The Russian musical Alexander Kulygin, The Dowryless, completes the musical trilogy of the composer, who in different years wrote the musical comedy The Balzaminov's Marriage and the operetta The Guilty Without Guilt and staged at the Chikhachev Theater. All the characters are well known to the viewer: Larissa, the bespathennitsa and her entourage, Paratov in love and fascinated by her, rich merchants and the worst of her suitors - the petty official Karandyshev. There are in this premiere performance and surprises for the audience. Among the main musical characteristics of the heroes is the leitmotif of the Volga, therefore in the musical a large role is assigned to the choir.
All the participants of the performance not only dance the real cancan, but play the role of heroes, which the audience loved from their youth, studying the work of the great playwright. The performance is intended for the widest audience, but for the young viewer, the story of love and the tragedy of the beautiful Larissa will be especially entertaining.