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Birthday of Joseph HAYDNA

Birthday of Joseph HAYDNA6+

Purchased earlier: 15
from 400 rubles 
119002, Moskva, Nikolopeskovskiy B. per., 11
01 h 20 min



Mirror Hall (Cannon, 4, p. 2) Friday, March 31, 2017, 19.00 Subscription No.2 "Composer's Birthday" Josef HAYDNA's Birthday Divertissement for Orchestra Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in D Major Concerto No. 1 for Cello and Orchestra in D Major Concerto For Violin and Piano and Orchestra in F Major Chamber Orchestra "THE SEASONS" Conductor - Honored Artist of Russia Vladislav BULAKHOV Honored Artist of Russia Graf MARZHA (violin) Laureates of International Competitions Oleg BUGAEV (cello) Natalia GOOS (piano) Irina NIKONOVA (pianoforte) Anom) March 31 is the birthday of the genius Austrian composer Josef Haydn. It is on this day in the Concert Hall at Cannon will be a subscription evening dedicated to his music. Tchaikovsky said of Josef Haydn: "If it were not for him, there would be neither Mozart nor Beethoven." Haydn's creative career began long before Mozart, and his last creations appeared when Beethoven was already known in Europe. And both considered Haydn their teacher and first friend. The princes, kings of different countries listened to Haydn's music enthusiastically, ordered him symphonies, quartets, oratorios. Gilded carriages with intricate arms often came to his small house in the outskirts of Vienna. Napoleon himself, they say, wanted to hear in the concert the oratorio Creation of the World. From London, Paris, Petersburg they sent Haydn honorary diplomas and medals. The authority of Haydn was enormous! According to legend, at the end of May 1809, when Napoleon besieged Vienna and the city fell, the messengers from the city arrived with regrettable news: the 77-year-old Joseph Haydn, who is bedridden, may be living his last days. And the dictator suspended the offensive, so that the greatest music creator could leave this world alone. His legacy is enormous and the creative process itself flowed joyfully and easily! "Inspiration plays on me like a clavier," he told contemporaries. And two centuries later, listening to the program of today's concert, we join this ease! Concerts in which the clavier is soloed, or a cello, or even two instruments at once: clavier and violin are examples of that heritage that continues to please us today! Listen carefully. His music is still with us.
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