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The Cherry Orchard

The Cherry Orchard12+

Purchased earlier: 38
from 700 rubles 
127254, Moskva, Rustaveli ul., 19
01 h 10 min


The main role of landowner Lyubov Ranevskaya will be performed by theater actress Svetlana Andreychuk, her daughters will be played by young actresses Anastasia Serikova and Diana Kuznetsova. The role of the merchant Ermolai Lopakhin, who bought the estate with a cherry garden, will be performed by Leonid Veremyanin, Firsa will be played by Vyacheslav Tunik. Also in the performance are actors Alexei Ivanyuk, Anastasia Izvekova, Yulia Kovalevskaya, Danila Dzygar, Mikhail Chkadua, Sergey Ulyanenkov, as well as 4th year students of RATI (GITIS) and theater students.

The last play of A.P. Chekhov, written in 1904 and immediately put in the Moscow Art Theater by K. Stanislavsky, still remains modern and attractive. Chekhov called his plays "comedies," because in them, as in life, the tragic and the comic is inseparable.

The plot of the "Cherry Orchard" is known to everyone who studied at school, selling for the debts of the estate of the landowner Ranevskaya, the end of the old way of life. The estate is bought by the manager Yermolai Lopakhin, he cuts down the garden and is going to sell the land for summer cottages. Ranevskaya leaves for Paris.

The dying garden and the lost love are two cross-cutting themes of the performance, which give it a sad-poetic note. But in the picture and much ridiculous - Epihodov- "22 unhappiness," Charlotte with her tricks, - it's not only comical characters who are comical, but also their relationship, misunderstanding of each other and the replica in part.

"The Cherry Orchard" in the Moscow Youth Theater looks special. This production is not epoch-making. But there is some hidden charm in it, some kind of nerve and an inescapable need for action, driven by hidden internal currents, in a fuzzy plot and focus on the sufferings of the heroes.

The characters are spelled out not so boldly and in detail, they have the same fuzziness as in the whole plot. The producer Vyacheslav Spesivtsev is more interested in the internal connections of the play, he is interested in subtle things. The sound of a bursting string, which suddenly suddenly interrupts the calm course of action and as if transforming the characters into a different dimension - not of life, but of being, not of a concrete everyday plot, but of history itself.

The producer is not interested in the historical background of the plot, as well as its relevance to the social motives of today. He does not divide the characters of the play into old masters and new ones, past and future. He is more interested in the general movement of being, which postpones its imprint on all fates without exception, predetermining the victories of some and the defeats of others. But for the Moscow Youth Theater, this performance is undoubtedly an event.

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