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Saint-Petersburg. Miracle-Turnip3+

Purchased earlier: 335
from 600 rubles 
Sankt-Peterburg, Stachek pr-kt., 59 (Vhod na spektakli gragdan do 18 let vozmogen tol`ko v soprovogdenii ih zakon.predstaviteley (Postanovlenie №681 ot 02.09.2020)
00 h 45 min


N.Shuvalov "MIRACLE-REPKA". Musical performance based on the Russian folk tale. Once upon a time there were grandfathers and grandmothers, and they had a granddaughter, and there was also a beetle, cat Murka and her own mouse. Lived, but there was no agreement between them. Grandfather-dreamer believed in miracles. And a miracle was created! Only to recognize it, no one but Juchka did not want. But the turnip has grown, big, big, and yes even talking! Believe it or not! You have to pull, but how can you do it without consent ?! Fortunately, Repka suggested, but the children sitting in the hall. If everything is amicable, yes all the world, but with love and agreement to take it, then it will go! And it happened! The production of Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation Nikolai Borovkov Artist - Diploma of the Festival "Theaters of St. Petersburg for Children" 2009 Elena Minina Composer - Sergey Ushakov Characters and performers: The old man - Alexander Nikonov /   Konstantin Kozhev The Old Woman - Oksana Galustyants Granddaughter - Ella Tsvetkova Beetle - Sergey Samoilov   /   Artyom Foklin Murka - h. a. Of Russia Margarita Shumilova Mouse - Anna Belopukhova   /   Ekaterina Tikhomirova PREMIER was held on January 10, 2009.


No small family, friendly! Grandfather, though gray and bald with age, but in miracles did not stop believing! Babka is on her mind, but she also looks at life positively, smiling! Granddaughter - a shaggy little girl in a red dress. And after all, a dog, a cat, and even a mouse - they all live together!

As time will come to each other to help, pull out a huge turnip from the ground, then all together for the work will take, they will start pulling together - you will see, and they will manage to pull out the miracle-turnip!


Svetlana was 15 november

Miracle-turnip is wonderful! Bright, musical, understandable! For kids, they are delighted with kids for 3 years, talking a turnip and a fat mouse, we are at your theater for the first time-a wonderful room, home furnishings and understandable dolls-it's important! Thanks a lot, we will come to you for performances necessarily!

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