To the 80th birthday of Vladimir VYSOTSKY Theater on Taganka is preparing a performance
"RUN, ALICE, RUN" staged by Maxim DIDENKO.
In the country where I call you, it may be snow and hail.
And there is no sleep - everything is real, and there is no turning back.
V. Vysotsky "Alice in Wonderland"
A lot of creative life of Vladimir Vysotsky is connected with the Taganka Theater. He was "born" in the walls of the "Taganka", and the theater is not inextricable with Vysotsky, he was equal to him, on his shoulder. Therefore, the Taganka Theater can not pass by such an event and already in January 2018 will present the play "Run, Alice, run."
“ Great performance! We got great pleasure from the idea and its implementation!