about what they do not know, deceivers, braggart , callous, abusers ... They serve things. " And three bags of weeping, nowhere good wheat - a touchstone for testing the deepest feelings - friendship, love, humanity ... "Will you take the last in half with rubbish - will you forgive yourself?" - prescribes the chairman of the non-Gospel question to the Chekist, authorized to collect wheat ... And in the impenetrable darkness for the moon, behind the nickel-plated knobs of the bed, the bodies of casual lovers, who are looking for a piece of heat and simple human happiness, are barely visible ... even for one night. Yuri Nagibin recalled his colleague in the writing shop: "Tendryakov lived a clean literary life. He managed not to tarnish himself with a single dubious action. He was a real Russian writer, not a crook, not a careerist, not a prologue, not a conjurer. This is a serious loss for our meager literature. "The premiere of" Three Sacks of Weeds "will be one of the most relevant in the theatrical season 2016-2017: the latent struggle for a piece of bread continues to this day in the real world ...
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“ I liked the performance. He is heavy in many ways, but he easily lets the viewer understand simple things, such as: honesty and correctness of actions are often more important than the letter of the law; if a person does not hear and does not want to hear others - it's awful payoff, sooner or later. The cast is perfect! The decorations are minimal, but at this level of the game and the specifics of the theme - they are not necessary. Call this performance spectacular, inspiring or terrific can not. This is a play about our life, about its gray routine and about simple things, immutable values and humanity. The performance is certainly interesting and leaves a strong impression. Those who go "behind the event" or "for the spectacle" - definitely not here. I recommend it to those who are interested in history, who regard the complexities of life as good lessons and for whom the sobriety of views on what is happening, who is not indifferent to the problems of the present, is the first place in life. The theater itself is beautiful, clean, bright, impressive with its architecture and beauty. Definitely - I'll go here again and again.