The Dmitry Pokrovsky Ensemble, created in 1973, became the first ensemble in Russia to combine the scientific approach to the study of folklore with its professional performance, the traditions of folk music with modern musical culture.
This creative association has developed its own unique vocal school, based on the techniques of traditional folklore singing. Masterfully mastering a variety of singing styles and techniques of folk music, the artists masterfully combine them with modern musical performance. Folklore as interpreted by the Dmitry Pokrovsky Ensemble is a living and integral part of national culture and music, capable of capturing the hearts of listeners today and not knowing territorial boundaries.
Tales with Dmitry Pokrovsky's Ensemble is a cycle of three musical programs, which includes folk and author's tales. Everything is concentrated in folk tales - traditions and beliefs, moral characteristics and ethical foundations, the historical chronicle and the age-old wisdom of the people who created them, a universal means of education and a way of transmitting all knowledge about the world around, its laws and about the person himself from generation to generation.
Already in the XI century, fairy tales were included in the repertoire of both Old Russian professional actors-buffoons, and the best village songwriters, jokers and storytellers. Fairy tales were told, sung and acted out. Heroes of fairy tales, fables, jokes, buffoonery - animals, birds, fish, plants, objects and phenomena in which it is so easy to guess human traits. In fairy tales, the time is relative, the narration is rhythmic, the teaching is allegorical, the fairytale order is subject to clear and eternal laws, and everything in the world is animated, close and understandable to a person, and therefore is so loved by both children and adults.
The program "Fables in the Faces" includes folk tales, folk tales, buffoons, tales and fairy tales, songs from the series "Memories of My Childhood", "Pribautki", fragments of "Tales" by I. Stravinsky in a vocal arrangement by the Pokrovsky Ensemble.
Musical director - Maria Nefedova.
Director - Olga Yukcheva.